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Soulbeast or untamed for open world stuffs?


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i'd say Sb , he has just raw power trough the beastmaster traitline when merged , you can melt trash mobs with a single shot and "onslaught" +25% damage get easily rid of high value targets. And while the utility skills from unatmed feel really underwhelming , the stance are pretty darn good in sb.

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Quickness Untamed is quite fun.
Something like that (I don't remember If I play Skirmishing or Marksmanship ) http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POwEIiNssC2BTlFycxieqLeB-e full berserker with runes of fireworks.

You basically stay in "Ranger unleash" for the big hammer DPS, and swap weapons on CD; really easy to play + pet to tank, trigger enemies and nice dps too because of Nature Magic ...

Edited by Zhaid Zhem.6508
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I main Quickness Untamed in the open world, and it's great. You are a monster, with huge sustain and cleave, and you provide quickness, might and fury to anyone around you. Compared to Soulbeast, who has less sustain, and less cleave, but has higher single-target burst damage. I'm told that Soulbeast is also great in the open world, but I can't get into it.

If you want to melt open world bosses, Soulbeast probably does it slightly better. If you want to jump into the fray and decimate whole squads of monsters without any fear for your safety, it's hard to beat Untamed.

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