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Whoever design that activement: I hope they don't work on achievements anymore.

Seriously, nothing online is helping, My guess is that the way to cheat the achievement if patched, which make the achievement just plain unfun.

Dying all over again, even with 5 freakin bunnies, for 30 minutes+ is NOT enjoyable gameplay., nor good design. Who thought of that, FFS? Any tips, any suggestions?

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Back in the day you could use consumable items that summoned mobs, like the Fire Elemental Powder, Mortar Seed Turret, and such to help a bit. I imagine the Pocket Jade Armor and the summon item from Istan would work as welll. You wouldn't be able to clear everything since they all have long cooldowns, but it'd help a lot. Not sure if they ever patched that method or not.

I know you also used to be able to have the instance owner hang back in the entrance area to prevent anyone from being transformed, but that one I know they fixed.

There was also something with equipping the Warbler you get from the early HoT story missions, and though that didn't give you any attack skills directly, it did let you use your utilities, which would let you deal some damage. I wanna say that one was also fixed, but I'm not completely sure on that one.

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Oh my! I remember that achievement! It had taken an incredible long time to do it, and at the top of it, I got sick - really sick - from all the turning back and forth of the rabbit at each wolf, with the room turning rapidly at each of the move... The graphic effect killed me and my stomach!

I had used a trick - in case this can help - I still remember it: I was luring the wolf into the corner of the entry door of the room. Then, once the wolf was stuck there, I was repeating rabbit skill madly. Since I was always standing in front of the wolf, he was not trying to move elsewhere and it was a lot easier to just jump at him again and again.

Though, even that way, as far as I recall, I had needed almost a full hour, if not more.

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I did this solo and it took me about 50 minutes...It was insane. A really bad idea. The best thing is to lure every enemy alone to the player spawn point near the stone thingy. As close to the wall as possible. That way when you die you can repawn almost immediately when everyone wipes before the enemy resets and continue pounding it. Just be always ready to respawn ASAP when possible/ If you have 5 ppl it should not take too long.

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It's just impossible now to actually GET to the boss. Wolfs see you from half the room, and the stealth skill is making you so slow it'S not making any difference. By the time you're visible again, you're not far enough. The dead skill makes the wolfs leave you alone... until it's over and they jump right back at you.

Also: you can't be untransformed now. And the wolfs spawn just after you're transformed. I can't play more than 2-3 hours now before my arm starts to hurts. No way I'll spend a third of that time on that mind killing achievement. There must be a better way.

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