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[solved] [new daily] -near impossible to finish -100% impossible without pvp


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23 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

One of the main complaints about the WV is the lack of variety in both player choice and in the ones that are offered. The rewards are pretty good but the list of available chores can be a really mixed bag.

Do away with the pve wvw and pvp sections just let people mix and match what they want to do

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23 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

Consider choosing PvP.

I get my daily in one match usually, maybe two matches if one match is really terrible. You don't have to be good at PvP. Select unranked. You get into a random team. The matchmaker will keep track of your skill and place you in a team according to your skill level. Bock anyone who is talking trash, because unfortunately a subset of the PvP players are toxic and can't stand losing. Usually even a losing match is enough for your daily if you do your best.

Wvw, most times is 5 guards one sentry and dolly  and capture a supply camp, basically go for the camp on your way there you will pass a sentry 10-15sec  there is Dollys in camp and also camp as 5-6 guards and you also end up getting the camp basically daily on 1 -2 min

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On 12/10/2023 at 7:35 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

I dont know the distribution - but granted if you tick WvW you probably only want to tick WvW.

Yes, afaik you can tick one option (WvW, sPvP, or PvE) and get tasks only from that mode.  The one exception I've seen is the sPvP task to do 100,000 damage, which allows damage done in either sPvP or WvW.  I am quite happy for this setup as I find even the thought of doing most of the PvE tasks to be off-putting.

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On 12/10/2023 at 6:14 AM, Luna.6203 said:

I've already went to game and change it.. and yeah game told me that it will take affect on next daily reset.. which makes sense..

But kitten why these small checkboxes are even hidden behind small cogwheel icon. They should be right on top/middle of wizard window. There is prenty of space...

I'm wonder how many other players suffer from this. not knowing that's the case.. anyway not my problem anymore.. Im fixed.. thx again.

I agree. Yeah, it's pretty hidden from view. I have been very aware of it and adjust when I need to, however you would really need to look for it if you didn't know about it.

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Just an update... i choose spvp cuz that's what people recommend and its was easiest way to do daily in past as well. And last two days i did all possible dailys in one sPvP match. (if you lose and perform bad you might need two but still... these is one redundant objective).  i even played few more after that to finish weekly... They are all straight forward easily done with few pvp games except precipitation in tournament.

I can't stress enough how bad default choose is.. and its easily missable.. !!! This supposed to be my daily routine:
1) go to WvW and and finish 1-2 objective...
2) go to Spvp and finish 1-2 objective...
3) go to jumping puzzle and finish 1 objective..
every sigle daily !! you can image i give up eventually..  At least there should be more objectives for each mode if you choose this.. otherwise this chose doesn't make any sense and nobody would ever pick this..

And yeah i know its my fault i get it, i admit it.. you can hate me, blame me. But i think its is reasonable feedback right here for anet.. Im sure im not 1st nor last person stuffed from this after reading thought this thread .. take it how you want..

And speaking of feedback:
Disclaimer: i don't know all possible pve daily and weekly. so may be wrong and its my personal opinion.. i just saw a few pve objectives over couple of days..
i would actually took pve over pvp so i dont have to touch this game mode ever again (maybe i will for week to give it another try) but pve objectives could be better.. a lot... My problem with pve objectives is that they are too specific. I feel like pve daily/weekly are completely disconnected from daily routine of pve players.. Like kill [kill 100 Forged], or do something in new maps.. i dont even know what that was im in middle of SoO story.. gw2 is huge and you can't possibly do everything daily or even weekly.. they should be more generic. EX:

[kill 100 Forged] -> just kill XXX any mobs
complete 10 dungeons or fractals (you pick)
complete 3 raid wings or 3 cm fractals (you pick)
complete 3 map meta events in any expansion (you pick)
complete 30 any open world events (you pick)
complete any 1(daily) any 5(weekly) different jumping puzzles (you pick)
gather 10(daily) 100(weekly) any resources, ore, wood, herb
complete any heart(daily) 10 hearts(weekly)
same for vistas...
etc... you get idea...

