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Warrior: The "Cuck" since 2013. -- Vote With Your Wallet.


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 Warrior Spear:

- No use of the "hybrid melee/ranged auto system that Ranger(and others) are getting, despite being "The Weapons Master."

- Rewards you for being in melee when your only movement skill is backwards.

- Ranged auto isn't even a chain.

- Scaling will be done based on "Highest potential damage in PvP" - (Look at Dragon Trigger's dogfood scaling.)

Not to mention: The Redundant Traits: (Warrior currently has 8 that "do the same thing just in different places, e.g. [Opportunist] vs [Merciless Hammer], etc." Hell, Half the crap on Bladesworn just gives Protection or Fury. Even the thing called [Flow Stabilizer]. Not to mention the skills and traits that just straight up don't work: [Heightened Focus,] [Burst Mastery]-on Bladesworn, etc.


 Once Upon a Time:

Warrior had 2 things: CC and Damage. You took all the damage off the CC, and gave TONS of CC to everything else (shared Weapons Training) while Warrior got 3 redundant off-hand Weapons, and a Main-Hand Dagger that scales like dogfood and ALSO had the tracking on both of it's leaps reverted to before it was previously fixed (because it was bugged mid-soto for WvW). -- But none of the devs "in power" play or care about Warrior enough to know this. So it's just another pump on the pile of "Warrior stuff that's never getting fixed."


It's too bad because the rest of Janthir Wilds looks really good. Stuff people have been asking for, for literal years.

But this is a Managmenrt Issue, not a Balance Team issue. If Colin, Josh, Whoever, are content with this level of deliberate investment & balance inequality by CmC and whoever else is actually on the Balance Team,' just because [Hundred Blades] was once the God King of Space, that's not a game I'm willing to support.


Y'all might be content with cuking-it-up for a few more years, but I'm done giving ANet my money to do nothing with my class while everything else gets insta-teleports(Untamed, Necro Spear,) AoE utility (Firebrand, & Literally Everything Else Now,) along with actually functional skills that had more than 3 seconds of thought put in to them. (Staff 3, Rush, and literally everything on Bladesworn.)


*Also I checked, and this post confirms to all of your forum rules. But it'll probably get filtered or ignored anyway. But either way I'm done giving ArenaNet money no matter how many Swimsuits they make.


Edited by SkyRight.2370
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4 hours ago, SkyRight.2370 said:

 Warrior Spear:

- No use of the "hybrid melee/ranged auto system that Ranger(and others) are getting, despite being "The Weapons Master."

- Rewards you for being in melee when your only movement skill is backwards.

- Ranged auto isn't even a chain.

- Scaling will be done based on "Highest potential damage in PvP" - (Look at Dragon Trigger's dogfood scaling.)

Not to mention: The Redundant Traits: (Warrior currently has 8 that "do the same thing just in different places, e.g. [Opportunist] vs [Merciless Hammer], etc." Hell, Half the crap on Bladesworn just gives Protection or Fury. Even the thing called [Flow Stabilizer]. Not to mention the skills and traits that just straight up don't work: [Heightened Focus,] [Burst Mastery]-on Bladesworn, etc.


 Once Upon a Time:

Warrior had 2 things: CC and Damage. You took all the damage off the CC, and gave TONS of CC to everything else (shared Weapons Training) while Warrior got 3 redundant off-hand Weapons, and a Main-Hand Dagger that scales like dogfood and ALSO had the tracking on both of it's leaps reverted to before it was previously fixed (because it was bugged mid-soto for WvW). -- But none of the devs "in power" play or care about Warrior enough to know this. So it's just another pump on the pile of "Warrior stuff that's never getting fixed."


It's too bad because the rest of Janthir Wilds looks really good. Stuff people have been asking for, for literal years.

But this is a Managmenrt Issue, not a Balance Team issue. If Colin, Josh, Whoever, are content with this level of deliberate investment & balance inequality by CmC and whoever else is actually on the Balance Team,' just because [Hundred Blades] was once the God King of Space, that's not a game I'm willing to support.


