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Feedback: Don't release GW3 in future | Slow down with Expansion release and...

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On 6/14/2024 at 5:35 PM, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

As any game is pay 2 win.
You pay, you get better stuff.

Pay 2 win is not this complex spectrum of options or anything, is simply a yes/no question.

Can you pay for better stuff in GW2? Yes.
It's pay 2 win then.

Name one thing

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On 6/14/2024 at 10:56 PM, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

No, is an objective fact that is pay to win.
You can pay for tons of convinence, progress, performance.

Thats not on my mind, not on my terms, thats the reality of the issue and the business model on which NCSoft runs.

You might want to belive it is otherwise.
But if i can purchase a booster to level 80 or inventory space or a set of fashion or a legendary weapon, the game is objectively pay 2 win. Independetly that YOU don't consider that winning, but thats your own tale and imagination at work, is okay if you like Pay 2 Win games too, just say it out loud... After all there is nothing wrong with it yes? 

What are you talking about? What drug were you on typing this? How is inventory space p2w LOL or a set of fashion? or a booster to lvl 80? What exactly are you winning here? lol.

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I stopped reading after seeing 80 level boost is p2w item. 
You dont know the game, not even close. He is exactly definition of troll. 80 level boost is p2w, funny. A gw2 player (he doesn’t need to be veteran) knows how easy to level up to 80 and noone pays 2000 gem for it. Just you need 79 pieces tome of knowledge and 10 mins to use it. I have 12 characters, I leveled to 80 the first, except the 80 level boosts came from buying expansion, I leveled the rest with tomes. If that item didnt invade my shared inventory, I wouldnt even use that. 

There is nothing harder to convince a stubborn ignorant person. This is it. And you are trying to convince this kind of people. Stop guys. 


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5 hours ago, Suyheuti.1732 said:

I stopped reading after seeing 80 level boost is p2w item. 
You dont know the game, not even close. He is exactly definition of troll. 80 level boost is p2w, funny. A gw2 player (he doesn’t need to be veteran) knows how easy to level up to 80 and noone pays 2000 gem for it.

But you can.

And thats the definition of P2W. 

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6 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Did someone highjack your account, as this seems to completely contradict your previous posts:


No it wasn't.
And everything i've said here and said there are not in contradiction at all.

It just comes to show how people doesn't even know how to read, nor know their definitions. 
All i do in that post is to question the nature of winning in an MMORPG. But in no way there, nor anywhere else, i do question that Guild Wars 2 is a P2W.

Guild Wars 2 is totally a P2W game and there is no arguing against that.
For the gazillionth time, you all might argue, like i did in that post, that is a "less agressive" pay2win game, specially compared to other tittles, while is much more aggresive too than some other tittles, but all of that is still inside the spectrum of pay 2 win. 

Is less aggressive than Lost Ark. Is much more aggresive than FFXIV.
But still remains a P2W game, just like those two above. 

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5 hours ago, motoii.1835 said:

How is inventory space p2w LOL or a set of fashion? or a booster to lvl 80? What exactly are you winning here?

Inventory space translates into more capacity for bulking, which is directely correlated to the amount of resources/gold you can generate, inventory space is one of the most important metrics at the hour of defining things like market control and profitability of gametime. Is literally the key to win at markets.

A set of fashion allows you to win the fashion wars, period.

A level 80 booster allows you to grow faster in level than a non-payer player, literally the definition of P2W. 

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3 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

No it wasn't.
And everything i've said here and said there are not in contradiction at all.

It just comes to show how people doesn't even know how to read, nor know their definitions. 
All i do in that post is to question the nature of winning in an MMORPG. But in no way there, nor anywhere else, i do question that Guild Wars 2 is a P2W.

Guild Wars 2 is totally a P2W game and there is no arguing against that.
For the gazillionth time, you all might argue, like i did in that post, that is a "less agressive" pay2win game, specially compared to other tittles, while is much more aggresive too than some other tittles, but all of that is still inside the spectrum of pay 2 win. 

Is less aggressive than Lost Ark. Is much more aggresive than FFXIV.
But still remains a P2W game, just like those two above. 

What ever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night m8.

