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Idea: penalty rules against AFK players in the pvp "ranked" arena

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Anyone who has played sPvP has seen it:

- One or more players who, for any number of reasons, no longer participate in the match. They remain within the boundaries of the respawn safe zone and refuse to participate in the match.

- In situations were a match seems to be going bad for one team, you can see one or more of the losing team players go AFK, which creates a very easy way to encourage match manipulation.

Implementing "Penalty" against AFK players, the overall idea:

- Identifying AFK players: A player appears in spawn area and does not leave it, whether the player stays still or moves around, as long as they remain in the safe respawn zone a "counter" will start. After X amount of time the player is considered for "penalty".

- Players who disconnect from a match (intentionally or not): If a player joins a match and later disconnects (for any reason) a timer will start and will be in effect until they return to the match. When they return to the match the timer will remain active while they player is in the spawn area. If the timer reaches the threshold, the player is considered to be in Penalty.

Quantifying "Penalty":

- In case of a team victory: only the player who is in tagged for Penalty will not receive an increase in rank.

- In case of team loss: only the players who are *not* in Penalty will receive a score of 0, those in "Penalty" will receive the rank reduction associated with a loss.

- After the match is done: Penalty tagged players will carry a count down timer on their account. This timer forces a player to wait before joining a new match.

- For repeated offenders, the account wide Penalty count down timer should increment as a means to to discourage repeat offenders, in the same way that matchmaking penalty works.


- Rank score: my observation of the "ranked player base" is that most care about their rank score, or about competitive play being fair, or both. This player base should be able to request modifications that improve the quality of life for ranked matches and get a response according to what Arena Net is willing to do for them. AFK players in ranked matches are a major pain point and it occurs in a very frequent basis.

- Match manipulation: ranked matches are no strangers to match manipulation. Penalty to AFK players can be a step to help identify those who purposedly AFK for malicious reasons.

- Life happens! you should be able to AFK and deal with life without it binding you to a match nor affect other players. The core idea is that it should not contribute to your entire team's personal rank decreasing, nor the opposite team's rank increasing as a result of you simply having to AFK.


The idea of Penalty is not aimed to be harsh to those who legitimately need to AFK, but rather provide a path to improve the quality of life of the overall ranked PvP community.

Thank you for reading this far! Happy hunting!

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You seem like you care.. we have a way to flag afkers already, idle player in the report gui.. match manipulators and the likes aswell.. The framework is there and honestly seems like cakework to filter reports and investigate. Alas, they don't, and the reason is ___. Good luck to ya out there captn!

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11 hours ago, monfils.9354 said:

In case of team loss: only the players who are *not* in Penalty will receive a score of 0, those in "Penalty" will receive the rank reduction associated with a loss.


New rankingmanipulation just dropped!

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4 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

So, the only real negative effect is losing rating? 

Why would an Afk player care? 

Also, all I had to do is move 1 inch out of spawn to not get flagged? 


1. The negative effect: When a player is AFK the match is not void, those on the winning side gain a free rank increase, and vice versa for the losing team. This can objectively be considered unfair.

2. Why would an AFK player care? Everyone except the AFK player is affected by this, which is the majority in a match. My suggestion is that AFK player (whether they care or not) should face a penalty for going AFK. I have detailed my thoughts on this on the OP above.

3. Being AFK outside of the spawn safe zone is almost always done on purpose, by players who quit the match for any reason, at any point in time after the match starts. My hope is that by applying Penalty to those who stay in the safe zone; that moving forwards there are less ranked matches in which players are negatively impacted by AFK players.

This is a good topic to consider: once a player goes AFK in the middle of a match and is outside the safe zone, what should happen? To me things become less objective and trickier to enforce. Up for debate for sure, I have a few ideas.

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Posted (edited)

I got Gold in ranked thanks to SO MANY AFK PLAYERS,  and im bad at this game!

On 5/23/2024 at 7:27 PM, monfils.9354 said:

1. The negative effect: When a player is AFK the match is not void, those on the winning side gain a free rank increase, and vice versa for the losing team. This can objectively be considered unfair.

2. Why would an AFK player care? Everyone except the AFK player is affected by this, which is the majority in a match. My suggestion is that AFK player (whether they care or not) should face a penalty for going AFK. I have detailed my thoughts on this on the OP above.

3. Being AFK outside of the spawn safe zone is almost always done on purpose, by players who quit the match for any reason, at any point in time after the match starts. My hope is that by applying Penalty to those who stay in the safe zone; that moving forwards there are less ranked matches in which players are negatively impacted by AFK players.

This is a good topic to consider: once a player goes AFK in the middle of a match and is outside the safe zone, what should happen? To me things become less objective and trickier to enforce. Up for debate for sure, I have a few ideas.

Question if afk person gets some top scored at end results ? does it counts as AFK 

Edited by Orav.5816
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Posted (edited)

Remove pips for losing. Add pips for every 100 points your team earns + 6 for a win. Winning team gets 10 pips (4 + 6). Losing team get anywhere between 0-3 pips. 

Even if you are losing it's worth playing at the best of your ability if you're there only for rewards.


Edited by Cuks.8241
I can't do 1st grade math
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1 hour ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Remove pips for losing. Add pips for every 100 points your team earns + 6 for a win. Winning team gets 10 pips (4 + 6). Losing team get anywhere between 0-3 pips. 

Even if you are losing it's worth playing at the best of your ability if you're there only for rewards.


That might actually work, encourages people to play. 

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2 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Remove pips for losing. Add pips for every 100 points your team earns + 6 for a win. Winning team gets 10 pips (4 + 6). Losing team get anywhere between 0-3 pips. 

Even if you are losing it's worth playing at the best of your ability if you're there only for rewards.


Too bad I see lately too much point differences like 100-500 on enemy side of my side.

In such matches there are like sometimes few who afk if it becomes like 100-350. And for the matches where they play further they could have earned like max 75 points more, not enough for your 100 mark.

I would rather put more gradually like for each 50 points you earned. Winning teams could get more then 10 pips, little buff to the winning teams for faster pip gains same time.

So putting it more realistic then 100 points which is a far stretch. And same time to compensate more pips then usual for winning as motivation. 

Then like you said, both teams will take it more seriously. But there will be always there who litarly can't give a kitten even with this, overal it would become little bit better on that part


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