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Elementalist spear hopes

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8 minutes ago, Sarm.5923 said:

Given that even the autoattacks seem relatively quick, I'm guessing/hoping it might be the least frustrating of the "this skill is designed to make you feel bad if you have to move" mechanics, but I can't help but remember past frustrations from other games and worry it'll carry over here.

I think the fact that utility skills can also be used as skills to complete an etching alleviate some of my concern about it feeling too restrictive, due to the sheer volume of instant or short casting utility skills at an ele's disposal. Eles have 12*/20 base utilities that are instant or short-casting abilities, and all elite specs have some or all utilities that are instant or short casts as well. I think when paired with the quick-casting 3 skills, it shouldn't be that hard to complete an etching.

*Mist form is an instant cast skill, but it stops you from using other weapon skills, so I don't think it really helps much

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12 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

You thought using 2 skills back to back to get the right effect was not enough of a pain in the back? Spear is the solution! You'll need to mind your position and use 3-4 skills to complete your magic circle in order to have the right effect! Ah... I knew they could make it worse than pistol!

I don't think it will actually be worse than pistol. If anything, it's more reminiscent of guardian pistol - you lay down a symbol, then you want to do things from within the symbol. The circle also looks large enough that you don't need to be a sitting duck while you're doing it. It's also pretty darn obvious when you're in the circle, and which skills you use don't really matter, just use the flipover skill when you're done.

As opposed to the bullet mechanic where you have to use bullets with very specific skills and you're squinting at the back of your character or at the already overloaded buff bar to establish whether you have a bullet or not.

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