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World Restructuring Beta Event Feedback

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  • Do you play on NA or EU?
    • NA.
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
    • Dragon's Claw.
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
    • Phoenix Dawn.
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
    • Usually everyday at 5:30pm PST.
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
    • First matchup (first two weeks) was completely unbalanced. Dragon's Claw, at that time, was filled with top tier guilds and, because of it, the queues were extremely high and severely unbalanced. The 2nd matchup (third week) was exactly the opposite, with much lower queues and less competitive guilds.
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
    • Yes.
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
    • Yes.
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
    • Yes.
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
    • The third week.
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
    • The swift action by the devs to place people on their correct alliances when they were in the incorrect ones. Even though, if the system was fully incorporated and well executed, being placed in the wrong alliance wouldn't be an issue at all.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
    • There were 3 things that really needed improvement: first one was the issue with misplaced allies in the wrong alliances, second one was the issue with major skill lag caused by having large groups in the same map and third one was the extremely unbalanced matches that happened on the first two weeks of the beta.
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  • Do you play on NA or EU?
    • I play on NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
    • Stonefall
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
    • Thornwatch
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
    • Weekends morning to primetime, Weekdays before noon and during prime time.
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
    • Far less balanced.
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
    • Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
    • Yes. It seems that you won't need to come up with a UI for alliances because most have sorted this out in the current guild system. That said, if this is the way forward, I'd like to beg you to allow 5 more guild slots on the guild panel. They would absolutely fit in the existing panel there is nothing below the existing guild list that we need. People need guild slots for a growing number of game modes like pvp, raid, sand farming, normal wvw guild, main guild, personal guild and a host of other guild need reasons and now more than ever they need a wvw alliance guild. Several of my guildies had to drop a guild they have been in for years to join the alliance guild so they could run with us on beta. That felt really bad. There's no reason not to allow players to be a part of 10 guilds and to select the chats to show as we do now.
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
    • Other than in the early morning the entire beta was a ghost town for tags to follow during the day. 
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
    • I spent the first two weeks waiting for the reshuffle thinking it couldn't have gotten worse, and it did. I'm so glad this beta is over. 
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
    • All of my guildies ended up in the correct guild and no one was kept from running with us. At a minimum, this was the most important to me and my guild. 
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? 
    • Teams were dead. WvW felt dead in the daytime and on weekends. Prime time was a bit better. I'm glad you are continuing to work on it and that you asked about the experience. Even though mine wasn't good, I did notice that other teams where VERY populated and I'm sure they had fun.  Keep trying things. 
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5 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Thank you all for your participation in the world restructuring beta event. We’ve been keeping an eye on your feedback throughout the beta and would like to follow up with some specific questions now that we're at the end of the event. If you’d like to share your thoughts, please leave answers to the following questions in this thread:

  • Do you play on NA or EU?
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?

Thank you again for your help with this event!

1. NA
2. First Haven
3. Stonefall
4. Everyday during NA (except when the lag was unbearable)
5. Somewhat
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. The week before world restructuring
10. The support team helping players
11. Long queues and lag

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Seven Pines


9PM - 12AM EST, Sun, Mon, Wed, Fr

They didn't feel significantly worse than normal.



The number of commanders didn't feel noticeably different than normal.

Week 1 or 2, but don't remember.  Last week felt really rough on Friday night reset but we ended up dominating for the most part

I can't think of anything for this.That's not meant to be negative.  The queue/team-making problems were not great but everything else felt nice, but not significantly better than an average WvW week.  It felt better than the worse weeks, but 3 weeks is too small a sample size to decide how much better/worse it might be.

Trying to enter WvW right at reset time was really scuffed all 3 weeks.  Not because of queues, but the buttons didn't seem to work properly.  I had guildmates say this no matter how they tried to enter WvW.  Lions Arch, Armitice Bastion and the WvW menu screen all seemed to have problems queueing on reset night.  Also there were a number of people who said they had picked our WvW guild but were assigned a different team.  This seemed worse on week #1.


