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Untamed Unleashed : QoL or Suggestion


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So I had an Idea and wondering the opinions on ether how to balance or approach this idea of change.


Most people state that when your Untamed pet goes down you essentially look a good chunk of your kit (mainly the pet unleash abilities), what if Anet decides to implement a system where if pet is dead, you'd be able to use the pet's unleash abilities but with a draw back to balance it out. (This Applies to all game modes, not just 1)

Like examples of draw backs.

  • Unleash F1 -F3 skills do less damage
  • Longer CD
  • Smaller Radius
  • Smaller Range
  • ECT

You get the picture, essentially allowing the use of pet abilities on yourself while having a negative or con to it.

Would this be overwhelming or add to much depth to untamed?

The example that has similar effect is Mechanist utlities,

Superconducting Signet Signet Active: Creates a damaging field around you that applies conditions to nearby foes. If you mech is active, the field instead radiates from and follows the mech.

If your mech active, it has the damaging ring, but if its not you get the damaging ring.


Its food for thought, I'd like to see other people opinions and perspectives on this.

Edited by Oahkahmewolf.6210
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I would rather prefer these QoL-Changes:

- Hammer skill 3 grant quickness to the pet

- Unleash power bar (like avatar state bar for druid) that fill automatically after time (better than that buff you don't exactly know when its ready again)

- Unleashed pet skills are stronger and cost unleash power (actually they are just stupid spam skills)

- Unleashed ambush skills will be only available after unleash with full unleash power bar

- Cantrip skills fill the unleash power bar instead of giving boons

- Grandmaster trait Let loose change to a trait that improve the unleashed pet F3 skill to grant quickness and unleashed ambush skills grant might to nearly allies.

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4 hours ago, Oahkahmewolf.6210 said:

So I had an Idea and wondering the opinions on ether how to balance or approach this idea of change.


Most people state that when your Untamed pet goes down you essentially look a good chunk of your kit (mainly the pet unleash abilities), what if Anet decides to implement a system where if pet is dead, you'd be able to use the pet's unleash abilities but with a draw back to balance it out. (This Applies to all game modes, not just 1)

Like examples of draw backs.

  • Unleash F1 -F3 skills do less damage
  • Longer CD
  • Smaller Radius
  • Smaller Range
  • ECT

You get the picture, essentially allowing the use of pet abilities on yourself while having a negative or con to it.

Would this be overwhelming or add to much depth to untamed?

The example that has similar effect is Mechanist utlities,

Superconducting Signet Signet Active: Creates a damaging field around you that applies conditions to nearby foes. If you mech is active, the field instead radiates from and follows the mech.

If your mech active, it has the damaging ring, but if its not you get the damaging ring.


Its food for thought, I'd like to see other people opinions and perspectives on this.

I can understand where you are coming from but I have to agree with @Beddo.1907, this is a band aid and not a proper solution to the horrible design they have done.
On the consideration side of the solution you gave I believe it will be too overwhelming, giving the abilities to the ranger himself will actually make you less worry and even "abandon" your pet's safety so you can gain the abilities, look at it that way you will get a TP, a boon strip and a movable dome, that is quite a game changer if you really think about it in competitive modes.

1 hour ago, Iustitian.9176 said:

- Unleashed pet skills are stronger and cost unleash power (actually they are just stupid spam skills)

You have just described Elementalist in a nutshell.

1 hour ago, Iustitian.9176 said:

- Unleash power bar (like avatar state bar for druid) that fill automatically after time (better than that buff you don't exactly know when its ready again)

- Unleashed ambush skills will be only available after unleash with full unleash power bar

- Cantrip skills fill the unleash power bar instead of giving boons

- Grandmaster trait Let loose change to a trait that improve the unleashed pet F3 skill to grant quickness and unleashed ambush skills grant might to nearly allies.

So you are basically adding another mechanic to the already 1-button tied mechanic and also removing the almost none-existing boons we have and forcing the use of cantrips to actually make somewhat use of that new mechanic which closes ways for build creativity.
This looks like it will hurt the spec more than help it, for PVE maybe it is cool but for competitive its a death sentence, not many people play this spec right now claiming its too complicated so imagine if you add that mechanic in... sounds good on paper... in reality I don't see how its going to work.

Now, I am not against the solutions provided but I am not in their favor as well.

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44 minutes ago, DarkFlopy.8197 said:

So you are basically adding another mechanic to the already 1-button tied mechanic and also removing the almost none-existing boons we have and forcing the use of cantrips to actually make somewhat use of that new mechanic which closes ways for build creativity.

This looks like it will hurt the spec more than help it, for PVE maybe it is cool but for competitive its a death sentence, not many people play this spec right now claiming its too complicated so imagine if you add that mechanic in... sounds good on paper... in reality I don't see how its going to work.

Now, I am not against the solutions provided but I am not in their favor as well.

  1. The cantrip skills would only improve the elite spec mechanic like it is with berserker and it's utility skills. It's no new, unknown experiment. The new cantrips should not be so strong that they would be a must-have, yeah, but that's not difficult.
  2. The actual possibility to share quickness is much more worse. You are forced to change your weapon. The new 1-button-boon-provider would give more flexibility to the playstyle.
  3. Seeing a power bar is much better then waiting for the unleash buff symbol over the skill bar. It would make the playstyle much easier, not only in PVE.

There are just improvements in it, no lesser boons durations or lesser flexibility. The opposite is the case.

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13 hours ago, Iustitian.9176 said:

- Unleash power bar (like avatar state bar for druid) that fill automatically after time (better than that buff you don't exactly know when its ready again)

I for one really don't want another CA type situation, it's too punishing on down and at the start of matches in sPvP.  It's so bad that in close games you are essentially going to lose if the druid goes down as it will be 4v5 for much longer than most other classes waiting for the bar to fill back up.  

That, and ambush on swap is pretty ideal--if anything they should just make that standard.  I haven't waited for the unleashed icon in ages, as don't tend to camp one weapon set so I know when I can swap is when I can use my unleashed ambush.  This of course differs slightly in PvE where you want double ambushes so have to wait for the icon, but that's only one mode.  

But regardless, I think you speak more to adrenaline, which is a super punishing mechanic that would be best left just on warrior.  As adrenaline functions like old CA form did where it depleted OOC, and to base all cantrip around that would just promote one-shot builds (with the ambush being just like berserker's primal burst).

Anyway, I'm not opposed if the pet is dead/downed then the ranger gets the ambush skills centered around them.  You are losing some damage from not having the pet and a ton of utility, so being able to 'self-unleash' as a last-ditch effort seems fine.  Especially since no one competent is going to go out of their way to self-kill the pet because there are still swap traits around that.  

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  • 1 month later...

Id prefer the following

  1. Give us a stronger (adult) pet at the cost of our pet-swap, but make the pet extremely durable and slap a very large breakbar on it. Give it more stats and make the pet otherwise more ferocious and powerful, we have veteran models which can then be used to make the pet a bit physically bigger so you can tell when you're dealing with an untamed vs any other ranger.
  2. Put responses for the pet on each skill on hammer, axe 3 has this where if you use it your pet will do x. We need to have this on the weapon which then entices us to use it (even though its pretty cool as is)
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15 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

They should just make Beastmastery add the breakbar to the pet with a grandmaster along with with vitality buffs. 

Id very much like to get an upgraded pet though as well, with unique appearances via a trait. For example Smokescale alpha's (Veterans in HOT) Have a unique appearance and are a bit bigger. I think we should be able to use those assets if we're running Beastmastery to amp our pets and give them more stats...in exchange we loose our pet swap

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