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Jade bots should have more module slots

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32 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Then you equip what you "need" for that ONE particular thing you want to grind. It's not like players specifically always ONLY RIDE MOUNTS or ONLY GLIDE or ONLY FISH or....
That's where you make a choice, not where you hyper-optimize for one thing. It's as if you'd try to say that whole build system doesn't offer any choice because in the end you CAN hyper-focus on just doing SINGLE THING THE BEST. If that's what you choose to do then keep optimizing for that ONE thing, it doesn't somehow mean choices aren't available for majority of situations in the game.

I never said players only ever ONLY RIDE MOUNTS  or ONLY GLIDE or ONLY FISH. But we all know that something like fishing is something players dedicate a lot of time to once started due to the fishing buff and due to bait/lures people don't collect 3 fish from a node and move on to other activities, atleast not at lv80.

I am absolutely lost for words how you managed to misconstrue my original post where I clearly express that I'm against stacking multiple buffs in the same field of use and then claim that I'm one that desires such hyper-optimization.

I said a good example of choice are the trait lines, which you instantly turn around and claim that I said trait lines are bad and add things I never said, this is absolutely wild to me.

I'm done talking to you

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1 hour ago, Farohna.6247 said:

I disagree.  If someone is running a siege turtle daily or leading metas that utilize it, it might make sense to them.  I personally like mount boost and treasure hunter.  Not really concerned about optimizing profits.  I do enjoy finding chests and it reminds me to loot them after metas lol.  

An extra slot would be great, but at this stage it's very unlikely to happen.  It's meant to be a compliment to your existing masteries, not to be a bot of all trades.  It's like an extra, mostly forgettable, perk from EoD, which is a little controversial for some players as is.  People would complain it makes it too unfair for players with the jade bot.  

It's fair to say the jade bot shouldn't be a bot of all trades but I feel like we are overdue for some QoL changes to the jade bot, that's all.

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Just now, Setz.9675 said:

It's fair to say the jade bot shouldn't be a bot of all trades but I feel like we are overdue for some QoL changes to the jade bot, that's all.

Fair enough.  It's definitely kind of a gimmicky.  Mind you, I enjoy some of the features.  Although I said it's unlikely, maybe something like an upgraded jade bot could be added, i.e. like the skyscale in SoTO.  An alternative way to obtain it for players who don't have/want EoD.  Some disgusting little flying Kryptis goo ball, but with a third slot.  And for those who already have it, they get the ugly skin and the third slot.

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19 hours ago, Setz.9675 said:

I never said players only ever ONLY RIDE MOUNTS  or ONLY GLIDE or ONLY FISH.

So you understand the concept of choice in regards of chips when it comes to anything that isn't limited to a singular repeated thing? Great, because that was exactly the point as opposed to your example of "what if someone GOES FISHING??". Nothing, they pick what they'll have use of. In every other situation they make a choice of what they want to be using. Which part is unclear for you here?

19 hours ago, Setz.9675 said:

and claim that I said trait lines are bad and add things I never said, this is absolutely wild to me.

Don't try blaming me for YOU misreading something. I literally said: "It's as if you'd try to say that whole build system...", which is as far from claiming that it's "something you said" as it gets. It's a hypothetical comparison based on your example of ~"there's no choice because what if I want to go fishing for a long time and have no use for something else". In the same manner "what if you want to heal and there's only one healing trait in the traitline, it means I have no choice in the build system!". Just because you can build around something to completely optimize for one role or activity doesn't mean you don't have meaningful choices available.

Edited by Sobx.1758
missed a word
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11 hours ago, Setz.9675 said:

It's fair to say the jade bot shouldn't be a bot of all trades but I feel like we are overdue for some QoL changes to the jade bot, that's all.

How about a portable jade bot workstation, so if you want the luxury of switching between your modules you need that and inventory space dedicated to them. Maybe it could have an ICD for balancing purposes.

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2 hours ago, jason.1083 said:

How about a portable jade bot workstation, so if you want the luxury of switching between your modules you need that and inventory space dedicated to them. Maybe it could have an ICD for balancing purposes.

Are workstations not available in the various lounges?  I don't have any access to lounges, so I don't know.  But if they are, wouldn't having a portable one be a net loss of money for Anet if people purchased that instead of lounge passes?  Unless the portable ones were the same price?

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They don't have them, and even if they did, no one buys a lounge pass for 1 feature alone. And the point is convenience, because with that logic you can always go to Arborstone/Guild hall, equip your thing and go back to where you were, rinse and repeat, but no one wants that. 

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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Are workstations not available in the various lounges?  I don't have any access to lounges, so I don't know.  But if they are, wouldn't having a portable one be a net loss of money for Anet if people purchased that instead of lounge passes?  Unless the portable ones were the same price?

Only in Thousand Seas Pavilion.  I mostly use the guild hall stations if I need to change them.  

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Two slots are fine, because making you chose a buff is OK. Having to visit a workstation, e.g. in the GH is the nuisance that is unnecessary to me.
(for context: Running Treasure Hunter + Scavenger Magic, but sometime an easy swap to Mount Energy would be nice for exploration and festival races) 

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22 hours ago, Setz.9675 said:

Rescue Protocol Recharge (fairly decent choice for the inverse of downstate enjoyers)

Rescue Protocol Recharge is actually the most useless module outside of niche instanced content or full maps. At level 3, Rescue Protocol will recharge in 6 minutes instead of 10, but you can almost always log out to the character select screen and log back in to instantly recharge it anyway. That doesn’t work with the Personal Waypoint, which doesn’t have a cooldown reduction module and would be way more useful if it did.

I think there are some valid points on both sides of the debate, anyway. The aim of the Jade Bot is to force you to choose, and that’s why changing modules is unwieldy; you’re supposed to be able to change them easily enough to not feel totally locked in, but not on the fly so you can’t use Mount Energy Booster to get to a fight quickly, then swap it out for a Scavenger Protocol before combat. I do also agree that the bonus loot ones feel odd competing for a slot with bonus mobility, though.

5 slots sounds too many, though given the nature of the current modules it might make sense to have 4:

- A loot-enhancing one (Scavenger Protocols and Recyclers)

- A mobility-enhancing one (Mount Energy Booster, Gliding Booster, and Skiff Supercharger, though that would force you to choose between skiff speed or improved skiff endurance which you can currently equip together)

- A Jade Bot-enhancing one (Rescue Protocol Recharge, plus new ones to augment other Jade Bot abilities)

- A mount-enhancing one (Turtle Pilot Booster, Turtle Siege Enhancer, plus new ones to enhance other mounts)

I always run Turtle Pilot Booster and Mount Energy Booster except if I’m doing a really dedicated farm, but it would be really neat to have small upgrades for other mounts. On the flip side, the Turtle Pilot Booster is not a small upgrade, and should really be made into a mastery because of how significantly it changes the turtle’s movement capabilities. Mount-specific modules like that should really be choices like “do you want to go faster or have better handling”, not “do you want to fly a couple of dozen feet or several thousand”. It’s one of those modules that’s either a must-have or completely ignored by people, no in-between.

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