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AFMF (AMD Fluid Motion) works with all dx11/dx12 games i own except GW2.

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Only worked the first time since installing the latest official driver. After that it doesn't recognize GW2 as DX11/Dx12 so it is inactive. Is this is a bug?  For me it really works well in scenarios where the fps tanks (wvw zergs, pve meta events). Hope you guys can address this problem, thanks.

Edited by zoomborg.9462
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  • zoomborg.9462 changed the title to AFMF (AMD Fluid Motion) works with all dx11/dx12 games i own except GW2.

It's just weird that it doesn't work for GW2 but everything else works properly. Maybe it's not a proper DX11 engine port? Idk. If this was an issue across multiple titles i would be less inclined to post here but turns out so far this is the only game where it happens. Already sent a troobleshooting report to AMD but i guess it doesn't hurt to post here as well.

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Technically GW2 is a mess. It is true that the AMD driver detects it as a DX9 game (like it originally was and under the hood probably still is).

When you create a profile for GW2 and enable AFMF you get the following error message:

"Inactive: Please use DirectX 11 or 12 API."

Edited by KrHome.1920
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1 hour ago, Shao.7236 said:

Works with me, are you in Fullscreen? Are you using AMD's overlay or looking at the game?

It only worked the first time after driver installation. After i closed the game and restarted  adrenaline no longer  identifies GW2 as a DX11/DX12 application. Switched between fullscreen/windowed, doesn't make any difference, fiddled with freesync/vsync, again nothing. Using overlay to keep track of  total fps. Someone said it might work again if i go into any SOTO map and only then activate AFMF but that would be a truly junky solution. Gonna test it.

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Did you restart after switching to fullscreen? I had to do that. The whole SOTO thing is silly, the game is true DX11, not just in parts.

If you have any other things like RTSS or OBS, that can cause issues and require more tweaking.

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2 hours ago, Shao.7236 said:

Did you restart after switching to fullscreen? I had to do that. The whole SOTO thing is silly, the game is true DX11, not just in parts.

If you have any other things like RTSS or OBS, that can cause issues and require more tweaking.

Fullscreen in GW2 is not exclusive fullscreen. It's also some weird broken mess based on borderless window mode. In exclusive fullscreen you can enable VSR which bilinear downsamples the image (controlled by the driver). Not so in GW2. The game does some weird nearest neighbor downscaling which looks terrible. No other game does that.

Btw. my settings are exaclty like you say and it does not work. My system has neber seen RTSS, OBS etc.

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Yea, try restarting it after you are fully loaded into the game.

I have a similar issue with Nvidia Shadowplay where the game launches with a canvas size lower than the full 1080p.  Shadowplay picks up the lower size and will record at that unless I restart Shadowplay after the game "switches" to the full window.  One way I circumvent it is to modify the desktop shortcut to the game to start in a "minimized" window.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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I can confirm to everyone that it worked just fine for me on the preview driver but the full realese 24.1.1 gives me sad "Please use DirectX 11 or 12 API." message. I know that it is not compatible with Blish Hud (i tried), yet Arc DPS still worked for me, at least on the last preview driver from 2023.

Although i did not find the feature particularly usefull in this game anyway. In big meta events, even on my 7900xt and r7 5800x3d, framerates would drop so low that the generated frames became quit blurry with frequent artifacting on particle effects and whiel not in big events my FPS exceeded my monitors refresh rate a lot of the time anyway. Bottom line it was always one of two things, either ugly or unnessesary so i turnd it back of and used sharpening instead, wich maches the game look much better. One time i somehow managed to have them both working at the same time, even though thats not officially supported, and could not get it to work again afterwards.

However. I'd still like to try it again and see if there are any improvements, so let's hope AMD fixes this issue soon and if not... meh, so be it.

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  • 3 months later...

If you still need this, and for anyone that finds this through search like I did, there is a workaround.

AMD's driver doesn't detect the login app as a valid DX11 game and doesn't retest after the full game launches. Probably because it's all the same Gw2-64.exe file.

Toggling AFMF off/on after entering the game makes it work properly.

"alt + shift + g" is the default AFMF toggle hotkey.

AFMF also conflicts with some overlays and won't turn on if they're enabled. From my personal testing:
It doesn't work with Intel's Presentmon. Switch Presentmon to window mode instead.  
It works with RTSS overlay.  
It works with AMD's own overlay and that's the only one showing accurate AFMF "frame rate".

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Posted (edited)
On 2/10/2024 at 8:45 AM, Parasite.5389 said:

This isn't a problem Anet needs to address; AFMF isn't their technology, they have no control over it's implementation.

I'd disagree because the problem is triggered by the underlying graphics initialization logic ArenaNet chose to use with GW2 when they switched from DX9 to DX11.  Applications like AFMF and Shadowplay don't have control over how/when a game initializes and then reinitializes it's graphics.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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