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17 hours ago, Absurd.2947 said:

Who said anything about size? But yes, organised groups should win against unorganized randoms. If you refuse to squad up and at least put in a little bit effort then that's 100% on you, not a bad game design. How is this a such a hard thing to grasp?


Regardless of size or comp, skill should win fights.  If you are running around with your map que, with perma-every boon, and I catch you (or get you) out of position, I should kill you, assuming I am better or counter the build.  A lot of the time I do.  But, more than half the time, the player is instantly ressed , downed again, instantly ressed, downed again, instantly ressed and by then is usually back inside the map que nut-hugging the boon blob.  The punishment for mistakes should be a walk from spawn, not being hard-carried by downstate and numbers.

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1 minute ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

Regardless of size or comp, skill should win fights.  If you are running around with your map que, with perma-every boon, and I catch you (or get you) out of position, I should kill you, assuming I am better or counter the build.  A lot of the time I do.  But, more than half the time, the player is instantly ressed , downed again, instantly ressed, downed again, instantly ressed and by then is usually back inside the map que nut-hugging the boon blob.  The punishment for mistakes should be a walk from spawn, not being hard-carried by downstate and numbers.

What skill? Am I still on the GW2 forums? I'm sorry, but if your cloud can't finish one guy repeatedly pulled from a stack and downed then there's something wrong with your server.

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17 hours ago, diomache.9246 said:

I think it's mostly because fighting mag is utterly boring - and that's a design issue. You can of course kill certain classes but it's a lot work and you get almost nothing for it. When you have to chase a kill over the map until he runs out of cooldowns for no reward it's stupid.

Additionally when those people run into portals and reset over and over again. That's why no one is fighting mag.


I know some people thing ppk means something or getting killed hurts their ego, but the majority doesn't give a f when they get killed. And ego is the biggest problem here.

What the excuses mean:

Their playstyle is boring = they win more than you.

They run away = they don't stand still when the boonblob pushes at them, so fewer bags.

They hide in smc = in lower tiers we would own smc.

Ego is the reason every single giant comped guild in NA avoids Mag.

Edited by MedievalThings.5417
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17 minutes ago, Absurd.2947 said:

What skill? Am I still on the GW2 forums? I'm sorry, but if your cloud can't finish one guy repeatedly pulled from a stack and downed then there's something wrong with your server.

Is 1 player a cloud?  If you need 49 other players to stop you from having to walk back from spawn, there's something wrong with your server.

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Looking forward to the ghost town WvW will become.   Ran around three maps last night and saw 4 players, ran with 1 for a little while saw a few run away, guess 2v2 was too much for them, flipped all the camps and a few towers I ran through, I saw one giant boon bomb camp a garrison all night.   It was solid game play, simply watch them jump 1 to 2 players outside of the garrison.  It was like watching a bunch of people grabbing that last TV on sale at store on Black Friday.   Solid game play and Solid strategy, 50 v 2.  Think of all the bags they got from 2 players.


Edited by Quirin.1076
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2 hours ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

What the excuses mean:

Their playstyle is boring = they win more than you.

They run away = they don't stand still when the boonblob pushes at them, so fewer bags.

They hide in smc = in lower tiers we would own smc.

Ego is the reason every single giant comped guild in NA avoids Mag.

I don't think you understand what I said, but this is ok. I just put you on the "outcast skritt list"

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3 hours ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

Regardless of size or comp, skill should win fights.  If you are running around with your map que, with perma-every boon, and I catch you (or get you) out of position, I should kill you, assuming I am better or counter the build.  A lot of the time I do.  But, more than half the time, the player is instantly ressed , downed again, instantly ressed, downed again, instantly ressed and by then is usually back inside the map que nut-hugging the boon blob.  The punishment for mistakes should be a walk from spawn, not being hard-carried by downstate and numbers.

That is frustrating, but I also often notice my side not finishing downs or making a lane hot with Control and I rarely see any kind of team split, even in small scale. It's hard to put two or three perfect storms together. 

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Not even sure why this has become, legimatizing pin sniping, as an unwritten rule or otherwise.

For clouders, struggling for coordination, not all 'boon balls' or organized squads are unkillable, even without pin sniping, there's a skill ceiling, but not a high one.

If you make mistakes as a support in your party, especially as a FB, your party is probably going to wipe or you don't have the secondary supports; skill wise or quantity wise, to cleanse or resist conditions and immobilize.

Your party will get wiped, from Soft and hard cc, which can be spammed quite easily right now, especially against clouds. That's the thing though the level of skill isn't that high for this game mode or even PvP, which failed as an esport, but it is there and it shows.


Edited by CrimsonOneThree.5682
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