Edited by sbr.8170
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  • Do you play on NA or EU?  NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?  Skrittsburg
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?    Moogooloo
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?   Not any particular day, but I'm more active in the midnight-6am eastern time range
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?    More balanced in my opinion
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?     Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?    No
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?    More than usual for me, but my server can be a bit... odd about people tagging up
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?      I'm leaning towards Moogooloo but neither struck me as unbalanced really
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? Population and guild split among the servers felt fair, and I enjoyed experiencing two different teams with the switch happening in the middle of the beta this time, it felt like it went smoothly in my opinion.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? I know it's a hard thing to balance, but it definitely feels like some servers end up stacked at specific time zones, which can end up feeling like or called "dead time" for the other servers playing at those hours
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  • Played in EU
  • Fortune's Vale
  • Grenth's Door
  • Played at afternoon or night at EU time
  • The beta felt less balanced than regular server matchups
  • I did select a WvW guild
  • I do not know if they were part of an alliance
  • Compared to regular server matchups, the beta had less commanders
  • 2nd week felt relatively more balanced
  • Being able to WvW with your friends or guildies irrespective of servers is a big plus
  • The balance seems kinda messed up, if you're leaving it up to guilds and alliances to decide which people play where I doubt there will ever be balance.
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  • Do you play on NA or EU?


  • What team were you on during January 12-26?

First Haven

  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?

Titan's Staircase

  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?

Weekends during the day and evening (EST timezone)

  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?

More balanced. More fun. Noticeably higher skilled/experienced enemies and allies

  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?


  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?

Not applicable

  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?


  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?

Both were a huge improvement. First week was slightly better.

  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?

I liked that I got exposed to a higher caliber of competition compared to what I usually see. I liked that on the occasions when I had weak allies, that I could potentially be rid of them in the next shuffle instead of being condemned to share a server with them forever.

  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?

None. Implement immediately.

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Do you play on NA or EU?
- NA
What team were you on during January 12-26?
- Thornwatch
What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
- Titan Staircase
If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
- Reset; OCX weeknights
Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
- no real difference
Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
- yes
Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
- no, guild already too full to make alliance
Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
- yes (other guilds at reset, commanders from my guild during OCX evenings)
Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
- The reset we just did, after being put back on actual servers.
What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
- the 1st to 2nd week reset, where it was identical to a 'normal' reset without having to scramble to figure out who was even on my team to run with
What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
- the 'restructuring' concept in general. It just feels bad being separated from half your friends on the server because you can only pick one guild to play with; whether the issue is full guilds or incompatible guild leadership. Compared to simply being able to have a server with longstanding friends, known scouts and known guilds if you happen to be playing outside your usual timezone, this 'server restructuring' feels more like 'server destruction' - bad and sapping enjoyment of the game if it continues to be forced on us.
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  • Do you play on NA or EU?
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
    Phoenix Dawn
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
    Primarily NA (8pm EST) and on the rare occasion SEA and EU
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
    Mostly balanced. I was really happy with the queues on all 3 weeks compared to my current server. Love the variety of guilds to fight and allies. 
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
    Almost every time I logged in there was a tag, usually less random than normal. Saw tags from more recognizable zerg guilds running open. 
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
    First week was decent, we were in T1 and won it by a landslide which made the second week somewhat imbalanced as well. I really dislike being in T1 or T4 where you have to fight one of the same servers for another week in a row. Variety is nice. Third week we had many fight guilds on the same server vying for content, which makes it not so enjoyable for those that want fights since we would rather fight each other 😉
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
    The quick response to moving misplaced allies. 
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
    Lag felt worse, queue bugs (a ton the first week, much less the following 2 though) and balance, even though my servers seemed fine, I heard from many others some were too stacked. I'm also really hoping for some kind of work around sooner than later from having one guild for alliances so I can free up a guild slot as well. On resets, the WvW panel would still show locked even though maps were open, which I think baited people. Overall, pretty happy. I'm ready for World Restructuring. 
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  • Do you play on NA or EU?
    • NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
    • Dragon Claw
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
    • Thornwatch
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
    • All Week after reset and again from 2-4am PST.
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
    • Far far less balanced in both directions. Either we were steamrolling the other side or they were massacring us. 10 vs 1 is not enjoyable.
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
    • Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
    • No
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
    • Nope. At least not experienced ones. There were often ones that tagged through desperation to try to get some kind of coordination.
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
    • The first week I guess but not by much.
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
    • A LARGE portion of my guild was placed on the wrong team to start with. I felt that the active realtime customer service and the timely responses/reassurances on the forums was the best I have seen to date from the ANET team.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
    • The restructuring concept itself! I understand that a great deal of hard work has been put into the new system and I respect/applaud that. From my perspective the current system has 4-6 high performing servers that finish the relink in T1-T2. These servers are communities with a culture and active times all their own that have played together and developed for years. Many people including myself waited months and payed real money to get onto these servers. This new system will completely destroy that culture and community. Some small bits will be preserved in the Elite Alliance Guilds that are forming but that option is not open to most due to individually not having an open guild slot or not making the cut when selecting the 500 people that can be saved.
    • The major bug at the beginning where many people were put on the wrong team cannot reoccur on a live non-beta system.
    • I have never experienced any form of LAG issues in WvW, but I did throughout the Beta. My guild-mates who normally have LAG due to being overseas said it was really bad.
    • Que Bug - Where you wait in que and when it pops are then informed that the map is full and sent to the back of the line. Before the beta I personally experienced the que bug once a month at most. During the beta I experienced it at least once a day. Sometimes multiple times a day. On one day I experienced it four times in a row before loosing my temper and logging out of the game for 24 hours. This issue is made even worse by the insanely long que times that were present during the beta.
    • The que times during NA prime time were ridiculous. I normally play for an hour or so after reset and could never get on.

