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Your Top 5 Problems or Concerns of WvW

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7 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

That actually was a valid lockout since they didn't know what was causing it outside of the indicator that it had something to do with gliding. Players then abused that and were routinely crashing the game and trolling the rest of the player base. I agree the fact that it was a cosmetic doing it was a pretty bad miss, but the lockout to ID it and get it clear was a legitimate reason for the temp disable.

And actually quite funny when people forgot about the lockout and jumped off a ledge any way made for much guild cheer and banter. 'WITNESS ME!!!! Splat!'

It was the new glider skin, they could have disabled the skin instead of the entire mechanic in wvw..... but no, selling the skin was more important. 🤷‍♂️

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46 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

It was the new glider skin, they could have disabled the skin instead of the entire mechanic in wvw..... but no, selling the skin was more important. 🤷‍♂️

lol, yes they should have pulled the skin from the store as well. What we don't know is if it was a single skin change or a change to something else in relation to gliding. Odds are good it was something in the skin, but again, better that they disabled it since players were abusing it making the game unplayable to many more.  So, no I won't call them out on that one my friend.

🙂 And yes, its about time for some coffee or tea. Hope that you find an interesting sort tonight. Wish we could see team rosters after these sorts for purely geek reasons.  If we get to team up we will see what mischief is about. Have Charr cars crafted, 500 guild cats built and trouble is about to be afoot. 

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15 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Hope that you find an interesting sort tonight. Wish we could see team rosters after these sorts for purely geek reasons.  If we get to team up we will see what mischief is about. Have Charr cars crafted, 500 guild cats built and trouble is about to be afoot. 

Meh, haven't really been playing reset nights... or much of this game lately...

You could see a semi list of players/guilds on gw2mists still.


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3 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

Meh, haven't really been playing reset nights... or much of this game lately...

You could see a semi list of players/guilds on gw2mists still.


Know about the partial lists, but that is still a subset. I know why they won't post them, but the analyst in me still makes me say hmmm. That or I am bored at work right now.

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1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

lol, yes they should have pulled the skin from the store as well. What we don't know is if it was a single skin change or a change to something else in relation to gliding. Odds are good it was something in the skin, but again, better that they disabled it since players were abusing it making the game unplayable to many more.  So, no I won't call them out on that one my friend.

🙂 And yes, its about time for some coffee or tea. Hope that you find an interesting sort tonight. Wish we could see team rosters after these sorts for purely geek reasons.  If we get to team up we will see what mischief is about. Have Charr cars crafted, 500 guild cats built and trouble is about to be afoot. 

Oh sorry, I seem to have responded to the wrong post, I think I was supposed to respond to this.

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Projectile weapons are near useless with the amount of projectile hate, and the annoying fact that LB's burst can't  can be mitigated after eating the first hit and it's a liability even having it equipped outside of 5 for siege or to make a group dodge roll a few feet to the side.

The queue bug showing a near empty map full...

Perma stealth builds (most stealth feels way too strong, especially when there's other players making retargeting difficult).

Spies, troll tact pulling, wall hacks, teleports allowing wall climbing


Edited by candytripn.7253
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On 8/30/2024 at 7:16 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

That actually was a valid lockout since they didn't know what was causing it outside of the indicator that it had something to do with gliding.

It wasn't just gliding, it was gliding with the new skin. And the obvious solution in my head was: remove that skin until fixed. At least ban it from wvw.
Disable gliding in wvw until some single glider skin gets fixed is hilarious.
And afterwards they published the numbers of the increased deaths by falling during those days. Haha so funny - not.

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52 minutes ago, Tula.6021 said:

It wasn't just gliding, it was gliding with the new skin. And the obvious solution in my head was: remove that skin until fixed. At least ban it from wvw.
Disable gliding in wvw until some single glider skin gets fixed is hilarious.
And afterwards they published the numbers of the increased deaths by falling during those days. Haha so funny - not.

Well, obviously it affected some spaghetti code that had to be sorted out, as the only place it made people crash was when gliding in WvW. Not when gliding in PvE. And it seemed to crash only enemies and not allies, but also not all enemies. And they can't really easily "remove" something you have unlocked, not to mention the uncertainties of the effects of things like what happens if skin is already applied before disabling it but gliding is still possible with it equipped from earlier even if not shown, etc. So it wasn't just a "remove the skin" while fixing some cosmetic issue. Turning off gliding as a mechanic in WvW only doesn't seem like an overreaction for me, it also seems like the least "if we do that we have to do this and do this other thing" and end up with a whole chain reaction of things that could possibly go wrong.

It was triggered by gliding in WvW. Obvious solution: Turn off gliding in WvW until we figure out why.

Edited by One more for the road.8950
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On 2/22/2024 at 2:04 AM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Been a while since we've had one of these.

Here's my list, feel free to list your own.

1. Boon ball game play. Too much support, not enough strips, too easy for groups to roll maps when there's no opposing groups of same strength, discourages pugs and essentially kills off content for hours. Numbers matter, skill doesn't. Not to mention the lag that comes with it, game is turning into ESO.

2. 2v1 doesn't work as it should. Two strongest should not be avoiding each other to fight the weakest. That is bully game play, there needs to be incentive to always go after the strongest, seek out a challenge and not prey on the weakest, King of the Hill, not Swim in the Sewers.

3. Population, on a server, world, or time zone level, a mess and will never be balanced, but why spend so much time thinking about it on a world level, instead of fixing it on the smaller level, with outnumbered or map mechanics.

4. Roaming in a good place? meh, some specs get away with having too much of something or another.

5. What's next after WR? What's going to change to make me want to continue playing WvW in the future? Points don't matter, siege don't matter, upgrades don't matter, wins don't matter, is there any change coming to boost WvW in the future or is it another 10 years of missing Cornerstones?

Bonus 6. Where's the wvw legendary accessories? A 5k ticket infusion with a 0.00000001% drop rate was a giant nothing burger.

What are your top 5 problems or concerns of WvW?

1. Boon ball game play.

20-25 man group with brains can pop a zone boon blob.

2. 2v1 doesn't work as it should.

That's just life.

3. Population, on a server, world, or time zone level, a mess.

Yeah does seem borked tbf.

4. Roaming in a good place? meh.

Stop entertaining those 2 specs i know you don't like, i don't like them either and i ignore them.

5. What's next after WR? What's going to change to make me want to continue playing WvW in the future?.

That my friend is a question only you can answer, i was lost for a short while but found a good alliance and reconnected with some old friends in another alliance, that worked for me.

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11 hours ago, Tula.6021 said:

It wasn't just gliding, it was gliding with the new skin. And the obvious solution in my head was: remove that skin until fixed. At least ban it from wvw.
Disable gliding in wvw until some single glider skin gets fixed is hilarious.
And afterwards they published the numbers of the increased deaths by falling during those days. Haha so funny - not.

I agree I think it was that new glider skin. But I have been on the other side of that fence in IT where it wasn't what users seemed to indicate, so not so fast to go there. So yes they knew it was gliding since they disabled that, but they weren't sure of the what.

So I would prefer they errored on the side to stop those that were exploiting the issue. It sucked for those of us that weren't, and they can improve on IDing that kind of issue, but it was a fair ball in my book.

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The relinks are absolute garbage. Literally paired up with 2 biggest alliance creating queues quite LITERALLY 24/7. We can't even play barely because of these disgusting queues. I honestly don't understand the reason for removing the 5th tier. That was great, and "saving money" sounds like a lot of bs to me considering Janthir expansion pack was released. If you're going to remove the 5th tier for no valid reason, then please actually make the relinks better because its awful as hell.

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