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World Restructuring Beta Event Feedback

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  • Do you play on NA or EU? NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26? I don't remember.
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? I don't remember.
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? I usually play most days starting at reset time or a little before.
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? I haven't paid attention.
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? Yes.
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? No.
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? Yes.
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? They all were fine.
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? I don't know.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? I don't know.

I am looking forward to this change because it will mean all I have to do to play with the people I want to play with is specify a WvW guild. Right now, I am on a different server than my children because I was in a WvW guild that changed servers a couple times. And now the server my children are on is full so I can't transfer there. But once the WvW restructuring is live then all we will need to do is all be in the same guild and designate that guild as our WvW guild.

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How did i miss this post previously?!

  • Do you play on NA or EU? EU
  • What team were you on during January 12-26? PHOENIX DAWN
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? GRENTHS DOOR
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? EU primetime evenings and some daytime, both roaming around and within a blob.
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? Very much more balanced (to an extent)
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? - what alliances? none in game. why is this question relevant? People were choosing one guild or no guild, this is only what matters right now. Alliances doesnt exist in the game yet. My personal opinion is Alliances are a waste of time. bring GUILD WARS not ALLIANCE WARS. this is not GW1 and alliances will complicate functionality, limit the spread of players across the the worlds as they would form 'clumps'. Allinaces from what i believe do not offer different or beneficial gameplay.
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? yes
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? before Jan 26.
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? More people entered wvw and got excited of the gamemode due to them seeing an improvement, better balanced fights - they got worse after the relink - but still significantly better than the the existing system.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? Needs to go on for longer. Our Guild recruited 200+ people in the betas and some of them took advantage of customer support transferring them to us as time went on. There was a lot of new players who joined the guild and  people that had quit WvW but came back after more than a year or longer to give it another go. So i would advise do not lose the momentum you have build with the Betas and keep up the communication. 


  • Please communicate to us why Alliances will make things better and help get rid of the issues we have in the current system, without making other significant changes to spread the quality of players to different places or 'tiers' - e.g. Pips in EotM or other changes where you are confident that the player numbers will increase - Are you planning for GvG to happen in guild hall arenas? this is hardly going to happen with the no rewards so there will always be toxicity between fighting guilds/ server blob ignoring the matchup and the WvW sieging game vs guilds, havok groups and individuals that like a mixture of ppt and ppk (including pug who just want their weekly rewards to get the backpiece or armor.  You guys are smart - im sure you have considered systems to accomodate GvG - just for example GvG automated Tournaments? Im sure this would hit the spot for the fighting guilds aswell as grow a flourishing healthy GvG scene - putting the GUILD in GUILD WARS. This would also help banish the unhealthy toxic server patriotism that exists too.  
  • If a lot of the new guild members were able to switch easily during the beta weeks mid week, how can you get good quality feedback and fair results? How many other guilds did the same thing as soon was they were aware they could just contact support to bandwagon to a friends guild on an winning matchup? 
  • Please make it clearer the tiers in the matchups - the only resource available to us to my knowledge was next.werdes.net - which after relink had in the bottom 'T5 matchup' predominantly WSR server players vs RoF server player vs Elona server players?
  • From my point of view, and as someone, like many others, heavily invested into the game, have played GW2 from day 1, plays within the TOS with a couple of paid accounts. It was an absolute pleasure I could login to one account play for some time talk to people in the matchup and then log off and log back into the game on a different tier to get a feel for this too. I can confidently say AFTER the relink - The matchups on 'tier1' which had Moogooloo and 'tier5 which had Grenths door went completely skewed one way. The other three matchups were fun to play and a lot of action in and looked so much fairer.
Edited by asha.4159
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  • 4 months later...

So far, this really doesn't seem balanced population-wise. 11pm GMT used to have seen plenty of activity on our old server/link.  Now, all borderlands empty apart from a few people standing in the keep. I ask in team chat if there's a group anywhere in and get subsequently ridiculed in chat for asking because "it's late and everyone's sleeping" (11pm isn't late and there are timezones). 6 tiers is not it. Also, what even is team spirit any more?! This isn't a guild issue; guilds only take up  to 500 players, so not enough for the whole population of folks who would have played at different times. And alliances were never implemented.

