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Enough is enough Anet!


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Hey there, 

Thie post is mainly for other coms out there, since the topic will be adressing the poorly designed commander menu we struggle with on a daily basis. 

Let's jump right into sha'll we. My first issue and probably biggest issue with the design, is the grid system. When or if u have a squad of 15 players or higher. Why, WHY!?!? Can i only see condis on ppl in my party? No freaking way i have to choose between being able to see the health of the whole squad, or condis in my party. This leads to seriously wasteful cleansing callout's. Am i supose to just assume, cause ppl in my pt have condis on them, everyone else dos too? That's seriously messed up. I refuse to believe im the only com, who is fed up with this half arsed com menu.

My second issue, this is again to do with the poorly designed grid/party mechanic. Why can i not have more then 1 party, and still have everyone WHO IS IN THE SQUAD! being able to see target? And im not talking about the usless marks system. The actual target, where ppl push a button, and get a target lock. Im so tired of this s*hit!

3rd issue is not super big, but it still needs a mention imo. I cant operate my com menu while autorunning? This is 2023 right? 🤦‍♂️

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Having the commander see all the info would be redundant since almost all of it would be ignored. No commander is going to care about knowing that player #34 has 12 stacks of voulnerability and 6 stacks of bleed on him.

There is a reason why a party is an "independant" structure within the squad - they are supposed to handle themselves in combat, that includes target priority. 

If commander suggestions just boil down to "how do I zerg better by stacking this rabble of brainless zerglings" then its not really good for the game as whole IMO.

I would prefer to see better commander functions that actually get us away from this nasty idea of "omg I am the commander now this is my border everyone else gtfo THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!1!!" way of viewing the commander tag. Hover over map descriptions, more shapes to choose from, dynamically adding something to identify the current size, all the things that improve actual visibility and distinction of the tag from other tags to encourage the use of more squads on the battlefield without making it taboo.

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12 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Having the commander see all the info would be redundant since almost all of it would be ignored. No commander is going to care about knowing that player #34 has 12 stacks of voulnerability and 6 stacks of bleed on him.

Yeah that might true for 30+ squads. But if ur running 10-20ish being able to call proper cleansing and seeing the hp of everyone at ones, is quite important. I know big zergs dont care cause all they do is scream, drop everything here, cleans cleans, heal heal.... in any random order anyway. I dont know how others might be commanding. But when im commanding i care about everyone in the squad, and not just the ones In my pt alone. And the way this system works, prevents that. 


22 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

There is a reason why a party is an "independant" structure within the squad - they are supposed to handle themselves in combat, that includes target priority. 

Yes, that might be true. So basically u think it's a good idea that each pt has a sup commander, also doing targeting, instead of just 1 person doing(the com) it? That makes 0 sence. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of the com. If each other pt has to have their own com doing stuff and trying to follow tag atm. 

Dont get me wrong, its not that I dont understand the idea of the pt/grid system. All im saying is there has to be an easier way for the com, to have total control over his squad. With out having to rely on other players in other pt's trying to copy what hes doing. That's insane in my book. 

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When I am in squad, I switch off the grid so I only concentrate on the sub group I am in, when the grid is off I will only have 5 players (including myself) who is on my sub group and I can see if they get all the boons/buff they suppose to get when I execute the skill, if my team stay alive, I've done my job.

One thing the commander needs  is "stream voice from discord" for those STUBBORN players who doesn't want to go on discord. 

Edited by babana.7521
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9 hours ago, Thomas.2564 said:

Yes, that might be true. So basically u think it's a good idea that each pt has a sup commander, also doing targeting, instead of just 1 person doing(the com) it? That makes 0 sence. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of the com. If each other pt has to have their own com doing stuff and trying to follow tag atm. 

In the real world a military can organize a squad of multiple fireteams (5ish peeps), with each fireteam led by a teamleader and the squad led by the squadleader. Does not that sound familiar? Is it a coincidence? Does it really make no sense? 

But granted, I guess the difference is that in GW2 the commander is the God Emperor of his devout followers and they should all stack and push by the grace of their Lord and Savior or be executed on the spot for disobedience and falling behind.

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16 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

In the real world

What about gw even slightly resembles "real world combat"? Im sry, but that's a weak argument, for an online mmo bro. I understand what u mean tho. But this is not the military bro 😅 its a game! 


16 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

But granted, I guess the difference is that in GW2 the commander is the God Emperor of his devout followers and they should all stack and push by the grace of their Lord and Savior or be executed on the spot for disobedience and falling behind.

Judging by this statement. Im assuming u dont command on a daily basis, do u? And if that's the case, im sorry, but ur opinion has 0 value in this discussion. People who dont command daily or even ever! Have no clue what commanding requires of a person in this game. IF u wanna do it properly. If u think casually tagging up now and then, off peak, commanding some roamers around, even with out voice, and flipping some wooden towers and camps, gives u the right to call ur self a commander, nuh uh, hell no! If u or anyone else fits this desciption, and feel like giving insights, into what commanding requires. Plz dont. 

And no, commanders are not god emperors in wvw. But if u DONT tag and take the hard fights. U aint got a f'ing clue what a commader goes through when tagged. So if u feel like coms add arrogant and almighty buddy. Why dont u try tagging up ur self during peak. And we will see if u can hack it. Otherwise plz keep ur OWN feelings about commanders to ur self. 

Edited by Thomas.2564
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17 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

I guess I hit a nerve but if the commander is so stressed tagging I still dont see how overwhelming then with information the've clearly never had any use for before would help.

That had nothing to do with the original topic of the post. That was clearly a statement about u, commenting on something, which u know norhing about. 

But lets just forget about that. I aint here to cause drama and bad vibes. I just want anet to put more thought into a tool, that is supose to help commanders. And right now, its simply not living up to its full potential, imo. 


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To simply answer this questions about the commander UI marks and wvw in general, Anet does not care for any other game mode just for PvE since most of the microtransactions are made from PvE players. After the release of the kitten expansion they have focused all man power (even the one person in charge of wvw) to fixing all the kitten the expansion caused to the game. Not only that they are not interested in making improvements to the commanders UI they don’t even consider doing quality of life changes like “consume all” to the tactics that you get from chests or even finishing the alliance project. It seems that Anet now cares more for releasing more quantity low quality content than less quantity more quality content just to make us pay the same money for worst expansions more often. I would be amazed if i don’t get suspended after saying all this.To sum this rant money=pve , kitten content for same money as the old content, if pve works other modes can suck it. 

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