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Today we Lost a very dear friend and mentor - KISS Guild Leader

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To anyone from KISS and Vabbi and whatever server who was aware of James:

I want to say I was really shocked. I hope his family is alright and his friends. Please accept my condolences. James was a really good friend, human being, ally in the game and commander in my eyes. I wasn't as close but we used to send dms to each other every now and then and I remember he was always supportive on the field against and with me. I remember in 2019 he used to let me command for KISS sometimes while he was on breaks. He built that guild on his own like a real legend but he was more than just a KISS commander to me. A real community leader and fiery charismatic person with a friendly attitude. Whenever I play and command I will make sure to remember or mention his name every now and then so we don't forget this great community member.

God bless your soul James.

Seran Mir, Emin

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We where never on the same side, but loosing a person in the WvW comunity who brought a lot of good to his guild and his comunity and also gave us many fights in WvW in EU over the years is very sad.


My thoughts goes to his family and friends. 

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  • 1 month later...

James made GW1 a truly special and warm home for so many of us. He brought together a diverse group of players and led a community where we all grew up. KISS will forever hold a special place in my heart, and that was all thanks to James.

Sending many gods blessings to his family and friends.

May Grenth be gently and kind.
And may the light of Dwayna lead you.

I hope we meet again in the mists, James.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just reading this now after Teapot mentioned it on his stream. I haven't really played WvW in ages, and while I was never very close to him personally I still remember him well from our time on GH back in the days (must have been around 2013-15 or so). He was one the commanders that almost always responded when I informed him about enemy zergs I had spotted while roaming on Home BL. Really sad to read this now, he brought so many people together in this game. I always respected how much passion and energy he invested into the game, and his guild especially.

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When a game runs as long as this does we all lose players to time. Lost one already this year and might be 2 by now. Key is to raise a glass to them. Remember them. Share love with their families, and hold them dear to your heart. They live on as you do. So live well!  And keep their spirit live! Good hunting!

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