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Poll - Would you pay more for a bigger expansion?


(Poll) Would you pay more for a bigger expansion?  

136 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you pay more for a bigger expansion?

    • No, SoTo's price is good for me.
    • 30 dollars for the equivalent content
    • 40 dollars for the equivalent content
    • 50 dollars to get doble content of SoTo
    • 60 dollars for the equivalent content
    • 75 dollars for three times SoTo content
    • No, SoTo wasn't worth it.

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31 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I live in one of the most expensive regions in the world and $20 will indeed get you a movie ticket.

As to whether SotO was overpriced? $25 for something that has provided essentially zero positive while reducing the game experience for me seems like it might qualify as overpriced.  I am someone who spent as much as a thousand dollars per month at the height of my spending on GW2, $25 is a pittance but even $1 for a bad experience is an overspend.

But it isn't? 

You think anet price a game 3x below market value of a expansion, because they think the games good. 

Or do you think they've discounted the price massively because its not good. 

The price I'm afraid reflects the creators opinons. No company charges a 3rd of the price for the hell of it. It dont exist, 

You basically went to the reduced section of the shop to buy damaged products for discounts buying SoTo. 

This is business. The games budget is set by NCsoft. NCsofts budget will depend on what the game makes. 

Gw2 is the lowest earner of all ncsofts investments. Releasing content in any other game assossiated, simply makes the company more money. 

So they can just keep gw2 on life line support by feeding the overfloods of money into it to retain some level of face in the western markets. 

Your buying reduced to sell products, in a world where money talks and getting annoyed because the substandard or content. 

Anet have already discounted the product for its substandard content you basically got a 3/4s refund the moment you bought it. 

WoW did it, because they inflated the market and then let boosting flood into it to print cash without steep box prices, and with a sub cost theh generate lost money immediately. 

Gw2 has done it, because they have to lol there's a difference, there's no ploy to generate money. Gw2 went f2p because it quite litterally couldn't survive if someone had to spend more then peanuts on the game. 

And thats the fact. 

Pay peanuts, get monkeys. 

Developers aren't paid enough, so any good developer will leave to get into larger companies offering more money. 

Teams axed, so there aint enough people to work on several developments at a time meaning everything sat in one queue. 

Game bleeds it's low finances into ncsoft to keep themselves alive. 

Unless something changes. Rhe expansions will only get smaller, the games population will only get smaller, and its gonna be the next wildstar. 

My cinema is £16 a ticket. I will get 2 hours of entertainment, and yes this does matter lol. Its priced to keep people watching more and more movies, thus keeps the generation of money income, 

If £16s is the value of 2 hours entertainment. 

How many hours of entertainment should £20 be?. 

And saying "well I spent 1k cash on the game" is irrelevent. Because once a decision is made, ur basically forced to sit through it. Because what u pay, is just to make up for the other 100 people who play f2p. 

They rely on high spenders to fund the f2p accounts, and thats the issue, spending money on this game will only ever be to fund f2p / Non spenders.

The games value has to go up a mmorpg generating less then 100 million in 2 years is a joke. And people stating "well eso was forced to go f2p". Doesnt that send alarm bells when I'm telling you gw2 generates LESS?!?!. 

And I'm afraid saying "well captivate a larger audience and earn more through popularity" don't work. 

They need the money to invest to make the game larger to bring a bigger audience, rhey need the money First. Not after lol. 

Ncsoft a decade into the lifespan of gw2. Aint gonna get up and say "oh triple ur team size, get a huge expansion going, we will talk numbers after". They will want upfront results before they're gonna give a green light. 

And the game hasn't had upfront results since HoT. 

Edited by Puck.3697
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4 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

But it isn't? 

You think anet price a game 3x below market value of a expansion, because they think the games good. 

Or do you think they've discounted the price massively because its not good. 

The price I'm afraid reflects the creators opinons. No company charges a 3rd of the price for the hell of it. It dont exist, 

You basically went to the reduced section of the shop to buy damaged products for discounts buying SoTo. 

This is business. The games budget is set by NCsoft. NCsofts budget will depend on what the game makes. 

Gw2 is the lowest earner of all ncsofts investments. Releasing content in any other game assossiated, simply makes the company more money. 

So they can just keep gw2 on life line support by feeding the overfloods of money into it to retain some level of face in the western markets. 

Your buying reduced to sell products, in a world where money talks and getting annoyed because the substandard or content. 

Anet have already discounted the product for its substandard content you basically got a 3/4s refund the moment you bought it. 