Overall - I strongly perfer the current system over the new world restructure system. The current system is indeed flawed balance wise because the top 4-6 servers completely steamroll the other servers when they are forced to face them after a relink. However, that tends to balance out after a few weeks as servers return to the tiers they normally inhabit. I strongly applaud all the hard work that has gone into the new restructuring system, but unfortunately not all improvements are successes. As a customer and WvW enjoyer I would much prefer if time and energy was spent towards fixing WvW bugs (Defense Credit), further increasing rewards to better match PVE and finding ways of empowering the none core servers without destroying the current ones.

Edited by Entara.3075
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  • Do you play on NA or EU? NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26? I don't remember tbh
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? Once again I didn't pay attention
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? Week days Middle Eastern Time
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? It felt about the same once people starting banding up, but I like to run with random people while tagging up. My guild is not big into WvW but I ran with other people in similar boats. Which is a lot more fun than zerging.
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? No
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? Yes, I was one of them
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? It all felt balanced, like nothing changed.
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? It all felt well executed
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? I think that the whole idea of alliances needs to be fleshed out. I liked how it worked in Guild Wars 1 where you shared Guild Halls, and an alliance chat. That would be 10x better than what we have now tbh. Plus if you could create alliance teams for each week, that would be even better. But the issue isn't in alliances itself, or world restructuring. The issue is with the same ole maps, the same ole meta, and nothing changing. World versus World seemed like a completely different concept before gw2 was released (I've been playing since day 1 and was hyped for many years before release). Why are we running the same thing over and over again? Drizzlewood Coast is a good example of what WvW could be in my opinion.
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9 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Thank you all for your participation in the world restructuring beta event. We’ve been keeping an eye on your feedback throughout the beta and would like to follow up with some specific questions now that we're at the end of the event. If you’d like to share your thoughts, please leave answers to the following questions in this thread:

  • Do you play on NA or EU?


9 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?

Phoenix Dawn

9 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?


9 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?

Some each day, always reset.

9 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?

Varied during non-reset days.

9 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?


9 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?


9 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?


9 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?

Weeks 1 & 2.

9 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?


9 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?

Unsure and trying to figure that out via forum posts.

9 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

 Thank you again for your help with this event!

Thanks for asking questions for feedback, hope it helps!

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  • Do you play on NA or EU? EU
  • What team were you on during January 12-26? I think it was Grenth's Door ?
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? Thornwatch
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? Every day evening eastern EU time
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? More balanced overall, but I'm on Desolation so  we are used to being but against 2x2 servers alone. Any change is more balanced for us.
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? No. There wasn't any announcement that it's coming and on Friday we were just all put to random teams
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? -
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? 50% of the time and only on HBL or EBG
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? First
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? Overall balance probably, but second week we got raided massively from both other teams on our own hbl so it  felt like they either had guilds while we had random players who didn't choose a team, or that it was just more of them
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? Would be nice if you asked all of this before the beta started so we  were prepared. Would be nice to get a heads up in the game or the launcher about it with steps you need to take to participate. And it also would be nice if you could be with your server despite not being in a certain guild or a guild at all, I'm not sure if it was the case now but since I'm not in a guild no one told be about this event and I was separated from my server's community altogether, it was the most awful part — wvw is its own ecosystem especially on older smaller servers like Deso and being thrown into the pool of random people two times in a row was demotivating. These changes should enhance the experience, but if I no longer have a server and no longer have the community, what is there to play for? So it felt like no one cares, it was  just random 10-people parties dicking around, and 50 queue on EBG without a commander, while our hbl was getting destroyed. No one cared.
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  • EU

