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WvW Skirmish Claim Ticket - how do I see when I reached the weekly limit?


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1 hour ago, Ragazm.6018 said:

If i understand it correctly. One can get 365 tickets through chests. But one can obtain more tockets by defending so the weekly limit is higher isn’t it?

or does one not get tockets for defending a t3 fortress when one has already reached max diamond chest?

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1 hour ago, CafPow.1542 said:

If i understand it correctly. One can get 365 tickets through chests. But one can obtain more tockets by defending so the weekly limit is higher isn’t it?

or does one not get tockets for defending a t3 fortress when one has already reached max diamond chest?

I honestly havent even noticed you can get it but since the wiki states you get 1 ticket for having participation above gold - and gold is the highest you can get - it wouldnt surprise me if Anet is trolling with awards.

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6 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

I honestly havent even noticed you can get it but since the wiki states you get 1 ticket for having participation above gold - and gold is the highest you can get - it wouldnt surprise me if Anet is trolling with awards.

It does work. As consistently as anything linked to defenses works nowadays.

Good luck to OP if their server adopted the "we'll get it back later" motto though, even for most T3.

Edited by Sirvaleen.1379
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I didn't even know that the rewards differed on such a level.
Is that just for defense (which I rarely get counted anyway)?

I often leave the claim circle to go after enemies or extract resources and then only get bronze, which I didn't care about before because I thought the differences between gold and bronze were unimportant. Because they have always been unimportant in PvE, in my experience.


4 minutes ago, Sirvaleen.1379 said:

Good luck to OP if their server adopted the "we'll get it back later" motto though, even for most T3.

Surprisingly, we are doing well, although the participation is rather poor due to the wintersday event.


3 hours ago, Ragazm.6018 said:

When you get diamond chest for first time in a week, then weekly limit is reached


I guess I can't see what chest I reached before last reset? A history. Maybe in gw2efficiency?

Edited by Lucy.3728
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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

I honestly havent even noticed you can get it but since the wiki states you get 1 ticket for having participation above gold - and gold is the highest you can get - it wouldnt surprise me if Anet is trolling with awards.

It does. I frequently saw a skirmish ticket flying in my bags during gameplay oitside of the chests. But I’m not sure if they are above those ominous 365 tickets.

theoretically one could farm way way more tickets if one defends t3 keeps nonstop… dunno? Maybe?

everybody already had this scenario where 3 zergs fight in SMC for 1 hour and all … 5(?) minhtes you get a defensive event with tickets. Doesn’t happen a lot tho but yeah.

this is not really practical i think. But my approach to wvw is anyway „play whats fun and if it’s no fun, do something else“ ^^

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58 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

often leave the claim circle to go after enemies or extract resources and then only get bronze, which I didn't care about before because I thought the differences between gold and bronze were unimportant. Because they have always been unimportant in PvE, in my experience.

Participation matters in pve for the amount of loot you get afaik.

leaving the claim circle implies that it’s not a defensive event tho. But besides that, i also sometimes leave the circle and still get silver or gold. I think participation is mot only measured by circle-tapping right?

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1 hour ago, CafPow.1542 said:

Participation matters in pve for the amount of loot you get afaik.

Participation yeah, but the level of it?

There are few events in pve that I do repeatedly, like Matriarch and Ley Line. And there's no difference.

Matriarch bronze: https://i.postimg.cc/yY5zk7kJ/gw359.jpg
Matriarch gold: https://i.postimg.cc/KvsmBns8/gw358.jpg
Bronze reward is even 1 (crappy) bonus item more xD

Ley Line (in Gendarran)
Silver: https://i.postimg.cc/tJGtJZFq/gw446.jpg
Bronze: https://i.postimg.cc/8zQwcYBd/gw447.jpg
Don't know, seems no level reached but still participated: https://i.postimg.cc/hjgHmjLr/gw458.jpg


1 hour ago, CafPow.1542 said:

leaving the claim circle implies that it’s not a defensive event tho. But besides that, i also sometimes leave the circle and still get silver or gold. I think participation is mot only measured by circle-tapping right?