WoW did it, because they inflated the market and then let boosting flood into it to print cash without steep box prices, and with a sub cost theh generate lost money immediately. 

Gw2 has done it, because they have to lol there's a difference, there's no ploy to generate money. Gw2 went f2p because it quite litterally couldn't survive if someone had to spend more then peanuts on the game. 

And thats the fact. 

Pay peanuts, get monkeys. 

Developers aren't paid enough, so any good developer will leave to get into larger companies offering more money. 

Teams axed, so there aint enough people to work on several developments at a time meaning everything sat in one queue. 

Game bleeds it's low finances into ncsoft to keep themselves alive. 

Unless something changes. Rhe expansions will only get smaller, the games population will only get smaller, and its gonna be the next wildstar. 

My cinema is £16 a ticket. I will get 2 hours of entertainment, and yes this does matter lol. Its priced to keep people watching more and more movies, thus keeps the generation of money income, 

If £16s is the value of 2 hours entertainment. 

How many hours of entertainment should £20 be?. 

And saying "well I spent 1k cash on the game" is irrelevent. Because once a decision is made, ur basically forced to sit through it. Because what u pay, is just to make up for the other 100 people who play f2p. 

They rely on high spenders to fund the f2p accounts, and thats the issue, spending money on this game will only ever be to fund f2p / Non spenders.

The games value has to go up a mmorpg generating less then 100 million in 2 years is a joke. And people stating "well eso was forced to go f2p". Doesnt that send alarm bells when I'm telling you gw2 generates LESS?!?!. 

And I'm afraid saying "well captivate a larger audience and earn more through popularity" don't work. 

They need the money to invest to make the game larger to bring a bigger audience, rhey need the money First. Not after lol. 

Ncsoft a decade into the lifespan of gw2. Aint gonna get up and say "oh triple ur team size, get a huge expansion going, we will talk numbers after". They will want upfront results before they're gonna give a green light. 

And the game hasn't had upfront results since HoT. 

Pay to value isn't exactly that mathematical. Less in subjective themes. 

One simple point is for example brand value, if i create an MMO and my competition is WoW i will need to give more for the same to get the same results (if i can...) they have leadership positioning and a super strong brand with loyal fans.

Another one is bad pricing, policy pricing (i want to give more value per price) and scammy pricing (go to a supermarket and check bundles).

Loyal communities can be both extra feed and used (milked).

Pricing also has a lot of subjectivity, example a 10 dollars skins is not comparable to a small DLC and still will sell and well depending of the skin.

The cinema ticket is a bad comparison in all senses xd

Now for the general feeling, yeah a low priced expansion will give less than one more expensive.

As for result per budget is a yes and not a good research can move budget some points and some "good" results also. This means that if they expected sales to go down around post PoF levels and they are around 50% more (i think thats the case) they can call it a success and move around more resources. (i doubt they will be given).

Also money is money, Anet doesn't need to have a Linage game to get good resources. In fact GW2 wasn't made around that big of a franchise xd

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15 minutes ago, Lucius.2140 said:

As for result per budget is a yes and not a good research can move budget some points and some "good" results also. This means that if they expected sales to go down around post PoF levels and they are around 50% more (i think thats the case) they can call it a success and move around more resources. (i doubt they will be given

Well yeah. 

If the game halfed in prize but 6x more people paid ofcourse the result would be a higher profit. The issue is the game has Been in a state where it needs to get 6x more people to join, not retain. 

The concept of making the gates cheap, in trade of micro transactions is fine. 

Guild wars 2 hurdle ironically however comes directly from this. 

WoW as a example, launches a bad expansion, people play the prior expansion farming transmog and mounts or achievements. 

The current WoW patch is over. People can go farm a assortment of content. 

Guild wars 2, if it doesn't launch enough content, you have nothing to do you can buy 100 mounts, but it aint giving you content. 

This makes content more paramount to this games success. 

There's no treadmill to drag addicts through content on repeat. 

There's no old content to farm for cosmetics. 

There's no reputations to farm for cosmetics. 

So no, ironically. Gw2 due to its model would require a budget, larger then WoWs to actually be capable of churning out the content nessercary to keep players engaging with the game. Its got nothing else to fall back on. 


During core, this games pvp and wvwvw scenes were large, awesome the content is the competitive nature. 

During HoT we got a massive set of maps, we got a new advances on pvp rankings, raids arrive for the first time. Metas expand massively. 

And then the game has flat lined since. 

PoF failed to capture the replayability the focus shift to pve from HoT through had killed alot of the pvp scene. 140+ members of staff cut, measures come in to cope. 

