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The Sacrifice - Path of Fire

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I just don't get it guys, I can see why so many leave, at least most of my friends. It's far more complex then wow every was or currently is.

My mastery bar at the bottom is full, yet, nothing is happening, just remains there, full.

Seems the only way I can get mastery points is to go to where I see them on the map, I have tried that Sous Chef thing a hundred times and just can't get it done fast enough, just tried a bounty, got slaughtered.

It was helpful to see that list of things I can do in the area to try to gain a mastery point. But helping out those town folks on my raptor, makes zero sense, I ride in, help out, get heart and nothing nothing towards mastery.

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Mastery Points are rewarded for specific tasks / achievements / traveling to insight locations.

You need to earn experience points in the appropriate part of the world (PoF maps for PoF, HoT for HoT, and so on) to "train" a selected mastery unlock. Your experience bar at max level is replaced with the mastery version of the experience bar relative to the map you are on, until you have all of the masteries unlocked.

When the bar is full, if you have the appropriate number of mastery points you can unlock that mastery by clicking on the box at the right of the bar or going into your mastery panel and using the interface there.


Some of the things you can do to earn mastery points may need a group, such as many of the bounties.



Is any of that information helpful? Are there specific questions you have? The system was straightforward to me when it was introduced in HoT years and years ago, so it is not easy to place myself in your shoes and know what may be useful information or advice. But let's get you adventuring!!

Edited by synk.6907
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12 hours ago, synk.6907 said:

Mastery Points are rewarded for specific tasks / achievements / traveling to insight locations.

You need to earn experience points in the appropriate part of the world (PoF maps for PoF, HoT for HoT, and so on) to "train" a selected mastery unlock. Your experience bar at max level is replaced with the mastery version of the experience bar relative to the map you are on, until you have all of the masteries unlocked.

When the bar is full, if you have the appropriate number of mastery points you can unlock that mastery by clicking on the box at the right of the bar or going into your mastery panel and using the interface there.


Some of the things you can do to earn mastery points may need a group, such as many of the bounties.



Is any of that information helpful? Are there specific questions you have? The system was straightforward to me when it was introduced in HoT years and years ago, so it is not easy to place myself in your shoes and know what may be useful information or advice. But let's get you adventuring!!

Every little bit helps and I appreciate it.  Is an insight point those two little red triangles?  sort of a viewing point??  and can doing the hero points, possibly reward a mastery point? (before I go running around and trying them all)    I keep doing the heart events, some times the exact same ones every day, but short of a bit of XP doesn't seem to get much else.


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8 hours ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

 Is an insight point those two little red triangles?  sort of a viewing point??  and can doing the hero points, possibly reward a mastery point? (before I go running around and trying them all)  

No, those are just vistas for map completion and neat visuals. Insight locations will have the mastery icon (orb with a kind of triangle/asterisk behind it), and you will sit and channel them similar to some hero points. When looking for them on the map, ones you don't have yet will be silver/not colored, while ones you have already visited will be colored in.


Hero points/challenges are for unlocking talent specializations and also won't net you mastery points (though doing them will certainly award XP that will net progress on the mastery you may be training). Also the hero challenges in core maps award you 1 point each, but the ones in expansion content award you 10 each, making them a quicker way to get enough points to unlock a spec. Most of PoF and EoD's can be completed solo, if you can get to them, but many in HoT may need a couple other people. I think some folks still run "hero point trains" to unlock them as a group.

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If you look in the achievements in the hero panel, you can see which achievements award mastery points as they are marked with the mastery icon.  It doesn't just show against individual achievement, the icon will show against a whole section if there are any achievements that award mastery points still available in that section.

For the open world mastery points, under each expansion, there's a section in the achievements called Mastery Insights.  These achievements show the open world masteries, and where in the map they can be found.

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wow thanks guys, I did manage to do the Sous Chef guy, never sore so much in a 30 minute period in years  lol    got the springer

for now I am locked on to that jackel mount, so I am going for the skimmer next and then jackel, hoping that i have enough contracts and gold for each. I have been clicking on the contracts, not sure if I should have done that or left them to hand into these vendors, guess I will find out soon enough  🙂


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40 minutes ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

wow thanks guys, I did manage to do the Sous Chef guy, never sore so much in a 30 minute period in years  lol    got the springer

for now I am locked on to that jackel mount, so I am going for the skimmer next and then jackel, hoping that i have enough contracts and gold for each. I have been clicking on the contracts, not sure if I should have done that or left them to hand into these vendors, guess I will find out soon enough  🙂


just so you know, you need the springer or the skimmer at level 3 to get the jackal. Just doing the PoF events should get you enough contracts by the time you need them. You can also do some treasure hunts and champion bounties. PoF map completions also give 50 contracts each.

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15 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

just so you know, you need the springer or the skimmer at level 3 to get the jackal. Just doing the PoF events should get you enough contracts by the time you need them. You can also do some treasure hunts and champion bounties. PoF map completions also give 50 contracts each.

UGH! I just made my way all the way to the vendor and was extremely happy to find them, and yep, that's exactly what he said, come back when you have either the skimmer or springer to level 3 holy poop!!  just one surprise after another and not always good.  Gold and contracts I am good to go already, I definitely checked that part out, the level 3 on either other mount, that I did not check out 🙂

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2 minutes ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

UGH! I just made my way all the way to the vendor and was extremely happy to find them, and yep, that's exactly what he said, come back when you have either the skimmer or springer to level 3 holy poop!!  just one surprise after another and not always good.  Gold and contracts I am good to go already, I definitely checked that part out, the level 3 on either other mount, that I did not check out 🙂

Sorry. I remember it being a rough surprise years ago when I did it. Thankfully, getting to some of the extra mastery points can be really easy with a little bit of help. Ask in map chat if you're having trouble. If you have living world seasons, those maps have quite a few extra points sitting around. With a mesmer and/or a turtle mount friend you can get a ton of those points really quickly. Then it's just a bit of XP which can go really fast, especially if you have some boosters.

