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Condi Druid Overperforming in PvP

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4 hours ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

It's hilarious how druid went from a meme one-trick to top tier in every single game mode and you still insist it got nerfed ...

idk about all this; ancient seeds Druid you could sleep up to like 1550 with it, your new 'top tier' Druid struggles to get past g3 without a duo carry.  

You're also conflating 'Druid'.  It is 'top tier' in WvW as a bunker, and 'top tier' in sPvP as a bunker--neither are the condi Druid being talked about.  That one is only in PvE and is 'top tier' because they didn't neuter Eclipse damage output and things don't move 99% of the time.  

I know I personally never said bunker Druid was nerfed, I said that anet has no idea what a 'condition druid' is, and they just nerf random things to try and address bunker builds, because they hate those.  Well hate those on certain classes--other classes never get touched because that's the 'role' (i.e. Core Guard).  

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My "bunker" druid build kills stuff just fine in WvW and no somewhat functional build is limited to gold in ranked spvp.  Even less builds that see play in mat finals. Getting stuck in gold is a player issue.

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1 hour ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

My "bunker" druid build kills stuff just fine in WvW and no somewhat functional build is limited to gold in ranked spvp.  Even less builds that see play in mat finals. Getting stuck in gold is a player issue.

'Kills stuff fine' is arbitrary when half of WvW is PvE players just wanting a GoB.  You could also be talking about killing literal NPCs for all we know, as 'stuff' is super ambiguous.  

Also, AFAIK condi druid wasn't in December mAT finals.  Druid was, but not condi Druid.  The Druid in mAT finals was more support than anything, had glyph of tides slotted and everything.  Its whole purpose was team support with glyph of stars and holding the sidenode against a soulbeast, which pretty much any form of Druid can do.  

Anyway, plenty of 'somewhat functional' builds are limited to gold, especially g3 which is Top 250 in NA atm.  If you want to take a non-bunker condi Druid into plat without a duo carry and especially if you somehow end up in AT finals doing it, please stream it or upload a VOD for the rest of us.    

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It uses a condi amulet, it uses condi weapons, it uses condi traits - doesn't look like support only. Just because it's not "your" condi druid, doesn't mean it's not condi at all, and it's likely better at killing stuff than that sb/staff nonsense.

And no, i'm not going to play that dead game mode. Might eventually upload some WvW clips tho.

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On 3/8/2024 at 12:51 AM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Maybe your zoomer condi Druid uses Demon Queen and Quick Draw.  

OG Condi Druid exists because of Ancient Seeds--it always took WS and Skirms.  Removing Ancient Seed (and replacing with Eclipse) and nerfing Druidic Clarity from 13 to 3 definitely did nothing for condi Druid except harm it.  

I would take ancient seeds any day over Eclipse. Eclipse isn't even needed, only worth taking for synergy with demon queen relic. If you use any other relic at all, you may as well drop Eclipse.

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Eclipse is amazing and far better than ancient seeds. AS only ever worked against players that didn't know how to deal with it (or when outnumbering) and with an increasing amount of stab, resistance, soft cc removal and ports it became more and more useless. That trait just made it very easy to kill a noob or outnumbered player, but was fairly weak in most other situations.

Eclipse offers much better pressure vs multiple targets (while still decent in a 1vs1) and solves the issue of druid turning into a sitting duck while in CA. It also opens up better weapons than shortbow, because you are no longer as reliant on hard cc.

Edited by Zyreva.1078
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@Zyreva.1078 @MumbJumbo.1975 @Gotejjeken.1267

You are both right. Druid is both over performing just in gold and is a bunker/condition build. 

Druid is just an odd class it has extremely strong healing in Celestial Avatar and has alot of pressure with root/alacrity combo. This is why it is being nerfed. 

When I fight a Bunker Druid I know it's weakness, stuns. I play Mace Untamed and can switch from my CC providing Stability or Quickness so I just spam CC with Quickness. 

Druids real problem is it's unreliable Stability and slow attack animations that root it and others in place. This is why it makes a good bunker and team fighter but can easily be countered especially with mobility. 

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