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Nerf DH guardian traps.

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Such posts should state what you think about it is op while summing up same time its weak points and arguments why you think.

And give for both an explanation to the solution of these. This way both side gets more balanced. It won't leave it useless/weak "IF NERFED".

Try such posts instead, more useful/quality to what you meant. And if this can't be done or too hard to figure even what you think is OP about it, then it might be the player. This a general post for other posts that get made the same way. It would be better argue material and for arena net to see what is the problem. That way they have to try less to figure it out which costs them time too.

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4 hours ago, arazoth.7290 said:

Such posts should state what you think about it is op while summing up same time its weak points and arguments why you think.

And give for both an explanation to the solution of these. This way both side gets more balanced. It won't leave it useless/weak "IF NERFED".

Try such posts instead, more useful/quality to what you meant. And if this can't be done or too hard to figure even what you think is OP about it, then it might be the player. This a general post for other posts that get made the same way. It would be better argue material and for arena net to see what is the problem. That way they have to try less to figure it out which costs them time too.

this is not true and is bait

people in this forum target and attack the ones who give real feedback

stick to one liner comments

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1 hour ago, Asuran.5469 said:

this is not true and is bait

people in this forum target and attack the ones who give real feedback

stick to one liner comments

and because of ridiculling the real posts, you have a higher chance to get nerfs in the  wrong direction 

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All the dh is op threads should be a wake up call to devs that tge majority of nerfcries come from players that are either new to the game or are not very skilled at the game and should cause them to take pause before considering any of the suggested balance advice in the future.

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3 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

All the dh is op threads should be a wake up call to devs that tge majority of nerfcries come from players that are either new to the game or are not very skilled at the game and should cause them to take pause before considering any of the suggested balance advice in the future.

Yeah its important to ignore the majority of the playerbase, thats how you develop a healthy MMR.


Some say it is possible to remove toxic low skill floor kitten, and not affect the skill ceilings. Others say "just dodge". Ironically, the average DH never dodges, but not many specs can punish that with a pull into massive damage.. the double standards are quite funny.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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Actually the first time i post anything about something being OP.

People saying ''Just dodge'' are not aware you cannot escape Dragon's Maw when entered, combined with all the other traps you are dead without a stability/port etc.

I gues Virtuoso and Deadeye could tame the DH's but it's not played that often in NA, I rarely  see them.


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13 minutes ago, Kees Flodder.1269 said:

People saying ''Just dodge'' are not aware you cannot escape Dragon's Maw when entered


Incorrect, you can escape Dragon's Maw without a stability/port. You can do it with one stunbreak even.

Edited by vilesoldier.9826
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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Yeah its important to ignore the majority of the playerbase, thats how you develop a healthy MMR.


Some say it is possible to remove toxic low skill floor kitten, and not affect the skill ceilings. Others say "just dodge". Ironically, the average DH never dodges, but not many specs can punish that with a pull into massive damage.. the double standards are quite funny.

Naw honestly it is healthy to ignore players like u and a lot of players in these forums. U are a prim example of a person that simply wants any class they don't play to be nerfed to the ground while thier class gets a free ride, and most often ask for buffs on them hahaha.

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51 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Naw honestly it is healthy to ignore players like u and a lot of players in these forums. U are a prim example of a person that simply wants any class they don't play to be nerfed to the ground while thier class gets a free ride, and most often ask for buffs on them hahaha.

Well, im telling you right now, NA top 20 is gonna be full of DH trappers. It already has alot of it right now in a very short time.

Games will be filled with traps on both sides. That's really good for pvp right?

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50 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Naw honestly it is healthy to ignore players like u and a lot of players in these forums. U are a prim example of a person that simply wants any class they don't play to be nerfed to the ground while thier class gets a free ride, and most often ask for buffs on them hahaha.

Ive played all classes and most specs though, and have never asked for buffs on ele or rev, while simply stating the skill floor on a lot of specs is way to low for the damage output, after PLAYING THEM. I then suggest the skill floor on such specs should be increased, so that meaningful changes can be made to their limited skill ceilings, which is the opposite of nerfing them into the ground.


Youre a funny little fella ill give you that.

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Don't go into traps, avoid the dh spear/pull and assume a set of traps are always under them. Dodge true shot as its cast time makes it easy to dodge. There u now know how to make dh useless. Their traps have a obvious set up and a predictable set of common skills that's used to force players into them. If dh traps wernt deadly and or true shot wasn't heavy damage the spec would be beyond useless.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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49 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Don't go into traps, avoid the dh spear/pull and assume a set of traps are always under them. Dodge true shot as its cast time makes it easy to dodge. There u now know how to make dh useless. Their traps have a obvious set up and a predictable set of common skills that's used to force players into them. If dh traps wernt deadly and or true shot wasn't heavy damage the spec would be beyond useless.

By your logic we can double the damage of dragontooth, rev Gs5, blade charge, and hollo prime.. becuase anybody who gets hit with those highly broadcast abilitys deserves to eat massive damage. The mechanics of DH are toxic, instead of defending them, why don't you do something contructive and suggest how to not make them not toxic, since youre such a pro.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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You know what people keep overlooking here though, is the fact that DH is such an easy spec. Any run of the mill player can jump on DH, and have the entire enemy team on eggshells @1200 range becuase of spear, which becomes even more toxic if 2x DHs. No spec in this game has that impact, litteral 1200 unit area denial until spear/s have been delt with. Why on earth should a spec that easy have that level of impact? Then just put spear aside, the trap spam alone is cap point area denial that requires a lot more effort/risk to work around (becuase there are other enemy with CC) than the DH just spaming his feet. It is toxic at any level of play becuase the input of what DH does, in no way at all justifies the work arounds.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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I'm not going to comment on how I feel about Dragonhunter's balance because, while I see -tons- of them in PvP right now you can just hide behind a rock and send them to spawn with a friend but-

I love how every time there's an obnoxious spec in the meta that everyone's bandwagoning on, the following three things happen at once:

  • The solution is 'dont fight/dont approach it' despite the gamemode being conquest
  • The class has some mechanic that punishes people both at range and up close with equal severity
  • The class has unreadable or untelegraphed animations that people must assume the presence of to succeed against it, despite balance in pvp games requiring the opposite.

For a community that wants balance, a good portion of the players do everything in their power to be cheesy as they can, as often as possible. 

5 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Ironically, the average DH never dodges

Its trueeeee though lmao, they just press F3 and keep pushing buttons

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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14 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

1500*, true shot is mandatory dodge

Yeah that aswell.. but for me spear is the most toxic ability in the game, and I thought that long before the DH badnwaggon. Well, either that or moa.

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2 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

By your logic we can double the damage of dragontooth, rev Gs5, blade charge, and hollo prime.. becuase anybody who gets hit with those highly broadcast abilitys deserves to eat massive damage. The mechanics of DH are toxic, instead of defending them, why don't you do something contructive and suggest how to not make them not toxic, since youre such a pro.

No that's incorrect as all skills even if avoidable shouldn't one shot as one mistake shouldn't cost u a life but the times I do get caught into the traps I either can use my escapes to quickly get out or if I've used them I die, can't always be on the winning side of a situation.....doesn't mean it's op.

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6 minutes ago, Kuya.6495 said:

I'm honestly not sure if the op is serious 

Oh they are 100% serious, just like all the threads asking for Ele/Thief/Necro to get nuked without ANY compensatory buffs.
Like ye, theres some clearly toxic mechanic at work that may or may not be broken, but thats the main mechanic propping the class up, nerfing it without compensation is just a blatant
"I want my not-OP class to be passively buffed by nerfing everything I cant handle into the ground".

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