But again that's my opinion. Feel free disagree... Anyway Im done here, thank you one last time for help. bb

Edited by Luna.6203
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The Wizard's Vault is a Zero-Sum (Win-Lose) Game.

Rather than providing a set number of PvE, PvP and/or WvW objectives, and letting the player decide which they'd like to see or receive. The Wizard's Vault instead provides a set number of Daily/Weekly objectives, with each addition selection (PvE, PvP, WvW) reducing the quantity of each objective type.

In other words. If you think of PvE, PvP and WvW objectives as being 3 pies. You're choosing whether to have one whole pie of a single type. Or two or three pieces of pie of different types. Either way the total amount of pie (objectives) remains the same, whether you make 1, 2 or 3 selections. You'll just get smaller slices of each, if you choose more variety.

This distinction is not made clear when the game first introduces you to the Wizard's Vault. Advising you that "You can customize the type of objectives you receive below. Select your preferences from these types. PvE, PvP, WvW. Confirm."

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14 hours ago, uberduber.7368 said:

This distinction is not made clear when the game first introduces you to the Wizard's Vault. Advising you that "You can customize the type of objectives you receive below. Select your preferences from these types. PvE, PvP, WvW. Confirm."

I don't know if that's "not made clear", considering it does literally say you can customize the type of objectives you receive. It doesn't say -for example- you can turn the visibility of tasks on/off (which btw wouldn't make much sense anyways). It says you will receive the objectives of the type/s you pick. Pretty sure that's exactly what these words mean.


On 12/13/2023 at 11:45 AM, Luna.6203 said:

And yeah i know its my fault i get it, i admit it.. (...) Im sure im not 1st nor last person stuffed from this after reading thought this thread .. take it how you want..

So what are you proposing? Stop looking for excuses when you literally just didn't care about reading 2 -or so- short sentences of explanation. The "default choice" is for the player to pick what they want, that's the point of the pop-up the first time you open wv. What's the alternative? Giving you a random mode? Unchecking everything so you get no dailies? Setting "the default" for everyone to what you subjectively want it to be? "Pick what you want or you'll get a bit of everything" is what makes the most sense here.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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6 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't know if that's "not made clear", considering it does literally say you can customize the type of objectives you receive.  . . .  It says you will receive the objectives of the type/s you pick. Pretty sure that's exactly what these words mean.

At the risk of feeding a troll. I don't believe you're trolling me. At least not intentionally. Are you?

We're both in agreement that you'll only receive tasks corresponding with the objective types you selected. Say I only ever play PvE, and decide to unselect PvP & WvW so as to filter those out. No issue there.

What's not made clear is that the number of tasks received for any type of objective (PvE, PvP, WvW) will vary based on the number of objective types selected. If despite my only ever playing PvE, I decide to keep PvP and WvW selected. Thinking that someday I maybe tempted to give other game modes a try, why restrict myself? Problem is, those additional selections would reduce, restrict, or filter out some of those PvE tasks I would have otherwise received. The game makes no mention of this.

Edited by uberduber.7368
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1 hour ago, uberduber.7368 said:

At the risk of feeding a troll. I don't believe you're trolling me. At least not intentionally. Are you?

We're both in agreement that you'll only receive tasks corresponding with the objective types you selected. Say I only ever play PvE, and decide to unselect PvP & WvW so as to filter those out. No issue there.

What's not made clear is that the number of tasks received for any type of objective (PvE, PvP, WvW) will vary based on the number of objective types selected. If despite my only ever playing PvE, I decide to keep PvP and WvW selected. Thinking that someday I maybe tempted to give other game modes a try, why restrict myself? Problem is, those additional selections would reduce, restrict, or filter out some of those PvE tasks I would have otherwise received. The game makes no mention of this.

It is true they dont say how many objectives you get but noone knew that when it got introduced and it dont really matter anyway, we know now you get 4 total no matter how many you tick.

Anet could have explained it to us when we were wondering if it would be 12 split in 4 each if all were ticked or 6 each if 2 out of 3 were ticked or 12 if you chose only 1 category, in the discussions we had before the release.

They in their wisdom thought it was a good idea to keep us in the dark there for reasons we will never know.

Edited by Linken.6345
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