  • Subject: Urgent Feedback on Language Barrier Impact on EU Player Experience

    I am writing to bring attention to a critical issue that is significantly impacting the player experience in the EU region – the language barrier between national and international players. It has come to my attention that not everyone is proficient in English, and many players have chosen their main language servers to overcome this challenge.

    While the new fair matchmaking system is undoubtedly a positive step forward, it is crucial to address the language barrier issue to prevent the unintended consequence of losing loyal players. The language diversity among EU players is vast, and not addressing this challenge may lead to long-time players leaving the game.

    I understand the importance of fair matchmaking, but it is equally essential to consider the cultural and linguistic diversity within the EU gaming community. Ignoring this aspect might undermine the very goal the new system aims to achieve. To maintain a healthy player base and ensure the success of the updated system, it is imperative to implement solutions that facilitate better communication and cooperation among players with different language preferences.

    I kindly urge the development team to prioritize addressing the language barrier issue, perhaps by implementing language-specific channels, providing language support, or exploring other innovative solutions. This proactive approach will not only retain existing players but also attract new ones, creating a more inclusive and enjoyable gaming environment for everyone.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

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11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Do you play on NA or EU? - EU
  • What team were you on during January 12-26? - Seven Pines
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? - Titans Staircase
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? - everyday from 17:30 CET till 23:30 CET
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? - more balanced
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? - yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? - yes (we could fill 2 maps from around 19:30 CET till 22:30 CET on our own and all on voice)
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? - yes
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? - the second
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? - Roy and support helping people get into their servers when they were misplaced
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?  - probably ppt vs ppk grps timeslot matching 


Edited by wanya.1697
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11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Thank you all for your participation in the world restructuring beta event. We’ve been keeping an eye on your feedback throughout the beta and would like to follow up with some specific questions now that we're at the end of the event. If you’d like to share your thoughts, please leave answers to the following questions in this thread:

  • Do you play on NA or EU?


11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?


11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?

Can't remember, something with Dragon in it (Edit: I think it was Dragon's Claw)

11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?

I usually play during the afternoon and evening, but ended up playing during the evenings because during the afternoon it was just no fun (we were outmatched pretty much all the time)

11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?

Well during the afternoons as I said above it felt less balanced (population wise) than normal. Empty maps a lot (outnumbered). The biggest issue is the boonballs and then it becomes even worse because you don't really stand a chance at all and they were there a lot on the opposing teams.

During the evenings we had more queues, which is good and bad at the same time. It felt like there were more group/zerg fights going on and at times there were no roamers at all to recap our camps for example. Also our side was quite as organised so we would be 50 (our side) against 20+ (their side) but because they were a boonball and we were not they ended up farming us for a long time. So that doesn't feel balanced at all.

11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?


11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?


11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?

During the evenings yes-ish but during the afternoons rarely. During the evenings there were commanders on at least some of the maps but because the queues were long I wasn't always able to get to those maps. Also the queueing system was broken. I sat in queues multiple times and when the queue popped and I pressed "travel" it failed and I got set back to the end of the queue again.

11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?

None of the weeks but if I had to choose the middle week

11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?

None of it. I seriously wonder what it is you're trying to achieve

11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?

The biggest issue for balance are the boonballs. The WR shows that even more because there are more groups and as a result also more organised groups running around. This is horrible when you're at the less organised side. Really, I cannot stress this enough: boonballs are the bane of WvW and as long as you don't nerf the boons so boonballs become at least less powerful, no balancing of population will fix that. Boonballs can literally destroy twice the amount of opponents (less organised) easily. So even with more balanced populations there will still be this issue and it's the biggest issue imo. Not every server or alliance takes their WvW as seriously as some of the others so you will still have boonballs vs non-boonballs all the time

11 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

 Thank you again for your help with this event!

Thanks for the double xp I guess?

