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Buff Torch/KoF [PvP/WvW]

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Posted (edited)

Reduce Flames of War CD to 18s.  Allow it to grant fire aura after it detonates.

Quite simply, this makes the skill more available and allows one more fire aura to use with King of Fires. 

Time to make a worthy alternative to eternal champion.

Edited by CalmTheStorm.2364
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Another beneficial change:

Allow King of Fires to generate a fire aura on landing with a burst skill (5s CD) rather than on crit.


If nothing else, the decreased CD would help a lot. However, the current reliance on crit doesn't play well with many condi builds, as precision/critical strikes are not a focus for many popular condi load outs (eg Carrion, Trailblazer, Dire, etc). Make it proc off of burst so everyone can benefit.

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Posted (edited)
20 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Seriously, are there no other torch enjoyers out there??

Of course, maybe there would be if it were actually a good weapon...

I'm amused to see that the snowcrows condizerker build doesn't even use torch; it uses sword/sword + LB 😂

People dont enjoy using torch, but its for the main reason of it being wonky as all hell and the condizerker traits being all kinds of kittened with the aura spam shenanigans.

Condizerker needs a more consistent method for creating auras on its own if it is to do better as a play style and torch should have the ability to do so. If it was there for aura generation it would synergies perfectly with the condi playstyle.

Edited by WingSwipe.3084
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51 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

People dont enjoy using torch, but its for the main reason of it being wonky as all hell and the condizerker traits being all kinds of kittened with the aura spam shenanigans.

Condizerker needs a more consistent method for creating auras on its own if it is to do better as a play style and torch should have the ability to do so. If it was there for aura generation it would synergies perfectly with the condi playstyle.

Last Blaze: Rage Skills Grant Fire Aura in addition to it's previous effects.

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One of the biggest problems with torch is that it really requires KoF to be useful...which means that only berserker can get reasonable value from it. That was fine until the whole weapon mastery thing, but now weapons should ideally be usable/beneficial for all specializations. And torch definitely falls short in that respect.

Although, to be perfectly honest, at this point I'd be happy if torch were even good on the e-spec it was designed for 😂

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

IMHO, put explosion tags onto Torch, which make sense in a way, and then add explosion related traits to a few core traitlines. Things like applying Vuln stacks on explosions, or blind, or torment stacks. Rather open design space really.

I like it!

Some sample traits:

Bean Burrito: your farts "explosions" torment nearby enemies.

Kimchi: your "explosions" set enemies on fire

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10 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

I like it!

Some sample traits:

Bean Burrito: your farts "explosions" torment nearby enemies.

Kimchi: your "explosions" set enemies on fire

More like:

  • Wounding Precision becomes: Gain x% of your precision as expertise. Explosions now deal torment per hit, 5s/3s (PvE/Comp)
  • Sundering Bursts becomes Sundering Explosions: Bursts not become explosions, explosions inflict 5 vulnerability, 10 if they crit at the current durations. Multiple attacks do not proc the trait more than once.
  • Dual Wielding becomes Incendiary Shells: Explosions now deal burn per hit, 4s/2s (PvE/Comp)

Defense and Tactics could get a few to cause explosions to have beneficial effects in an AoE around the warrior, things like adding explosions to heal skills, that then grant protection in an AoE. Or have explosions cure conditions on allies within 600 range. But honestly, I'd focus on the above traits from Arms as a way to increase the condi game on warrior. It would also have the side benefit of enabling condi DPS Spellbreaker and BSW and increase some build diversity.

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20 hours ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Condizerker needs a more consistent method for creating auras on its own if it is to do better as a play style and torch should have the ability to do so. If it was there for aura generation it would synergies perfectly with the condi playstyle.

I'd rather have them take away the Aura stuff and give Berserker more direct Burn applications.

Having to play around Auras just means more hoops to jump through, which Warrior already has more than enough of.

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Posted (edited)

considering condi war runs sword in pve now too, it doesn't need to be pvp/wvw specific lol
hilarious that a weapon where one skill is a block outdoes the basically full offense torch

all warrior offhands are a mess anyways, dagger and mace have no niche, warrior doesn't have condi utilities outside of zerk so torch only works on it since it's the only playable condi build, pistol is only worth considering for bladesworn because of the explosion trait, shield's been replaced for both power and condi builds by sword, and so on

maybe with spear and potentially the other underwater weapons coming to land they'll do a pass over all the weapons that are struggling for purpose, across all the classes

Edited by Shagie.7612
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