What's worse than a bad take? A bad take which shifts based around liking or disliking something.

Oh and yes, that's exactly what some are saying: there are degrees to pay to win and lumping everything together makes it difficult to distinguish or compare different levels of monetization. You used to agree back when you enjoyed the game.

Glad you were finally forced to admit to this, even if it was necessary to use your own past words ro discredit your nonsense today.

All of this also shines a very clear light on why you want all focus back on open world content, you enjoyed the game more back then.  An absolutely understandable take, and a very subjective one.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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3 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Inventory space translates into more capacity for bulking, which is directely correlated to the amount of resources/gold you can generate, inventory space is one of the most important metrics at the hour of defining things like market control and profitability of gametime. Is literally the key to win at markets.

A set of fashion allows you to win the fashion wars, period.

A level 80 booster allows you to grow faster in level than a non-payer player, literally the definition of P2W. 

Inventory management is quite easy to manage in this game with material storage and unidentified gear boxes. You can also sell your materials on the go wherever you are.

Fashion is subjective. Most players I know use skins from achievements and rare collections. And see those skins as more "valuable and impressive" then gemstore bought skins. So no, you do not automaticly win "fashion wars" with gemstore skins.

Your last point is only true when you are a completely new player. You could level up with a booster, (which you actually get when you buy the game) but this is generally not adviced as you should learn the mechanism of the game before entering level 80 maps. You cannot buy experience. I am swimming in tomes even without playing WvW much and can level up several characters whenever I want. Without paying a penny for gems.

The grasping at straws is strong in this one. Better luck next time!

Edited by Freya.9075
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On 6/4/2024 at 9:42 PM, August.5934 said:

GW2 is better and can run for a much much longer time & we have far enough content:

  • Polish the game!
  • Rework the graphics of whole game! Very old content to the newiest. Chronologically.
  • Introduce new system!
  • Make expansion release once every 2 years instead of Every year! Quality > Quantity!
  • Update the game server, Merge few maps to make game seem even bigger with less loading screen. (example: 3 maps into 1map)
  • Instead of releasing Elite specs & worrying about next Elite specs, Release a new class once every 5 years. (which means, This is a time to release new class).
  • Keep improving classes combats & their skill's animations. Better combat always improves the game & makes players want to play the game more.
  • Rework Old stories & all the Ingame cinematics! Giving them a new feel & smoother rework is far enjoyable for players. No need to change the story, just smooth them out new newer graphics & cinematics, To be as engaging as a real marvel movie could. (btw, totally rework the chapter 7-8 of personal story. Make the dragon far bigger & scary).
  • Introduction of Housing system is great! It will provide a good income to the game. To make it more personal & interesting, taking Inspiration from Genshin Impact's Serenitea pot housing system would be marvelous! (ofc in GW2 design/style 🙂 )
  • Make all NEW players to be forced to follow the game story in chronologically order after the rework mentioned in 8th point. Then make LW2, LW3 & LW4 totally free after the player buy the expansion related to those Living Worlds. Just forced to follow stories chronologically once per account

you are asking for a whole new game, the inflation is high around the world now and prices are up alot, like salaries,taxes,services etc. The game is on a old graphic engine and creating a new one from the scratch, or even getting a licience for one and redoing all the textures,models,animations costs alot of money, we are talkin about tens of milions. This Franchise needs gw3 to be relevant and viable economicaly in the coming years.

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19 hours ago, Inssengrimm.7924 said:

Yes you can.
And diverse kinds of power.

Adquisition/Resource gathering power through inventory slots and unbreakable/infinite/special tools that get you extra resources.
Character boosting, level 80 power is higher than level 79 power. You might want to consider that an irrelevant diference, but it is still more power.
Equipment and Stats, you can literally purchase the best weapons in game with gems. It doesn't get more P2W than that.

Again, you all just blurrying the definition of P2W so it fits perfectly in your narrative that it isn't. But its clear that GW2 is P2W.

You might want to argue that it isn't as aggresively P2W as other titles in the genre, and that would be a whole diferent discussion. But the fact remains, GW2 is pay to win.

Facts care for no white knight feeling.


Huuf this guy! You serious ha? Like it's clear to us that you are dead-set on trying to convince that GW2 in p2w to vet players here who played this game for years. 

