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Returning Player (Mesmer) Overwelmed


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Hey all, when I last played there were no xpacs, now I have HoT and PoF as I jump back in. Looking for priorities.

I have the raptor mount already, should I even go get the HoT glider or are the mounts just better? For priorities, is there anything in the winter event I need, or would you just focus on catching up with the xpacs? Doing hearts, events, exploring, etc.

I'm in full Exotic (base game all crafted), mostly Berserker gear and really enjoyed the GS/Staff combo for safety. I had every point in the base game so unlocked all skills and most of the Chronomancer tree for "Splosions." Is any of this still relevant or have the weapon priorities been completely revamped for Mesmer? I have shield/axe but NOT dagger as I don't own that xpac yet.

Appreciate any advice, I'm enjoying the game again, just when I login and see that map I skip a breath and don't know how to start lol. Many thanks all.


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As an exotic Berserker mesmer you are going to get squished in expansion content.

Your first priority should be gearing in full Ascended with some tanky stats like Celestial.

If you are going to roam in mostly vertical HoT maps the glider is a must. It can be replaced with skyscale, but skyscale is locked behind s04 and some wicked sick treasure hunts, or SotO.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, roam some low level maps first for a while, no need to feed the dragon minions by being unprepared.

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2 hours ago, Sarkonis.4036 said:

Is any of this still relevant or have the weapon priorities been completely revamped for Mesmer

No. No change in gear. But expansions happened and Mesmer(and every other class) got 3 Elite specializations.

So "core" builds are, how to say, more or less, kinda ... meh.

Nothing changed with your gear tho. It does the same as it did before.


  • Heart of Thorns is brutal on foot. With just gliding its still "I want to ragequit"
  • The more mounts you have and the more they are upgraded, the better HoT gets
  • With "wings" (griphon, skyscale), its not so bad.

I'd got into Path of Fire(PoF) and start unlocking all mounts. Also unlock Mirage Elite spec.

Staff Mirage is one of the easiest and simplest Open World/Story mission builds there is. Not the best damage (kinda slow TBH), but it gets the job done and its hard to find any other build that is safer.

P.S.: Ascended gear is not required. Exotic will do just fine for open world.

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Prioritize what YOU want. This game is very open and all of it is still relevant. Gliding is still useful as you can't (always) mount in combat and gliding is even used in some boss encounters.  Also, you aren't going to start working on Heart of Thorns and see no people or realize you did irrelevant content. New expansions don't replace anything they just stack on top with new weapons, specializations, and new stat combinations. The gear itself never improves beyond the Exotic or Ascended/Legendary being the best. So old maps, meta events, ect are still explored and relevant even 4 expansions in.

Don't be afraid of group content either. I had the fear that I needed Ascended first and so for years I never touched that content. Exotic is good enough. Sure the harder the content the more people will ask "can you provide X buff", but for the most part as long as you live, you'll win. Just join or make a group saying you are new and unless they are doing some challenge mode or specific achievement most groups will just be happy to have another person. Anyway, back on topic.

For the Holiday it's mostly just skins. You can get a cool greatsword that looks like a Nutcracker. Or even just sell the gifts you get if you don't care about skins and make some gold. Either way it's probably worth doing but again only if you want. It's not like you'll miss some powerful upgrade or something. There is a tree you can get for your home instance or an item that gives you buff if it eats enough snowflake currency. While these are nice upgrades to your account it's not game over to miss them this year if you have other priorities. Though I recommend the jumping puzzle as it's one of my favorites!

If you need more Mukluklabs has some great "I'm 80 now what?" guides or even specific winters day how to stuff. There are also many other great content creators and guides out there and of course us here on the forums if you have more questions. Enjoy the exploration!

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When it comes to gear, going full Berserker isn't always the best option anymore.  Power mesmers generally go for a high number of Assassin Pieces, enough to get 75% crit chance (100% under fury).  For Chronomancer and Mirage that is... nearly their entire set.  Power virtuoso runs less, since they need only 60% chance to crit due to their innate traits.  You don't lose much by staying full berserker, but if you never reach a point where you start updating your gear, consider consulting something like Snowcrows raid build guide for some specific tips.  As far as weapons go, the "best' is to use Dagger/Sword + Greatsword, but that would also require purchasing EoD and SotO.  For now, going with Sword/Sword +Greatsword or something similar will work just as fine.

