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Ranger and Protection boon

Connla Dda.9407

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15 hours ago, Connla Dda.9407 said:

You must be joking, Nobody uses "We Heal as One" heal skill. Due to insuficient condition cleanses. You need to use Healing Spring or Soulbeast heal skill - bear stance to celanse conditions. otherwise you will be dead in matter of seconds.

Celestial Harbringer for example. Never approach alone. Even can do 1 vs 2. And no, this is not learn to play issue.

You said classes. As in multiple. 

We have one example so far. 

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16 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

You said classes. As in multiple. 

We have one example so far. 

idk maybe ele:

That weaver literally had protection on the entire time and instead died to condi burst / CC / I play a lot.  Pretty obvious they could delete a lot of people pretty easy though, which is why they just kinda let me come in and contest the ring.  

Was a glitchy WB earlier here that had a high reapplication time of protection too--WB can delete people pretty fast with its burst (especially in WvW) while having prot up most of the time by spamming buttons.  Dude I fought in the vid was either hacking or lagging as they hit like zero skills despite being on me most of the time--they were just getting major desynch but I should have eaten more damage than I did.  

Not like Spellbreaker doesn't have a ton of prot now with staff and still do damage as a duelist in sPvP either, as I alluded to before.  Maybe not perma, but equal or greater to what ranger can do + a lot of other boons ranger has little to no easy access to.  

Just don't know why some are trying to nitpick the OP here.  Pretty much been proven a few times in this topic Ranger has to blow critical skills to even get prot / blow dodges to get it.  Dolyak is like the only 'lol free everything' button we have and that's only on soulbeast.  Everything else comes at quite a large cost.  

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7 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

The random warrior mains in this topic apparently use it only to boon copy protection in a non-ironic way as a method of permanent upkeep.

I don't want to quote your own cele roaming vid to you, but since you use WHaO and this topic about prot boon I feel need to bring up you lose it a lot during that first outnumbered fight.  Probably lose it lots later too, but 2-3 min is enough proof for me that realistic perma upkeep isn't possible.

Maybe should quote it so the warriors here that think creating WHaO meme builds means perma protection is possible in an actual scenario.  Because you play the safest cele bunker I've ever seen in WvW and it can't even reliably keep up perma protection.

And by that, I mean this:

I literally need to see you play Ranger in a competitive environment and upkeep perma prot while actually contributing something and not insta-dying from blowing all your heals and stunbreaks to do so.  

As it's 100% right to complain about prot access on ranger now that they push melee and remove most easy sources of stability and aegis like warrior gets.  

I will direct you to a portion of my statement where I state that you don't even need to upkeep it 100% of the time, just for when it matters. Even then ranger still is tied with the most protection access. Ranger also has a great deal of evades that they can build into their bar.

Condi cleansing is definitely a weak spot, though. It's as if Anet wants them to have good damage mitigation versus strike damage but not against conditions.

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6 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I will direct you to a portion of my statement where I state that you don't even need to upkeep it 100% of the time, just for when it matters. Even then ranger still is tied with the most protection access.


On 4/3/2024 at 7:58 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

You've missed the point entirely. Ranger is tied with elementalist with the most protection access in the game. You don't have to or even need to take that many sources to achieve 100% upkeep without BD.  You're the only one meme'ing here.

Others have already pointed out in this thread that BD is hardly needed with a ranger to attain 100% upkeep on protection, they have that many sources of it. Nor does one even need to perma upkeep it outside of zerg play or instanced PvE.

The bolded is what I had issue with as I still want to see someone upkeep prot 100% of the time with little to no BD.  Like the ele I fought in the video, that's perma prot to me--not perodic reapplications of it.

Access is one thing, but upkeep is something entirely different, especially in competitive when at least for Ranger it requires sacrfice of some sort to get the prot boon outside of few sources (Mace and Dolyak are two I can think of that are more free, Dolyak only cause you typically carry another stunbreak anyway).

I don't really want to go down the evade detour here as that's going to make me bring up counter points about them removing stability.  For me, barrier access is a better talking point for that line of reasoning anyway, but not relevant here.  

Same kinda with condi cleanse--not really wanting to derail down that path, but I'd actually say that ranger still has enough of it or can make up for it now with traits like Carnivore.  

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14 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I don't want to quote your own cele roaming vid to you, but since you use WHaO and this topic about prot boon I feel need to bring up you lose it a lot during that first outnumbered fight.  Probably lose it lots later too, but 2-3 min is enough proof for me that realistic perma upkeep isn't possible.

I said slb gets easy perma prot and i had fights were i ended up with 20s+ of prot on slb. I also said druid comes close and in my video i have like 80-90% uptime thanks to constant reapplication. It's basically always up when i need it and only drops for more than 1-2s if i don't have to dodge, but then i also don't need prot.

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Be careful what you wish for op... Ranger can provide a little of both worlds, defense and offense but it's all for naught due some of the player base in gw2. if you have too much offense it'll be screams and yells of being overpowered if you have too much defense your class will be called broken and the whole game will be condemned. There's a big fuss about players not being good, not following the herd and not bending to someone else's idea of what's fun. 

Rangers do have pretty good protection you need to try different builds, and if you browse though the ranger forums  you'll see the rage posts about Rangers being broken and overpowered. You just need to find the spec that works for you. But be ready for blowback once you do, because once you find your idea build you'll become public enemy #1. Every time you turn around there'll be someone targeting you. You'll become their path to greatness, a sort of rite to manhood. When that don't work be prepare for the attacks in the forums, it's inevitable, but yea Ranger isn't that bad ar all, I know there's some that wish I'd stayed on my warrior. 😁

Thanks to the people that said players need to stop being lazy and try different classes and tactics, without their encouragement I'll still be running around wvw on my warrior trying to defend structures. It opened up a whole new crate of fun for me, appreciate it. Often you do get what you deserve/wish for.


Oh.... don't forget to keep a supply of target markers handy, the 1200  range version. They really do make a difference, for 25 supply that's 5 markers. 😉

Edited by Widebody.5071
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