"You" are that "friend" mate. Let me break your illusion with 2 options that i will Provide to you (tell me which option u chose):

  • Option 1: Play the game and get everything you need overtime. inventory slots, Salvage kits, Lifeskill Tools, Outfits?, Mount Skins, Living World chapters... 
  • Option 2: Pay to GET (no win), Get everything you want as fast as you want. 
  1. Condition: You get no power!, even if you buy everything, u will still be that Exotic-gear timmy. 

Do vet players pay to Anet? Yes, most of us do even outside of buying just an expansion. Why? Because Game devs are too good when it comes to free-to-play. Gw2 is the most F2p game in the gaming genre and all devs request from us is to just buy few cosmetics & convient items they provided. Mount skins, character outfits, gliders...

And most of vets players will gladly buy it even if they have enough gold to buy 5 outfits. I do to, i pay as well, and atm i am waiting for that nice Midnight-Hunter outfit to come in gem store. Listen Grimmy, Gw2 doesn't run on some godly universal energy. Devs needs money to maintain servers & make expansions and more! So, i have a very tiny request to you. Even if GW2 becomes tiny bit Pay to win in future let that go or maybe show support to devs? ^^

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2 hours ago, AIex.4105 said:

you are asking for a whole new game, the inflation is high around the world now and prices are up alot, like salaries,taxes,services etc. The game is on a old graphic engine and creating a new one from the scratch, or even getting a licience for one and redoing all the textures,models,animations costs alot of money, we are talkin about tens of milions. This Franchise needs gw3 to be relevant and viable economicaly in the coming years.

I understand what you mean Alex but i am not asking devs to make an entire new game, i am just requesting them to polish the game's graphics and cenematic flims. A good example would be, Polishing the early leveling zones from 1 - 80, Polish the assets, textures, few objects... Make them look just as good or better as Path of fire expansion areas?

  • Will it cost alot of money? probability is high. 
  • Is it time consuming? Yes
  • What do devs get? Nothing beside making thier game look more polished & well preserved and making many players happy & satisfied.
  • Will this bring new players? probability is low but the probability of making new players stay & play the game will certainly increase.

A true artist doesn't need an expensive pencil to show his talents, Art with the burned charcol can be more expensive then the one made with expensive paints & materials. It's silly how arts works, truely!

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I'm not so sure about that. How many people play games like Runescape? It looks like something from the 80's. I think a good game retains new players, not good graphics. Not that I'm against a graphic overhaul, but not at the expense of halting expanding the game.

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2 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

I think a good game retains new players, not good graphics

Story cenamatics reworks are also included, it's not just only graphics. 
About Rune Escape, idk about that either. Most who play it are OG gamers and heavily casual players. I wanted to try it once but i couldn't like the Click to move system.

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Hmm... GW1 vet here.  Three things:

"Pay to win"

The endgame is gold farming.  You can farm gold with $$$.  Paying to bypass the endgame probably counts. 

"Combat's a draw"

Not when flashier, better-looking games like BDO exist.  I could fill a screen with chintzy visuals and buff/debuff notifications, OR my hot Alchemist could toss her hammer sideways, teleport to the hammer, then melt it into a superweapon and bring that down on the boss.   GW2 combat is mostly making sure my spreadsheets are ticked (not that any combat isn't like that to a degree, but it's overdone here.)

"PvP was the height"

Kind of true, but for myself and Idk how many other people at that time, what pushed us away from the game was the final boss.  Press 2 (or w/e) to kill the dragonlich was dissatisfying enough to remove any hype I had for future events.   The fact that this was considered the narrative peak of the game (at the time) was.. no.  There's no reviving that kind of blunder.

There's a fight with two dragons now!

I'm sure I'll see it (someday) on Youtube.   But for the time being, there's not enough anything in this game to pull me away from GW1's comfy theorycrafting.

Edited by Finalfreefall.8247
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19 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

"Don't release GW3 in future | Slow down with Expansion release and..."

That ship has sailed.  Anet has its own agenda, and it doesn't include listening to their players.  

That's exactly how WoW lost like half of its playerbase during Shadowlands 😄

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