Yeah offensive. I can hardly track defensive events because it is so rare xD

But in offensive the claim circle is everything that counts for gold in my experience.
I will get gold when all I did is barely reaching the circle and not having done anything in the event before.
I won't get gold when I did everything, siege the objective, kill the guards and do decent damage on the Lord but leave the claim circle then. No gold.

Sometimes all I do is kill a guard and leave the area then and maybe even leave the map and return later and I'll get bronze reward when it happens the objective gets claimed shortly after I re-joined the map. There seems to be a generous timer for offensive events. And no distance limit.

Defense however has just crap variables to trigger a participation.

I didn't check whether gold and bronze do reward differently because of my pve experience I never paid attention to the rewards.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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6 hours ago, Lucy.3728 said:

I need a few more of the skirmish tickets for another legendary armor. According to the wiki, I can get a maximum of 365 tickets per week.
Where can I see how many I have already received this week?

The 365 "limit" is hard set to what you earn off the skirmish reward track. It's now a soft cap since you can earn more than that separately through the wvw weeklies and OSR, regardless of how much you've earned in the skirmish track, both from defending and attacking like a T3 SMC or Keeps. 


You can check what you currently have left to earn off the skirmish track by opening the wvw menu with B and then second tab down(match overview), you will see the track, when you hover over the individual little circles under the chest color you will see the tickets you can still earn, up to the diamond chest. Click on all rewards to see all the chests.

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The only thing I'd add is that once you complete the diamond track, it will repeat, but the repeating diamond track has different rewards (no skirmish tickets, I don't think mystic coins either).  So if you have gotten to the diamond track and can't remember if you have completed it or not (played a lot and just clicked on the chests), go to the reward track as suggested above and hover on the diamond chests - if it is showing claim tickets, you haven't completed the diamond chests, if not showing any claim tickets, you have, and will not get any more through that, but can still get some through the weeklies and other activities.


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10 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

If i understand it correctly. One can get 365 tickets through chests. But one can obtain more tockets by defending so the weekly limit is higher isn’t it?

or does one not get tockets for defending a t3 fortress when one has already reached max diamond chest?

There are 3 ways to get tickets, the first 2 are significant, the last one is not.

1. Maintain participation by capturing, defending, killing players - that would be the series of chests you see on the second tab of WvW. If you click All Rewards it will show you Wood to Diamond. If you have them all checked off (4 chests each for Wood-Bronze, 5 chests each for Silver-Gold-Platinum, 6 chests each for Mithril-Diamond) that means you have earned the 365 reward skirmish tickets for the week resetting Friday night. 365 total.

2. "Weekly World vs. World" tasks, same tasks every week, you can find them in the World vs World achievements. Capture 5 ruins, capture Stonemist Castle, capture 3 keeps, defend 3 keeps, capture 8 towers, defend 8 towers, capture 15 supply camps, kill 15 dolyaks and kill 50 players. That is 9 total achievements. Each rewards you with 10 tickets. Resets Sunday overnight into Monday. 90 total.

That's how you get 455 tickets. Some things are harder than others. Defending 8 towers, spending time in Eternal Battlegrounds to cap Stone Mist Castle. But some are super easy, capping 5 ruins for 10 tickets is easy. 15 camps, 15 dolyaks over a week also easy.

3. If you attack or defend a significant objective you can gain +1 ticket - example, a T3 tower - I got bronze participation, I get +1 Skirmish ticket for taking that objective. Obviously the less significant or upgraded the objective the higher your participation to get the +1 ticket. Gold on a Tier 1 Keep should give you a ticket for example.

And 4th option if you have not done it yet - you can do the Warclaw reward track if you purchase it, I believe it gives 200 or 250 skirmish tickets. One time only.

Edited by Leger.3724
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That’s it yeah. I forgot abojt the weeklies, normally i don’t get all (defending-weeklies are a matter of luck).

in the end, i rarely play to max anyways, if it takes 2-3 weeks more for my lego, idc. But i focus on weeklies n stuff if i can and besides that, just play.

but good to know. 🙂

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