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Should we work towards our home instances?

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Hey all, I don't know about y'all, but I'm very excited about the incoming homesteads, and knowing that the home instance upgrades will be included in the homestead makes me want to work on acquiring all the remaining home instance nodes and cats I do not yet have.

That said, it does make me wonder, is ANET likely to make these things easiER to acquire once JW comes out, thus making us regret not waiting for the xpac before getting them? Is the price or acquisition method for the nodes gonna change significantly?

I don't know, what do you guys think, and if we could get a dev opinion on this, even better 🙏

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We don't know how homesteads work yet and won't until they do a blog post on them (and for some things probably not until they're released).

Personally I wouldn't go out of my way to get something I don't currently want in the hope that in future it will have a currently unannounced additional function which might make it worth having because that's a great way to waste time (and gold/money) and end up disappointed if it doesn't work how you hoped. Whereas if you wait until you know what you're getting it's likely you'll still be able to unlock the nodes and things, it just means you might not have them immediately.

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10 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

We don't know how homesteads work yet and won't until they do a blog post on them (and for some things probably not until they're released).

Personally I wouldn't go out of my way to get something I don't currently want in the hope that in future it will have a currently unannounced additional function which might make it worth having because that's a great way to waste time (and gold/money) and end up disappointed if it doesn't work how you hoped. Whereas if you wait until you know what you're getting it's likely you'll still be able to unlock the nodes and things, it just means you might not have them immediately.

If a sims4 guy is working on it like he confirmed on his twitter, it should work similar to that

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8 hours ago, vrauns.3215 said:

If a sims4 guy is working on it like he confirmed on his twitter, it should work similar to that

Not necessarily. For one thing it depends on what exactly he did on Sims 4 and what his involvement is with the housing system (I didn't see the tweet so I don't know), for example if he's a UI artist his input into the overall system might be limited.

But also I've done the same job at 3 different organisations and the processes I used and the outcomes were very different each time because I had to use their tools and procedures and fit my work into what everyone else was doing. Maybe very senior people can come into a new job and insist on doing exactly what they did at their old place, but I've never seen it happen.

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