Y'all might be content with cuking-it-up for a few more years, but I'm done giving ANet my money to do nothing with my class while everything else gets insta-teleports(Untamed, Necro Spear,) AoE utility (Firebrand, & Literally Everything Else Now,) along with actually functional skills that had more than 3 seconds of thought put in to them. (Staff 3, Rush, and literally everything on Bladesworn.)


*Also I checked, and this post confirms to all of your forum rules. But it'll probably get filtered or ignored anyway. But either way I'm done giving ArenaNet money no matter how many Swimsuits they make.


Not just this man, but they're supposedly buffing Martial Cadence soon even though they've never fixed the bug where it nearly removes your radius for Heat the Soul quickness. I'm going to be laugh-crying when all 5 of us warrior mains pick the traits and see our 20% group quickness. because not everyone is stacked on our hitbox.

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Feel free to try FF14. My pal swears it picks up really good after level 50...

I really want to, but subscription based games are a scourge on humanity.

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2 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

I really want to, but subscription based games are a scourge on humanity.

You can also simply pay for one or more months, instead of having an actual subscription.

And in my opinion, it's a better business model than battle passes.

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8 hours ago, SkyRight.2370 said:

- Ranged auto isn't even a chain.

This seems like kind of a weird complaint considering a total of like 5 ranged weapons out of 36 total ranged weapon skill sets, and gunsaber, have ranged chains.
We'll have to see how much that ratio changes with Janthir Wilds but ranged weapons not having chains is pretty much the norm.

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As someone commented in another thread, it's really only been a problem since the 2020 patch that removed damage from CCs. Warrior suffered the most from that since warrior was the profession that was most built around high-damage skills that were also CCs. They were generally decent-to-strong in PvP before that, and were pretty much always welcome in instanced PvE for banners.

1 hour ago, Fueki.4753 said:

And in my opinion, it's a better business model than battle passes.

That's not exactly a high bar... 🤢

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2 minutes ago, Greyrat.2378 said:

*70, not sure if Dawntrail is going to raise it again and include Shadowbringers, so far it's up to Stormblood

Yeah, I heard they are trying their damnedest to expedite the leveling process to funnel players into the more faced paced content.

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ARR did not age well, Heavensward is kind of decent, Stormblood upped the difficulty and made the game more engaging (at least for me), Shadowbringers were fun, Endwalker was.. ok I guess?

Game does get better after level 50, and in general it does lot of things well (story, music, aesthetics), which justifies the monthly sub.

Combat though feels for lot of classes quite samey, even if it looks different, which is probaly my main gripe with that game. Does not matter how flashy the skills look if it plays same as another dps/tank/heal class, after a while it just feels bland.

Would be nice if ANet made spear fun to play, regardless of whether the skills look shiny or not.

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2 hours ago, Greyrat.2378 said:

*70, not sure if Dawntrail is going to raise it again and include Shadowbringers, so far it's up to Stormblood

It was 60. They raised it to 70 because of dawn trail. I would say if you finish heaven's ward story in free Trial and are not impressed, you can uninstall the game, unless you play it for Cat girls like me.

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16 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

really want to, but subscription based games are a scourge on humanity

If ffxiv was f2p it’d likely look a lot like gw2 in terms of opinions. 

triple A games, cost Triple A prices. A budget game will never deliver comparatively i am afraid, you pay for what you get. 

can agree warrior design is weird for spear however, imho if they gave it benefits for being both melee and ranged. It could have been a rly cool dynamic. But they only delivered on half the concept so it looks very half baked. 

hopefully this is a oversight and we see this played on properly. 

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1 hour ago, Magmi.6723 said:

If ffxiv was f2p it’d likely look a lot like gw2 in terms of opinions. 

triple A games, cost Triple A prices. A budget game will never deliver comparatively i am afraid, you pay for what you get. 

can agree warrior design is weird for spear however, imho if they gave it benefits for being both melee and ranged. It could have been a rly cool dynamic. But they only delivered on half the concept so it looks very half baked. 

hopefully this is a oversight and we see this played on properly. 