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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  • Do you play on NA or EU? NA
  • What team were you on during January 12-26? Dragon's Claw
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2? Dragon's Claw
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they? Mon-Weds, 5:30pm-7:30pm PST
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches? Less mostly due to 1st round having an overly stacked server.
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta? Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild? Yes
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime? Yes, my guild has dedicated commanders
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you? 2nd
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed? 2nd relink
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement? UI needs to be clearer, had several guild members who did not know the place where to select wvw guild had changed. Also the tendency to still stack NA primetime guilds on the same server leading to severe queues.
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12 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:


  • Do you play on NA or EU?
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?


-I play on EU

-I selected Reaper's corridor

-Fortune's Vale

-I play about four days a week, more or less depending on chance. Usually by night, between 21:30ish and 23:30ish.

-I have mixed feelings. First match was a bit sad, with Moogoloo being quite ubiquitous, a long queue for a loosing EBG bout and my team being outnumbered especially in the borderlands. 

-No guild, I have none


-One or two tags, but mostly closed ones that required discord and an invite. I find this a huge turnoff, as I dislike using discord or hearing a stranger's greasy voice uttering unintelligible commands where I should be having fun in quiet peace. So I ended up roaming and capturing minor objectives with random players. I did follow a tag three days ago, and I took part in some siege action, but I wasn't in the squad and I mostly trailed ahead, pursuing lonely kills. 

-The second match was better. Haven't partook in much large scale fighting, but the skirmishing and raiding was great and somewhat even, and we weren't outnumbered. The borderlands where especially pleasing with how populated they were.The first week had fewer hands on my side. 

-The second match provided me with a steady stream of helping hands in the borderlands, where much of my action is. 

-I'm guildless. The new system is based on guilds. This leads to closed and numerous groups of players that come online together and drop out together. Especially in the first week, there wasn't the stream of lonely players I usually band with and fight against, and not many alternatives, given the closed tags. This meant that not many autonomous hands were there to answer calls in the team chat. The second match was much better in this regard, but the prevalence of small scale fighting brings to the fore a few issues that don't really matter in large scale fighting. When it's a brawl between some ten people or less, classes that benefit from exceptional mobility and/or otherwise niche stat distributions, such as celestial stats, are particularly punitive to play against. I've seen consistent arguing on the latter, especially, and I think it's worth taking another look at the bonuses it provides with small scale wvw in mind. Same goes for the availability and consistency of boonstrips, a key counterplay tool when, one on one, the disparity of boon generation and upkeep between the two contenders is taken into account. With the new matching system, I foresee a lot less tagging and a lot more skirmishing for players like me, and the quality of balance for small scale fighting will largely dictate the quality of my wvw time, and ultimately what I can do for my team. 



Edited by howdy.7604
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  • Do you play on NA or EU?
    • EU
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
    • Skrittsburgh
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
    • Thornwatch
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
    • Tuesday and Thursday Evenings
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
    • Not a big WvW'er so can't really compare. The beta convinced our group of friends to jump in and try it since we could play together.
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
    • Yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
    • No
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
    • We had our own private squad, but there were no public commanders. Mostly just other guilds roaming the same as us.
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
    • Felt pretty balanced across each week. Every week very enjoyable!
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
    • Despite their being no commanders, liked how populated every map felt. I get the impression from what little I dipped into WvW before, on our usual server that most of the activity happens in Eternal Battlegrounds and the borderlands can feel pretty empty unless a guild decides they want a change of scenery. No matter which map we went to, there were groups everywhere on every team.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
    • Other than the odd person being put on the wrong server which was very quickly resolved with a support ticket... I can't really think of anything. I believe it just needs a drop of coding magic to work reliably.

Overall, our guild had a super fun experience. We are a raiding guild at heart all with interest in dipping into WvW from time to time, but all on different servers preventing us from doing so. This Beta was probably the most fun I've had in WvW for a very long time and I can't wait for the full release. I can see a lot of guilds being in a similar situation and giving the option to team up with your guildmates at the click of a button is going to be amazing for the WvW population.

