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Anet you watch Twitch?

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1 hour ago, Sindust.7059 said:

The question is what do you want to get out of the experience? If it's just killing some bosses to get loot, sure. But I like raids for the social aspect, which is lost in strikes, because the moment you join, you're already at the boss and you have to focus for 10 minutes, meaning no talk that is not about calling out mechanics, and the moment the boss is dead, everyone leaves. And there is no point joining voice either, because it's not worth it for the 10 minutes.

That's a problem that GW2 has in general, it seems to promote being alone in a crowd rather than create meaningful player to player interaction, and the abandonment of raids is just a small part of it. But that's a rant for another day and another thread.

It sounds like what you want is a guild. That way you can do all kinds of activities together and chat before and after because even before the group is formed and after it's disbanded you'll be in guild chat together.

However every training strike I've joined has included a discussion beforehand about what experience each person has, what build they're using, how those fit together and what we need etc. which can, if there's time, spread into other topics. Then afterwards we talk about how it went, and that sometimes includes people getting guild invites or offering to do other strikes together.

Yes it is a shorter process than a full raid, but like the combat the social aspect is infinitely more than I'll get from a raid because if I don't have time to complete one I'm not going to join, so then I don't get any part of it. I'm certainly not going to join a raid for the planning and coordination, running through trash mobs and then leave when we get to the boss and I've run out of time. That would be annoying for everyone and I think joining a group knowing I'll have to do that would be trolling.

I don't think anyone would claim you can do as much in a game in 1 hour as you could in 2+ hours, that's clearly untrue. But if you only have 1 hour it's better to be realistic and pick something you can do than waste your time and other people's attempting something you know you won't have time to finish.

It's like I'm not going to claim that a 1 week holiday in 1 town will let me see as much of a country as a month spent backpacking around, but if I can only be away from home for a week it's better to do that and actually see one place than attempt to rush through 5 different towns and hope I'd see as much as the backpacker would.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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On 1/25/2024 at 11:20 AM, Astralporing.1957 said:

Oh, and why is that exactly? Are we supposed to have fun only your way, and not any other?

I am sorry to be a bearer of the bad news, but there's a reason why something like "story difficulty" exists. Hint: It's not because it's not popular.

Wow way to take what i said out of context. The same could be said of you, do you expect us to play only your way?

Story mode like anything else becomes repetitive how many times are we going to go over the same ground? I dont begrudge people that like doing it though, but there are other modes of gameplay people like to do in this game also. All i said was a raid wing for EoD would have been a nice thing for a lot of us. Just like you get your story modes, this game can support more than story mode. 

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7 hours ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

Wow way to take what i said out of context. The same could be said of you, do you expect us to play only your way?

Story mode like anything else becomes repetitive how many times are we going to go over the same ground? I dont begrudge people that like doing it though, but there are other modes of gameplay people like to do in this game also. All i said was a raid wing for EoD would have been a nice thing for a lot of us. Just like you get your story modes, this game can support more than story mode. 

No, all you said was being disgruntled that too many people prefer to play this game in a way you consider wrong, and that should not be.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/20/2024 at 9:52 PM, Gendalfs.7521 said:

When I browse twitch channels I get mostly WvW and Raid. How these instances are least updated when most people are streaming it?

ArenaNet has all the statistics on which content gets the most hours played and what not. They don't need to watch Twitch for that. A raid mission probably makes for a more interesting Twitch stream than another open world meta event.

Raids and WvW are very active as well as PvP but perhaps with the time and effort to develop there is just more money to be made with story and open world content. Whether we like that or not. I would not mind to get a new raid wing, an overhaul of Edge of the Mists to make it active and rewarding again, (gliding, warclaw, pips) and some love for Stronghold, (ranked, new SH maps) but perhaps the time to develop these are better spent elsewhere when ArenaNet has to choose.

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1 hour ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

What are the watch numbers?

Bad. Normal viewing numbers are 2 to 3 digits. It can sometimes reach 4 digits on big events (like Teapot's raid ones) or on major streamers during twitch giveaways, but even then it's not guaranteed. That is one of the reasons why basing GW2 design policy on its twitch streamers is a bad idea.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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