If you see me on (NA side) and still need help, just message me. In my experience there are always players around who are more than willing to help out if you call out in map chat.

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30 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Sorry. I remember it being a rough surprise years ago when I did it. Thankfully, getting to some of the extra mastery points can be really easy with a little bit of help. Ask in map chat if you're having trouble. If you have living world seasons, those maps have quite a few extra points sitting around. With a mesmer and/or a turtle mount friend you can get a ton of those points really quickly. Then it's just a bit of XP which can go really fast, especially if you have some boosters.

If you see me on (NA side) and still need help, just message me. In my experience there are always players around who are more than willing to help out if you call out in map chat.

Thank you.

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3 minutes ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

Thank you.

Not a problem. On the turtle, waypoints on each map only take a minute or 2 porting around. And there's an abundance of easier mastery points. I cannot recommend the living world story maps enough. Aside from the story and resources each map provides, there's 4-5 mastery insight points on each map. And since the Griffon, Roller Beetle and Skyscale are all a ways off, using those points for the mounts you are working on now can help a lot.

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Also, just to play devil's advocate, you are learning about a late game system early on in your game life. Path of Fire and mounts was added to an expansion aimed at experienced players years into the game. You are confused, partly because you haven't necs played through the game in the organic order it came out in. At least that is the impression I am getting.

Doesn't mean we aren't going to help, but I will say this. Don't try and rush through. Play and absorb at leiusre. Don't worry about trying to get things quickly or worrying about gates. The game is massive, just play it and you will naturally gain what you need

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All very true, I started at what I believe was the beginning and moved to the next chapter, Path of Fire. Now I see the Living World so I may put the Path of Fire on hold, as I'm not doing too bad for mounts and these should get me to slightly more difficult places, but as was mentioned earlier, if there are more mastery points then I need to get back to where I left off to skip to Path of Fire for the mounts and finish those off first, as you say, enjoy it for what it is!! 

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42 minutes ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

All very true, I started at what I believe was the beginning and moved to the next chapter, Path of Fire. Now I see the Living World so I may put the Path of Fire on hold, as I'm not doing too bad for mounts and these should get me to slightly more difficult places, but as was mentioned earlier, if there are more mastery points then I need to get back to where I left off to skip to Path of Fire for the mounts and finish those off first, as you say, enjoy it for what it is!! 

In case you are unaware of the order since Path of Fire isn't really the next chapter, I have listed the story release order below. You don't have to play in order at all, but the story follows sequentially and there is somewhat of a learning curve which will teach things to you, although I will freely admit Core-LS1-LS2 isn't the same level of production quality as later and can feel naff

  • Personal Story (Core)
  • Living Story 1
  • Living Story 2
  • Heart of Thorns
  • Living Story 3
  • Path of Fire
  • Living Story 4
  • Icebrood Saga
  • End of Dragons
  • Secrets of the Obscure


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2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

In case you are unaware of the order since Path of Fire isn't really the next chapter, I have listed the story release order below. You don't have to play in order at all, but the story follows sequentially and there is somewhat of a learning curve which will teach things to you, although I will freely admit Core-LS1-LS2 isn't the same level of production quality as later and can feel naff

  • Personal Story (Core)
  • Living Story 1
  • Living Story 2
  • Heart of Thorns
  • Living Story 3
  • Path of Fire
  • Living Story 4
  • Icebrood Saga
  • End of Dragons
  • Secrets of the Obscure


Holy yikes, I really skipped a bunch, glad I am heading back, hey, three mounts are just fine for now and as I say, should get me most places.

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Hey All, quick question?   my first character for whatever reason did not have an issue with the underwater combat skills appearing when it hits the water.

However the next character I am bringing up, now level 35 or so, has nothing under his underwater skills they are all empty and I can't seem to click on anything to add something.

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2 hours ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

Hey All, quick question?   my first character for whatever reason did not have an issue with the underwater combat skills appearing when it hits the water.

However the next character I am bringing up, now level 35 or so, has nothing under his underwater skills they are all empty and I can't seem to click on anything to add something.

Well first check if you have any underwater weapon equiped its on the right side in equipment pannel under your rings.


And if your class happen to be revenant check if you got legends equiped underwater.

Since they only get utiliy skills from legends you cant pick and chose on them.

Edited by Linken.6345
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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

Well first check if you have any underwater weapon equiped its on the right side in equipment pannel under your rings.


And if your class happen to be revenant check if you got legends equiped underwater.

Since they only get utiliy skills from legends you cant pick and chose on them.

Yep, you're 100% correct, didn't have a weapon in the slot, duh moment 🙂


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2 minutes ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

Might I ask, promise last question for today, how often are items added to the store to purchase, like mount skins, is it a once a month thing, or just totally random, thanks!!

Usualy when new content comes into the game so expect some on tuesday when lunar newyear get added.

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13 hours ago, shybriwarloc.1896 said:

Might I ask, promise last question for today, how often are items added to the store to purchase, like mount skins, is it a once a month thing, or just totally random, thanks!!

Pretty random.  You may want to keep an eye on this thread for when things rotate in: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/90-news-gemstore-items-newreturnedsales/?do=getNewComment


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