Secondly, with a solid server system, as opposed to shifting sands, we could transfer away to servers where we know population plays at similar times. This change is really soured WvW for me, and it was my favourite aspect of this game.

Edited by hedix.1986
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On 2/2/2024 at 10:07 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Thank you all for your participation in the world restructuring beta event. We’ve been keeping an eye on your feedback throughout the beta and would like to follow up with some specific questions now that we're at the end of the event. If you’d like to share your thoughts, please leave answers to the following questions in this thread:

  • Do you play on NA or EU?
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?

Thank you again for your help with this event!

An open-question/letter to Arena Net.

Dear Developers,

In light the the semi-permanent move towards Restructuring I would like to put the following questions and statements to ArenaNet to see if the community can garner some understanding of how the system was built and what considerations were made towards the player base.

1. Guildwars 2 have been live for 12 years, in that time servers have built their own communities and cultures, friendships have formed cross-guild and many people will have been through major life events alongside these communities.

Was any consideration or research done into the strength of these communities and the impact removing them from the game would have on player experience ?

2. Server's often comprised populations of 1000's of players, the current system allows on 500 of these to stay together, and even doing that is very cumbersome having to form a new guild to merge guilds into 1 'alliance' guild. 

Did ArenaNet consider this problem ? And why was a system on registering guilds and individuals to be 'allies' not provided ?

Doing so would have provided a system for server communities could have opted to stay together under a 'XXX Alliance' banner 


3. People established on servers would often be members of multiple guilds with different play styles and groups.

Is there a reason ANet did not facilitate multiple 'WvW Guilds' to allow people to be part of the various guild groups they were in ?


Ultimately there appears to be a strong feeling amongst various servers that this restructuring has been rushed and without due consideration for the variety of impacts such a move would have on the loyal play-base, and the communities they were a part of. Would ArenaNet and the developers kindly let the player-base know why these factors were not considered during R&D and why there was no attempt to ask community groups for input ?




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4 hours ago, Belgarion.7208 said:

An open-question/letter to Arena Net.

Dear Developers,

In light the the semi-permanent move towards Restructuring I would like to put the following questions and statements to ArenaNet to see if the community can garner some understanding of how the system was built and what considerations were made towards the player base.

1. Guildwars 2 have been live for 12 years, in that time servers have built their own communities and cultures, friendships have formed cross-guild and many people will have been through major life events alongside these communities.

Was any consideration or research done into the strength of these communities and the impact removing them from the game would have on player experience ?

2. Server's often comprised populations of 1000's of players, the current system allows on 500 of these to stay together, and even doing that is very cumbersome having to form a new guild to merge guilds into 1 'alliance' guild. 

Did ArenaNet consider this problem ? And why was a system on registering guilds and individuals to be 'allies' not provided ?

Doing so would have provided a system for server communities could have opted to stay together under a 'XXX Alliance' banner 


3. People established on servers would often be members of multiple guilds with different play styles and groups.

Is there a reason ANet did not facilitate multiple 'WvW Guilds' to allow people to be part of the various guild groups they were in ?


Ultimately there appears to be a strong feeling amongst various servers that this restructuring has been rushed and without due consideration for the variety of impacts such a move would have on the loyal play-base, and the communities they were a part of. Would ArenaNet and the developers kindly let the player-base know why these factors were not considered during R&D and why there was no attempt to ask community groups for input ?




My suggestion is you can find all the answers to your questions on your own by reading all the FAQs, blog posts, and archived discussions on the old forum.

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21 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

My suggestion is you can find all the answers to your questions on your own by reading all the FAQs, blog posts, and archived discussions on the old forum.

yes we had some sort of dialogue on these topics with the development team, just recently I think it was 2015 or so. 😉

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3 hours ago, Zephyrus.9680 said:

4pm EST and like 6 people on EBG. What is going on? Never seen it this dead. 

The system accidentally put all the players in 3 or 4 teams. all the others are quite empty. But it's just by accident. 😉

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  • Do you play on NA or EU?
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
    Yolon Haven
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
    Sat, Mon, Tues
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
    YES, They do not work together though.
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
    If it was my ORIGINAL THOUGHT of being able to swap guilds/teams with a click of a button would be so much better.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
    Undo all of it.

    I am going to take a LONG break at this rate.


Edited by Iasuu.9578
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