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Live Now: Through the Veil, first major update for SotO

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The map was surprisingly ok, though I had very low expectations. At least I don't have 12 fps like in the Tower (but it's still small and with few buildings for now).

The story... honestly I'm not even following it that close. Despite I never skipped any dialogue in the first 2 expansions, now I often find myself browsing the inventory or checking LFG while the NPCs are talking. The way they talk (so slowly and with a low voice), the things they talk about... I don't care, really. They just make me sleep. The fact that the "my" Commander became someone with a lot of free time, bothered, willing to do anything just to kill some time ("would you come to my realm to kill my king?" "sure, you seem trustable, for a stalker, and I have nothing to do"). I lost connection with my character.

Overall, I'm not liking this new format, although I understand why they did it. It's not only the story, but the fact that we have to wait months for a small update. In the past we had new features like mounts, gliders, even useless ones, like a jade bot, but all at once. I could start to work on a legendary armor doing raids, slowly, but I could see the full end, and if it was worth. Now we have 40 relics, then 12, then part 1 of the legendary armor, then part 2, then new relics... I still didn't open my chest with 3 relics because I didn't find a good condi one for my engineer. As result, I lost 10% of my dps and I stopped doing raids. I stopped working on this new stuff until I know what the final relics will be or if the new legendary armor will be better than just buying it with my ascended shards. Splitting the story in several parts is fine, but please avoid splitting also the new features/items in the future. It just makes casual players to hang for 1 year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To call this a "major" update is dishonest at minimum... The only part of this update that is OK (for now) are the convergences... apart from that everything is over too fast, the masteries are useless, and the new map is washed out and looks dull compared to the rest of Tyria.

I was hopeful this new direction ANet was taking with yearly updates would be worth it, but so far I'm only encouraged to put my money into other games 

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