EoD attempted to drive life into the game, but just not generating enough money, once again its making pennies against the other mmorpgs. 

So now we're at SoTo. A attempt at yearly expansions, to try and double incomes from expansions. Well guess what, the team stated it takes them 9 months in their current teams measures to make a living world story. 

To simulataniously develope a new expansion, while creating content for the current one slowing this process down. 

Weather people like it or not. The current monetization isn't able to support rhe budget nor team size demanded for gw2. Because the game has nothing to fall back on as a loop gameplay to keep players logging on. 

So either 

1). The game generates more money, in turn able to expand the team working on the game, and lift budgets to faciliate larger and more frequent content. 


2) the games budget gets smaller and smaller as more and more leave the game due to losing the need to log into the game. 

One of those have to occur realistically, the expansions have gotten smaller and smaller. 

Also no. Anet isn't a small. 

You seem to forget, gw2 had a driving force of 12million pour into its launch. Gw2 was huge. The issue is:

- The absolute betrayal to its orginal audience. Pvpers, dissapeared, 

- the huge power creep continously poured in. 

- once directed at pve, the lack of content became more and more obvious.

- boons becoming 100% driving the game into a meta demand like no other. 

- the ignorance of pvp balancing or development. 

It followed the same failures as WoW ironically. The difference is WoW has thing like gear grinds to keep players addicted to, gw2 doesn't. Its competing in a pve focus market. Without any of the core fundamentals of pve in it lol. 

I'm sorry, but the games too cheap, for it demands for its needs, and because of this gw2 is never gonna climb the ladder, and its hand will be forced. Anet will be forced to do something it won't have a choice. 

Edited by Puck.3697
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4 hours ago, Puck.3697 said:

But it isn't? 

You think anet price a game 3x below market value of a expansion, because they think the games good. 

Or do you think they've discounted the price massively because its not good. 

The price I'm afraid reflects the creators opinons. No company charges a 3rd of the price for the hell of it. It dont exist, 

You basically went to the reduced section of the shop to buy damaged products for discounts buying SoTo. 

This is business. The games budget is set by NCsoft. NCsofts budget will depend on what the game makes. 

Gw2 is the lowest earner of all ncsofts investments. Releasing content in any other game assossiated, simply makes the company more money. 

So they can just keep gw2 on life line support by feeding the overfloods of money into it to retain some level of face in the western markets. 

Your buying reduced to sell products, in a world where money talks and getting annoyed because the substandard or content. 

Anet have already discounted the product for its substandard content you basically got a 3/4s refund the moment you bought it. 

WoW did it, because they inflated the market and then let boosting flood into it to print cash without steep box prices, and with a sub cost theh generate lost money immediately. 

Gw2 has done it, because they have to lol there's a difference, there's no ploy to generate money. Gw2 went f2p because it quite litterally couldn't survive if someone had to spend more then peanuts on the game. 

And thats the fact. 

Pay peanuts, get monkeys. 

Developers aren't paid enough, so any good developer will leave to get into larger companies offering more money. 

Teams axed, so there aint enough people to work on several developments at a time meaning everything sat in one queue. 

Game bleeds it's low finances into ncsoft to keep themselves alive. 

Unless something changes. Rhe expansions will only get smaller, the games population will only get smaller, and its gonna be the next wildstar. 

My cinema is £16 a ticket. I will get 2 hours of entertainment, and yes this does matter lol. Its priced to keep people watching more and more movies, thus keeps the generation of money income, 

If £16s is the value of 2 hours entertainment. 

How many hours of entertainment should £20 be?. 

And saying "well I spent 1k cash on the game" is irrelevent. Because once a decision is made, ur basically forced to sit through it. Because what u pay, is just to make up for the other 100 people who play f2p. 

They rely on high spenders to fund the f2p accounts, and thats the issue, spending money on this game will only ever be to fund f2p / Non spenders.

The games value has to go up a mmorpg generating less then 100 million in 2 years is a joke. And people stating "well eso was forced to go f2p". Doesnt that send alarm bells when I'm telling you gw2 generates LESS?!?!. 

And I'm afraid saying "well captivate a larger audience and earn more through popularity" don't work. 

They need the money to invest to make the game larger to bring a bigger audience, rhey need the money First. Not after lol. 

Ncsoft a decade into the lifespan of gw2. Aint gonna get up and say "oh triple ur team size, get a huge expansion going, we will talk numbers after". They will want upfront results before they're gonna give a green light. 

And the game hasn't had upfront results since HoT. 

But it is.