When it comes to priorities... that question is harder to answer.  Reason being that most people here played the xpacs when they came out, so we didn't have to consider it.  From HoT, the one mastery that you'll definitely want for everywhere is Gliding.  The rest are used mostly in HoT and nowhere else.  The mounts from PoF are far more valuable, however it can be quite difficult to get the Gryphon and the Skyscale.  IF I were to try and optimize it without bothering with the stories, I would get the basic mounts (raptor, springer, skimmer, jackal) first, grind a bunch of events in those maps to level them up, then go to HoT.  You could always do the expansions in order if you want the more authentic experience, but know that most of HoT was designed like a maze.  

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The wintersday events give you gold if you're in dire need. Do the dailys and sell the gifts that are not account bound. Otherwise there is nothing special, unless you are after the new skins you get from the festival weekly chest. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sacred_Solstice_Chest

I played through PoF story recently, as mesmer. Mirrage specced. Actually for the previous halloween event I made this mesmer: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Tag_Mirage for tagging in the labyrinth. I liked the game play and stuck to it in open world. The staff mirrage is almost the same: https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Mirage_-_Condi_Mirage but I prefer GS over staff.

You can also stick to berserker if you can handle yourself well enough. Chrono is more difficult to play. HoT has quite a steep damage curve. Annoying mobs.

Gliding is a must. Since you need to level HoT masteries you can play the story anyway and your mounts don't matter there. You can't use them.
The raptor is fine enough for the open maps there. Important is that you learn to use the updrafts and everything you can get from the gliding mastery incl. ley line riding.

If you want to push your mounts, then level the raptor until he can do that large jump. The rest you can ignore. If you've no skyscale, then no other mount but the raptor is awesome to have in HoT.

If you like to play story and that chronological, then, sadly, you must invest in the seasons too, if you didn't buy a complete edition. The stories continue in the seasons which play inbetween the expansions.
HoT metas, after verdant brink, are still well visited. You can level masteries in the metas quite well.

PoF metas are not that popular, if at all. If you play PoF and level your mounts, level to 3 and switch to the next mount for leveling.

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Dang, I had a feeling Mirage might be easier, but I acted hastily and dumped 180pts into Chrono already. Will have to just take it slow and get more points as I progress.

Haven't had a problem yet staying alive. Did the first two mastery point (I think) fights solo and it probably took a good few minutes as I was rusty, but I still was able to get through it. 

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On 12/23/2023 at 7:46 AM, Sarkonis.4036 said:

Dang, I had a feeling Mirage might be easier, but I acted hastily and dumped 180pts into Chrono already. Will have to just take it slow and get more points as I progress.

Haven't had a problem yet staying alive. Did the first two mastery point (I think) fights solo and it probably took a good few minutes as I was rusty, but I still was able to get through it. 

Honestly I don't think many people here have tried to gear a new character for a long time especially with no gold. 

I think you have a done a great job already full Berserkers with Chronomancer, it is a fine first choice. These stats will not be compatible with either Mirage or Virtuoso for soloing. 

In terms of what you should work on next, getting that critical chance to 100% and also your rotation. The main mechanic for Chronomancer is Phantasm spam which is not only your primary damage but should prevent mobs from attack you when chained together. 

Focus on first using all your phantasms into Signet of Either then work in continuum split where you can.


Ps. Mirage it not easier, Virtuoso is the easiest but requires the most expensive gear. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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On 12/22/2023 at 5:12 AM, Nabbut.7480 said:

As an exotic Berserker mesmer you are going to get squished in expansion content.

Your first priority should be gearing in full Ascended with some tanky stats like Celestial.

I would not really consider Celestial tanky, I would consider Marauders the more tanky option for Chronomancer. 

Celestial is only really for the experience players who can min-max everything appropriately.

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If you're referring to the staff mirage build mentioned easier... it is only easier to play in some very select circumstances.  It is a condition build that requires maintaining clones to maximize damage, and it has a long ramp up time when doing damage.  This makes it pretty good for any enemy that is elite rank or higher, but while fighting veteran and lower enemies you'll find yourself constantly running out of clones and getting clobbered by many enemies that die way too slowly.  The main strengths of the build is that it is good for kiting enemies, as you can run away constantly while having clones do damage for you, and also it is relatively low maintenance once you've gotten all the clones out.  A third advantage is the ability to equip Trailblazer Gear and still do most of your damage, creating a tank that is slow to kill things but also very difficult to get killed.

For general overworld stuff, Chronomancer and Virtuoso are better.  There are many enemies that will die to a single use of Phantasmal Swordsman, or a single full power shatter, etc.  They'll die relatively quickly and with little fuss, so there's little reason to change over to staff mirage for them.  There are power mirage builds out there, and they can work, but they're generally not as recommended due to being more heavily clone dependent than the other two elite specs.  Bladesongs and Double-Phantasms are far easier to use than having to micromanage clones all the time.  

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