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Can We Talk About How Bad Your Spec is? (points to you).

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On 1/4/2024 at 8:33 AM, Saiyan.1704 said:

4.) Scrapper - Has bursts but 0 self sustains and will always get farmed, especially now that DH exists.

I thought this was the other way around because the smart scrapper will just swap to dual pistol when they see a DH and then the DH can't really do anything about the high mobility hit and run condi spam among other things.

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On 1/4/2024 at 3:33 AM, Saiyan.1704 said:

Garbage tier specs:

  • 1.) Mechanist - Basically negative 2 people on any given team. They do everything wrong.
  • 2.) Firebrand - Will always be replaced by Core Guard Supp because it's still better.
  • 3.) Druid - Pigeonholed into some weird side-node condi bunker that isn't better than other sidenoder specs.
  • 4.) Scrapper - Has bursts but 0 self sustains and will always get farmed, especially now that DH exists.
  • If you're not a necro, czerk, or specter and you play a condi build, add yourself to the list

DH got so many buffs all at once that Anet didn't consider just.... how bad other specs already were. (or how bad the playerbase actually are).

There is an absurd amount of baddies running condi XYZ builds not knowing a DH can literally go Hunter's Fortification to counter their already-meme condi spec. Honestly... players need to stop running condi and learn a power build even IF they have to go more bunker oriented for a sense of security. I'm not talking to players who are already Plat... it's everyone else who hasn't got a clue. Sometimes dual cleanse sigils is enough to counter your meme condi build.

Thoughts on DH as a Guard main:
I don't like DH Trap Aegis spam. For a number of reasons.

It's fun rn because it's meme and maybe there's a place for... that kind of solo-node "War 2.0", slow mobility playstyle, but no one asked for it.  A lot of us DH players were accustomed to reactive traps that gave superspeed, enabling DH to kite (longbow oriented), whose positioning awareness playstyle actually had a skill ceiling; yet, anyone can now spam traps and gain value. And this is coming from a Guard main that never liked Longbow.....I applaud the Devs for Hammer changes ❤️ 


I loled so hard at this.

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On 1/4/2024 at 6:48 PM, Saiyan.1704 said:

Rank queue. No one here is talking about coordinated teams in AT/mAT.

Collect baron titles? Why do you ask, are people buying? Because I can meme and grind out Baron titles all day on any account.... it isn't difficult.

It's not a secret that nayaiS.6041 is my alt. The character name literally says, Saiyans Alt, lol. And it's a 7year old account too. Also my 1 and only alt.... though, I'm thinking of getting an EU account to play with a few friends there.

Baron titles don't even mean anything.  I laugh at anyone with a Baron titles etc that I kill.

Edited by porkchopMCgee.6193
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I havent felt the Scrapper damage  nerfs. The ones that hurt most were the SS nerfs. People whined that funny hammer man runs too fast. 

Forgot scrapper is a melee with no ports and 1 incredibly short/laggy dash. 

I'd gladly trade off some more burst for that superspeed back. 

Not that current scrap is unviable. I just prefer the less bursty hit and run playstyle to the current yolo one shot scrapper we have now. 

Leave the yolo oneshots to yolosmith. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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On 1/4/2024 at 3:33 AM, Saiyan.1704 said:

Garbage tier specs:

  • 1.) Mechanist - Basically negative 2 people on any given team. They do everything wrong.
  • 2.) Firebrand - Will always be replaced by Core Guard Supp because it's still better.
  • 3.) Druid - Pigeonholed into some weird side-node condi bunker that isn't better than other sidenoder specs.
  • 4.) Scrapper - Has bursts but 0 self sustains and will always get farmed, especially now that DH exists.
  • If you're not a necro, czerk, or specter and you play a condi build, add yourself to the list

DH got so many buffs all at once that Anet didn't consider just.... how bad other specs already were. (or how bad the playerbase actually are).

There is an absurd amount of baddies running condi XYZ builds not knowing a DH can literally go Hunter's Fortification to counter their already-meme condi spec. Honestly... players need to stop running condi and learn a power build even IF they have to go more bunker oriented for a sense of security. I'm not talking to players who are already Plat... it's everyone else who hasn't got a clue. Sometimes dual cleanse sigils is enough to counter your meme condi build.

Thoughts on DH as a Guard main:
I don't like DH Trap Aegis spam. For a number of reasons.

It's fun rn because it's meme and maybe there's a place for... that kind of solo-node "War 2.0", slow mobility playstyle, but no one asked for it.  A lot of us DH players were accustomed to reactive traps that gave superspeed, enabling DH to kite (longbow oriented), whose positioning awareness playstyle actually had a skill ceiling; yet, anyone can now spam traps and gain value. And this is coming from a Guard main that never liked Longbow.....I applaud the Devs for Hammer changes ❤️ 


Take it back Saiyan or I'm going to get on your team every match!

There is Jessie who runs a surprisingly effective mechanist... but yeah other than him it is a really fricken hard class to play and pretty much a -1 player.

I generally do reasonably against guard with scrapper if I take a far pew mortar capability.   But if they get that one pull on me, it's over.  And that sniper god X guy just dismantles me... though he also does it on ranger and about everything else so I don't really consider him when I'm considering the effectiveness of Guard.

I do feel when I fight guard that you have to play different as a scrapper.  You have to take a lot of time with a kill, get through their ton of defences, dodge their ports, their circle oh stuck hammer thing, their glacial your insta dead hit, their pull, their 13k true shot, and if you can do all that, then there comes this window where you can get them if they don't leap fly away with some super jump.

errr as I say this.... yes I should just play guard.

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16 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

I havent felt the Scrapper nerfs. The ones that hurt most were the SS nerfs. People whined that funny hammer man runs too fast. 

Forgot scrapper is a melee with no ports and 1 incredibly short/laggy dash. 

I'd gladly trade off some more burst for that superspeed back. 

Not that current scrap is unviable. I just prefer the less bursty hit and run playstyle to the current yolo one shot scrapper we have now. 

Leave the yolo oneshots to yolosmith. 

I have this weird thing with scrapper thunder hammer leap thing.  If I target a ranger, when I hit the three leap attack, it ends up auto switching to the fricken pet if it's nearby.   So first hit will go after the ranger... then I go bouncing off towards the pet.   What the hell does that?

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3 hours ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

Why is mesmer not on the list?

people play mesmer?

On 1/22/2024 at 8:52 AM, porkchopMCgee.6193 said:

Baron titles don't even mean anything.  I laugh at anyone with a Baron titles etc that I kill.

Agreed. Neither does 1, 2, 3, & 25 titles.


2 hours ago, shion.2084 said:

Take it back Saiyan or I'm going to get on your team every match!

We also need to queue more :3 that's why I have an alt. Though that said, I just can't bring myself to do all the other shady matchmaking stuff that a lot of other top50 players do. I just play minimum games and pray to the matchmaking Gods (no pun intended).

Everyone's comments is putting me in some kind of way. 

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49 minutes ago, ToffeeLatte.8243 said:

Scrapper sustain in team fight environments is nuts.

Like nuts... as in horribly bad when in a team fight?   Like they get focused and their one stunbreak, no stability,  and no ports is instantly melted?

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5 hours ago, shion.2084 said:

I have this weird thing with scrapper thunder hammer leap thing.  If I target a ranger, when I hit the three leap attack, it ends up auto switching to the fricken pet if it's nearby.   So first hit will go after the ranger... then I go bouncing off towards the pet.   What the hell does that?

It does that if you swap targets mid leap. 

Make sure you have auto-target disabled. It likes to troll you mid dash.

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