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Scribe - what is wrong here

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I've been able to place them as decorations and return them to storage, so I would say yes they are available.  Also I have bought a number of other items from the vendors for crafting with and they are also red.

I've used the bench to get to level 50 so I would say yes to your second question too.


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Placing items as decoration and removing them again is part of the "Decorator" permission. You might need the "Use Placeables" in addition to that.
It would allow you to also access the guild sieges and feasts, I just do remember not being able to use guild owned banners while crafting because I was missing that second permission.
Could be a combined thing.

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1 hour ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Apparently, the patch broke something again. The same thing happened to the SotO decoration a couple of weeks ago, whose recipes did not recognize certain already crafted pieces of decoration.

OP posted this pre-patch but that's worth mentioning if the OP has guild permissions and then it doesn't work.  I've been crafting this past week, including yesterday, with no issue.  Guessing it's simply guild issues.  

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