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Matchmaking Blacklist for own team


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Please give us the option to tempory avoid people in our own teams.

It sould be possible to implement a blacklist for pvp matchmaking. If you are annoyed by a afk player than you can list him and wont get matched in his team for 1 week. 
This way many "afk mains" will end up in longer matchmaking time, cause they get listed by many players, and this will lower their income with afk pvp. and on the other side the people that wanna play pvp will slowly transform into a pool of realy motivated pvp players. This way the afk farmers are slowly driven out of this gamemode.
Temporary list is nessassary, cause you wont hurt someone that afked one match cause of a important phone call or something like this for a long time.

With such a function the pvp players can manualy take action against match manipulation and afking without the need that some poor guy of a-net, if someone like this is hired, must read the tickets and take action.

Maybe we get an option to add someone to our blacklist only in a match game and only from our own team. This way manipulation of this mechanic cant be abused. If someone gets the habit to block all players he dont like he also hurts himselfe cause he will get longer match making times. 

What do you think about a system like this1?

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The question is not if a system can be abused. The missing actions against afking players are also an abuse.

The question is: Is the system easier to abuse or not? Every sytem can be abused. But with a matchmaking blacklist it could be a more fun playtime than without this system. 

Edited by FataMorgan.6859
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super abusable

let's say i want top 1, so i duo i get another good duo, both add top 1 to our block list, matchmaking still going to try balance out the match by rating, so you likely to get both duos against top 1 duo, ez q snipe

with population this low if every player adds 1 person to blocklist it's likely nobody gets a match lol

I don't need much effort to think much effort to think 2 or 3 more abuses

your best option here is first add this person to your friend list and check if they're already in a match and q, in case they play offline status your best bet is q up as same class as they do cuz matchmaking tries to class mirror teams, downside is if the guy griefing is play a popular class this doesnt work very well, specially if the rating gap between you is 150+

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7 minutes ago, FataMorgan.6859 said:

The question is not if a system can be abused. The missing actions against afking players are also an abuse.

The question is: Is the system easier to abuse or not? Every sytem can be abused. But with a matchmaking blacklist it could be a more fun playtime than without this system. 

prolly not, cuz the mm it's already scuffed enough with this low player base, we already have plenty plat vs silver match, doing this will prolly push this issue a little further and result in back to back matches one team never had a chance to beat the other one

I already provided anet with plenty video reports to get to the conclusion they don't ban paying customers, the L DH and and a zerker player are already known afkers  with multiple threads in this forums, and nothing has been done, I add all those ppl to friends and keep track of the number of matches they play and it increases every day, so they never get banned doesnt matter how many reports or tickets you open with video proof.

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Well most players dont even care about Top rankings. There was too much shady action ongoing in this placements. 

But most players care about toxic afk players. If i can chose between a way to get rid of afking players or a way that maybe can be abused for top ranking than i woud be happy to get rid of afking players, AFK players hurt most of the playerbase. Top 10 ranking only a few players are interested in. There are too much ways the ranking system is already abused and a-net dont care about this few players


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On 12/16/2023 at 8:19 AM, Teknomancer.4895 said:

If you've added someone to your in-game block list, is it still possible to get teamed with them in a pvp match? If it's possible, that should probably be considered a bug.

Yes, you can still get teamed with them--the only thing blocking does is prevent communication.  

But yeah, blacklist is too easy to abuse if you just block everyone with lower ELO than you--would essentially create super teams and we already have double duo teams that mysteriously are put together--don't need that fifth slot being a smurf too.  

It's on anet to do a better job policing serial afk, but they never expand the report options very much so think we are stuck with that. 

Also seems a lot of people afk because of bad comps or if you have a team that ignores all nodes and doesn't communicate.  That is, lot of AFK out of frustration.  I've had matches where before they even start people Jerry Springer with each other from previous games and was still able to win just by playing well--if a team is winning rarely are they going to suddenly tank outside of top x% throwing situations.  

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back in the day you used to be able to exclude afk and bad players from your team. now the  community has the feature removed and won't stop complaining about the quality of their teammates, and how the game feels like a roulette with no control.... how amusing 🙄

Edited by Bunbury.8472
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3 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

back in the day you used to be able to exclude afk and bad players from your team. now the  community has the feature removed and won't stop complaining about the quality of their teammates, and how the game feels like a roulette with no control.... how amusing 🙄

Do you mean with teamq or have you come up with some hidden blacklist feature in your head that you will now insist existed before?

Latter is made up. Blame others all you want for the former. In the end it was Anet that removed teamq, not the community, and they did it because it was never popular aside from with the very top % of players (wonder why 🤔). Any complaints the community might have had could have been solved with a split queue too, only the teamq enthusiasts chose to cry about not being able to 5v1 instead so nobody got what they wanted. Very much a personal problem and a skill issue.

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10 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Do you mean with teamq or have you come up with some hidden blacklist feature in your head that you will now insist existed before?

Latter is made up. Blame others all you want for the former. In the end it was Anet that removed teamq, not the community, and they did it because it was never popular aside from with the very top % of players (wonder why 🤔). Any complaints the community might have had could have been solved with a split queue too, only the teamq enthusiasts chose to cry about not being able to 5v1 instead so nobody got what they wanted. Very much a personal problem and a skill issue.

what an unhinged take.

I'm just commenting on the constant irony present in the forums constant complaints about team mates, while also being so pro solo queue. how many times can a person try to put a square peg in a round hole?

honestly, I don't know 🤣🤣🤣

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3 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

what an unhinged take.

I'm just commenting on the constant irony present in the forums constant complaints about team mates, while also being so pro solo queue. how many times can a person try to put a square peg in a round hole?

honestly, I don't know 🤣🤣🤣

we all know, that all goes in the square hole

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8 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

what an unhinged take.

How is the truth; objective reality an 'unhinged take'?

8 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

I'm just commenting on the constant irony present in the forums constant complaints about team mates, while also being so pro solo queue.

What a lad(?).

8 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

how many times can a person try to put a square peg in a round hole?

honestly, I don't know 🤣🤣🤣

Still being determined, but for at least 5 years, going on 6 once we reach 6/12/24

But we making it out of 2023 with this one 🔥🔥🔥‼️

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This topic comes up a lot. 

I'd love to be able to bar known afk/bot players from my team. 

I don't blame people for trying to take matters into their own hands when Anet clearly won't. 

But with how small the current population is, you could easily abuse this to gain an edge on other players. 


A better solution would be for Anet to like... actually take action on people Afk/bot/cheat?

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