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Players are being given 72 hours bans for unlocking waypoints for another player/account with turtle.

Neo K.9145

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It's been my experience that developers generally appreciate thought and ingenuity that goes into creative use of their products.  They often admire when customers find... loopholes.  Though they will be offended by really heinous misuse/abuse.(finding ways to tank metas, rip off other players, etc...) They can't endorse exp- misbehaviors, but they admire the thought and determination that goes into discovering them.(so long as it doesn't go too far, isn't malicious, etc...)  Laying down the rules and the smackdown comes from management.    This is where (in my experience) developers get offended the most - management nerfs their creations, that players were just having fun with.

Describing the Siege Turtle as 'lowkey useless' would probably offend the developers that implemented it.  I wouldn't say that when they could make it way more useful  with one function: the turtle parks, puts out its feet to stabilize itself(becoming immobile) and the pilot can now swap seats and use the guns.  To me, that would solve the most glaring issue with the Siege Turtle.  But because it's meant to be a two person mount, they won't do that.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

This thread has been appropriately closed, and people who believe they were suspended or banned in error should contact Customer Support if they wish to appeal. That said, we'd like to provide a little more context.

Most players using mounts or chairs to unlock waypoints are not caught in our automated bot reports. Even if they were, we do a manual review of such reports. Our team knows about this legitimate use of mounts and chairs, and we look at more contextual data to inform our review.

We understand that the possibility for false positives exists regardless; that is why we encourage those who feel their suspension is unfounded to contact Customer Support.

Thank you.

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