There is no established market value for mini-expansions. ANet themselves describes this as a new thing so, by their own description, there is no comparison.

As to $16 vs $20....comparing apples to oranges does no one any good. But, if you insist: The last movie I paid to watch gave me more than 2 hours entertainment for my money. SotO was a net negative in terms of entertainment for more than the price of the movie. 

As to my mention of how much I have spent, it was purely to demonstrate that I am willing to pay for my entertainment. That the price tag for SotO is not the breaking point for me but rather the content itself. A piece of feces does not become a good buy just because a restaurant gives it a low price on the menu.

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17 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

But it is.

There is no established market value for mini-expansions. ANet themselves describes this as a new thing so, by their own description, there is no comparison.

As to $16 vs $20....comparing apples to oranges does no one any good. But, if you insist: The last movie I paid to watch gave me more than 2 hours entertainment for my money. SotO was a net negative in terms of entertainment for more than the price of the movie. 

As to my mention of how much I have spent, it was purely to demonstrate that I am willing to pay for my entertainment. That the price tag for SotO is not the breaking point for me but rather the content itself. A piece of feces does not become a good buy just because a restaurant gives it a low price on the menu.

In reality mini expansion is a term that could mean Living World, DLC or small expansion. Terminology don't matter, what does is what the product is.

Anet put names to things that alredy have names in other games, has always been that way xd.

I hope they can do more and ofc its obvious the game has flaws in replayability.


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8 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

There is no established market value for mini-expansions. ANet themselves describes this as a new thing so, by their own description, there is no comparison

However a expansion price is a clue on the budget set for the expansion. Its obvious the game aint gonna put in more then it makes. 

And it's obvious content is gonna dwindle in a game making a 3rd of what other mmorpgs do. 

And there's no established market price for anything in the world lol. However there's competing prices, and what's considered the "norm". 

If every other game is box pricing at £60 and suddenly one doesn't, its a red flag,

Its also a indication that their employees are paid less then the same roles they fill in other companies, again. Its not going to spend more then jt makes. 

They reduced their product beneath the norm set for the product. 3x cheaper for 3x less, competitive pricing is a thing. 

And no. Its feces in your opinon. Lol, if I go watch a movie in the cinema and don't like that movie, it dont make it overpriced. Lol. That's not really how it works. 

SoTo is 3x cheaper then it's competitors so it's gonna be 3x smaller. You seen WoW DF?. The game has barely any content. 

SoTos priced to fail, which is basically what I'm saying, the price announces its failure. 

I do love how players will confuse face, it's pretty factual

Gw2 will have a budget set by NCsoft in terms of how much money they can reinvest in the game. That's the side effect of having a parent company. 

NCsoft only exists to make as much money as humanly possible. Their investments will go into the game that achieves that. 

There's no confusion. That's just factually how a business is run. Triple A games come at a price tag. Hence why jndie or start up games are priced low, because they don't offer the standards of a tripe A game. 

Gw2 is priced to compete with those indie / start up games. So you rly cant expect more. 

Edited by Puck.3697
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21 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

As Ashantara linked, you will have access to 40 core relics.  SotO access grants you 12 more and any future ones.  I'm going to guess they want people buying SotO, so unlikely to change at this time.  Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view) not all things are available to everyone, depending on what expansions and/or living world seasons they have.  


On 11/14/2023 at 12:59 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

It's a once per year purchase. 

Doesn't matter to me the content to price ratio. 

same, I would like to pay more for more content tho

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If they give more strikes and reboot raids then yes I'd pay more. For what SotO has to offer though, the current price a year is fine -- though I already find myself bored of this expansion which hasn't happened for me with previous xpacs, so maybe it's not so fine? lol 

There just isn't any focus on creating content for my type of gamer anymore. 2 strikes isn't enough, and abandoning raids entirely may have seemed like a smart move for them to make on their end but it's nearly impossible to sell any friends on the game when the topic of raids and dungeons comes up. 

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10 minutes ago, CoffeePlease.3082 said:

If they give more strikes and reboot raids then yes I'd pay more. For what SotO has to offer though, the current price a year is fine -- though I already find myself bored of this expansion which hasn't happened for me with previous xpacs, so maybe it's not so fine? lol 

There just isn't any focus on creating content for my type of gamer anymore. 2 strikes isn't enough, and abandoning raids entirely may have seemed like a smart move for them to make on their end but it's nearly impossible to sell any friends on the game when the topic of raids and dungeons comes up. 

I hear you.  Unfortunately, GW2 isn't really targeting your demographic.  It is much more centered on the casual, OW gamer.

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