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  • Do you play on NA or EU?
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
    Don't remember, I've picked one at random.
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
    Don't remember, I've picked one at random.
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
    No specific day, for the time: afternoons.
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
    I'm a new player, don't know how it was before.
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
    Yes, at least one.
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
    No idea!
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
    I don't know how it was earlier, but I guess that joining a team even if you do not have a guild/squad is very useful and neat for solo players.
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
    Not enough experience in WvWvW to say.
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  • EU
  • Phoenix Dawn (started on the wrong team: Dragon's Claw, but got moved)
  • Giant's Rise
  • EU prime time - Monday& Tuesday& Sunday, 7:30 (19:30) -10 (22:00) PM CET, Friday starting at 7 (19:00) PM CET (reset night)
  • First week felt better, rest I can't really judge as I didn't play much outside of guild raids
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • First week
  • Population seemed good, which might be related to the buff/ beta activity however. People who were on the wrong team got swapped pretty quickly.
  • Queues seemed extremely bugged, could not get on the map on the first reset night twice after a long wait time. Giving up a guild slot for the "alliance" is not optimal. As someone who was in a very overstacked alliance, imo it'd be good to decrease the max alliance size.


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  • Do you play on NA or EU?
    • EU
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
    • Titan's
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
    • First Haven
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
    • Usually after standard working hours, 7pm to 12am GMT-2/3
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
    • Less balanced; Some restructured servers were filled with blobbing guild while others had way too many roamers, with no tags on EBG during peak hours (second MU of First Haven vs. Moogooloo and Titan's was horrible)
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
    • Yes [roam]
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
    • I believe so
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
    • On the regular WvW Server (WSR) yes, during the beta not really
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
    • First week felt a bit more balanced
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
    • Live reshuffling of the servers during the first beta week was pretty crazy but it worked out well
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
    • In order for restructuring to work we need player role tags such as Roamers, Commanders, Blobbers, Scouts, etc. Since every player in WvW enjoys a different part of it, this would help with structuring the new servers by balancing out the roamer vs. blob ratio. This balance is being upkept naturally by server transfers anyway.
    • An option / queue to change servers so misplaced people can play with their friends
    • Add new reward tracks and achievements for WvW Beta Weekends or the Restructuring so there's an incentive to play
    • Map Queues are a mess, mainly because Desert BL is underplayed.
    • Clear communication on what the restructuring is trying to accomplish. Just reshuffling the population would be easier by resetting the server designations.
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  • Do you play on NA or EU?
    • EU
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
    • something Pine
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
    • Titan Staircase
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
    • daily, evening / night EU time
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
    • little bit more balanced
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
    • yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
    • yes
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
    • more commanders during day, no comanders during nights
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
    • 2nd week - mostly because the issues with team selections got solved
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
    • fast reactions to issues with the team selection
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
    • combining the beta with extra rewards buff / event seemed a bit detrimental to the amount of player activity. If the goal was to estimate balancing to monitor differences between server matching and dynamic team balancing, having more people with the sole purpose of getting Gift of battle easily because of the buff, it seemed like a unnecessary variable. 
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  • Do you play on NA or EU?


  • What team were you on during January 12-26?

Dragon Claw

  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?


  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?


  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?

No balance whatsoever

  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?


  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?


  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?


  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?

It was all hell, I played maybe 20% of what I usually do during beta

  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?

Literally nothing. It was unbalanced, frustrating mess

  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?

I don't want to leave my server community behind

I don't want to learn French or German to be able to play

I want to be able to join a public tag

Edited by Ail.9102
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13 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:


  • Do you play on NA or EU?
  • EU
  • What team were you on during January 12-26?
  • Fortune's Vale 
  • What team were you on during January 26-February 2?
  • Grenth's Door
  • If there is a day of the week and time of day you usually play, what are they?
  • no
  • Did your world restructuring matchups feel more or less balanced than your regular WvW Server matches?
  • less balanced
  • Did you select a WvW Guild for the beta?
  • yes
  • Was your guild part of a larger alliance guild?
  • yes
  • Were there usually commanders around during your normal playtime?
  • yes
  • Which week felt most balanced and enjoyable for you?
  • none ( it was only blob vs blob, lagging hell, skill delays,  no chance as a solo roamer, it was the worst experience in the last 12 years ) + the language barrier, there were 10 ++ different languages in the chat.. 
  • What part of world restructuring felt the most well executed?
  • non, please revert this and save resources 
  • What part of world restructuring feels like it has the most room for improvement?
  • non please revert this and saves resources, it was too much queue, in the first week i was only 2 times at ebg because queue was around 80 +
  • too much lag, way too many players on the maps, i like small scale much more than big blobs and queues, i like jumping maps and helping when ewp is called. i like beeing the first one to defend before my own blob comes and is helping. 

sorry for my bad english 😕 


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