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Adding Heterochromia and Prosthetics to the character creation menu

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2 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

That would be Ash Tribune Torga Desertgrave, and my tribune would appreciate being addressed by name, thank her very much.

I mean in the character creation screen.

I have the female version: https://i.postimg.cc/65vkSHFK/gw360.jpg
(although I use a full face mask on her https://i.postimg.cc/Pf9GSG3K/gw374.jpg meaning nobody actually sees her eye color in game xD)

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On 10/19/2023 at 6:03 PM, GlowDonk.5810 said:

As someone with Heterochromia (I don't have any prosthetics though), I get sad when there's no heterochromia option when making characters, alongside that, I don't like that there are some armor skins that are prosthetics (like the Pirate Hook and Peg Leg). The ability to have Prosthetics (be it made from Jade Tech, or other means) and the ability to have eye colors split into one color for each eye would be very cool, and would be inclusive for people with heterochromia such as myself

Jokes on me, I have central heterochromia and literal freckles in my iris.  No game will ever have eyes to match mine.

You can use different head armor items to give traditional heterochromia but not central heterochromia.  Armor skins that give prosthetics make much more sense than character creation options.

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2 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I mean in the character creation screen.

I have the female version: https://i.postimg.cc/65vkSHFK/gw360.jpg
(although I use a full face mask on her https://i.postimg.cc/Pf9GSG3K/gw374.jpg meaning nobody actually sees her eye color in game xD)

Let's be honest, that's one of the silly things about this whole conversation. I'd love for there to be EVERY custom option you can think of in the game. But even if we had all of them, most of them are completely invisible. Maybe it's just my poor vision but I know I couldn't see heterochromatic eyes on a character portrait. I don't think I could tell you anyone's eye color looking at the tiny portraits. THen add in masks (most of my characters are scholor professions), hoods, helmets, and the camera looking from the back most of the time and you never see these things anyway. You're given body options including harder and softer bodies....and then you wear robes or armor over it. The whole thing is really just an exercise in self-satisfaction that really has nothing to do with the game, but self-esteem and power.

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On 10/20/2023 at 1:44 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

Does GW2 have to represent each and every type of person on the planet?

Totally agree and it would not be possible even if they tried. And game would end up bad anyway, with all the "things" going on in today world.

I dont know how about other people but I dont play the game to play myself. If I dont have a leg, I dont want to play someone without a leg for example. 
I am all up for more customization but eyes for example are hardly visible, just stick to making new hair and faces. More people would enjoy it than what OP suggested. 

So yes, wasted resources on this, in my opinion atleast.

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49 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

That is.....severely cool. What colors?? I didn't even know what was a thing.

The middle is a light brown, not quite amber (in an almost starburst shape along the muscle fibers) and the exterior is grey with a faintly darker edge (normal iris stuff).  Grey and other pale eye colors tend to be more reflective of the environment so it can be more blue or more green depending on the weather.  The freckles are usual freckle color, dark brown.

Eye color is both determined by melanin deposits and where they are deposited in the layers of the iris.  Blue eyes have less melanin and the pigment is very near the surface of the eye.  Green has a little more melanin.  Grey... is a bit curious but the theory is the melanin is in a deeper layer of the iris so the color is... scattered? more.  Add in the freckles all over my skin and even in my eyes what you've got is really just some very irregular melanin distribution.

I don't know the statistics but it wouldn't surprise me if central heterochromia and freckles were often occurring together.

Edited by Vain.3805
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1 hour ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

The whole thing is really just an exercise in self-satisfaction that really has nothing to do with the game, but self-esteem and power.

Some humans bleach their butt crack, whose gonna see that? Not even the owner of said butt xD But that owner may feel better just by knowing it.

Let people be obsessed with aesthetics, it's natural. I recently read an article about chicken that are more attracted to symmetrical human faces (just like humans).

My game is set to standard skin. So I see everybody else as a standard model but me. I'm the most beautiful one among all others. And I'm aware that it's only me who sees that and I don't care. (Originally I set it in wvw so I don't get distracted by some blinky flashy armor/weapons things of others and with time I preferred that and have that as default everywhere).

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I rarely write on forums, but this thread catched my eye. I have to second almost fully what ShadowKatt.6740 said (and interesting references to non formal fallacies).

I'm really fed up with the need of feeling self reflected everywhere, now on games too and represent every part of the current times in a free time activity I wish to enjoy as a diversion of those very current times. And as a part of a "minority" (or no so minor nowadays it seems), I do not want any privilege, overvisibility, or anything for things I have not chosen to be or to have. I just want to be like anybody else, which I blissfully am, and keep my circumstances for myself or my loved/relative ones. No hiding, ever, but definitely no need to self-tag everywhere, and specially, no right for other people to speak in my name just for sharing that particular circumstance which makes them a "minority", to push their own agendas or intentions. And I've been playing videogames since I was six, to have fun and even to learn.

What I look in GW2 is to have fun, enjoy a story, meet people, doing challenges and let time pass over the free time I have. And I demand more on that. I don't seek some kind of reaffirmation or compassion, that's not why I'm playing for, and that's not where I want devs to put their talent. It's surprising how many threads on things like this one are around, as if a forum of politics would be.

And BTW, I also have blue-eyed heterochromia, something no one needs to know or cares, but I'd never, ever, imagine someone would consider that needed to be represented in a game or a reason to feel special. In fact, I'd never give it any importance (apart from the curiosity).

Edited by Knight.6914
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I am not a big proponent of the idea that we need options related to real life conditions, circumstances, etc but I am totally fine with adding options to the gem store or total makeover kits so long as they have a good chance of being sufficiently profitable to offset real and opportunity costs associated with their development.

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On 10/20/2023 at 1:27 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

Should Anet, then, also implement wheelchairs?  Both the manual and motorized ones?

Putting aside any accommodation questions, it could lend itself to some Professor X style cosplay (the available options would likely be Asura, Charr or Jade like everything else "technological"). I'm just having trouble getting past the idea of a Mesmer in a chair popping clones and dodging, or a Thief in one popping in and out of stealth. How does it work underwater? Or to be more seasonal about it, imagine taking a mobility chair onto either version of the Mad King's Clock Tower. 🤨

I'd think that mechanically the most they could do with that idea (given the existing engine) would have to be a movement toy like the sonic tunnel or witch's broom. But upon entering combat the riding toys are automatically turned off, so immersion would be broken anyway. There are definitely limits to what can be done, but the more important question is what should be done in order to maintain the game's fantasy and suspension of disbelief. I'd say that if a wheelchair is needed, the Tyrian answer would be to run around in a golem suit a la Taimi, or just use any other mount.

I'm all for improving the game's pathetic accessibility for the actual human beings logging in and playing the game, yes. I believe 100% that should be worked on and even prioritized. There are lots of visual, audio and GUI issues that challenge players with disabilities (or even simply those of us with glasses/contacts or arthritis) and that should be worked on. If nothing else, it makes the game attractive to more customers. However, making the character-creation panel in the game capable of reflecting all possible human variation IRL is absurd and unnecessary.

While that doesn't bear on OP's mostly-cosmetic request at all (heterochromia is in no way a disability), at some point there has to be a line drawn that says "The game takes place in Tyria, not on Earth. HERE is where reality ends and the immersive world-building fantasy begins."

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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