Where do you get "f2p" from non-subscription based? GW2 is not f2p.... Either sell the game, and include playtime, or sell the playtime, and include the game. Selling both is predatory and should be boycotted.

As for GW2, on release, and then HoT and PoF it was an amazing game. FF14 is not a "better game" from everything I know about it. It's just different and has more content. GW2 has had its goals shifted in the past however many years, and NCSoft laid a bunch of devs off and cancelled projects.

GW2 does not have a revenue problem. Nothing would change at this point if it made more money.

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2 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

Where do you get "f2p" from non-subscription based? GW2 is not f2p.... Either sell the game, and include playtime, or sell the playtime, and include the game. Selling both is predatory and should be boycotted.

As for GW2, on release, and then HoT and PoF it was an amazing game. FF14 is not a "better game" from everything I know about it. It's just different and has more content. GW2 has had its goals shifted in the past however many years, and NCSoft laid a bunch of devs off and cancelled projects.

GW2 does not have a revenue problem. Nothing would change at this point if it made more money.

Strictly speaking the core game is F2P.

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21 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

I really want to, but subscription based games are a scourge on humanity.

FF14 is cheaper than WoW which I understand its the principle of paying.

However not only are the core and first two expansions conpletely F2P. Unlike WoW they give out free time multiple times through the year in fact they are curently giving out a couple days of free time right which is normal.

I bought Stormblood as an example an never subbed it rather played through it all with the free days they give out.

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5 hours ago, Magmi.6723 said:

If ffxiv was f2p it’d likely look a lot like gw2 in terms of opinions. 

triple A games, cost Triple A prices. A budget game will never deliver comparatively i am afraid, you pay for what you get. 

can agree warrior design is weird for spear however, imho if they gave it benefits for being both melee and ranged. It could have been a rly cool dynamic. But they only delivered on half the concept so it looks very half baked. 

hopefully this is a oversight and we see this played on properly. 

I disagree a bit the biggest issue with Gw2 is direction which is in stark contrast with Gw1 that did completed expansions only. FF14 just finished an overlapping story across multiple expansions so they've had direction unlike something akin to WoW that went won day everything was the Jailers super secret master plan.

I think we would have gotten the traditional dungeons into bigger dungeon(raid) set up of every other MMO. Kept it going alongside wvw and pvp. Strikes, dragon response, fractals, mists, and maybe bounty development would have been folded in with more dungeon development. I admit this would lead to another MMO issue of overcomplicated boss design something we lack because the ball keeps getting remade.

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5 hours ago, Doam.8305 said:

I disagree a bit the biggest issue with Gw2 is direction which is in stark contrast with Gw1 that did completed expansions only. FF14 just finished an overlapping story across multiple expansions so they've had direction unlike something akin to WoW that went won day everything was the Jailers super secret master plan.

I think we would have gotten the traditional dungeons into bigger dungeon(raid) set up of every other MMO. Kept it going alongside wvw and pvp. Strikes, dragon response, fractals, mists, and maybe bounty development would have been folded in with more dungeon development. I admit this would lead to another MMO issue of overcomplicated boss design something we lack because the ball keeps getting remade.

Yes, but it boils down to money, gw2 doesn’t make enough money to achieve what ffxiv does, its team is smaller, its budget is smaller. 

subscription based games will always do it better. Because their prices to do better. That’s why it’s you get what you pay for.

premium products cost a premium price., gw2 doesn’t generate the income to deliver premium, and tbh at the pricing it’s at it doesn’t need to. GW2 isn’t priced 5 x cheaper than WoW / ffxiv because it wants to be. No company just decides it’s gonna be as good as the other but be 5x cheaper. That just doesn’t happen.

If gw2 was aiming for the same standards, it’d be equal in price. It’s because gw2 isn’t, that it’s cheaper. If gw2 could, they would, any company would quadruple their profits if they could do it

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1 minute ago, Magmi.6723 said:

Yes, but it boils down to money, gw2 doesn’t make enough money to achieve what ffxiv does, its team is smaller, its budget is smaller. 

subscription based games will always do it better. Because their prices to do better. That’s why it’s you get what you pay for.

premium products cost a premium price., gw2 doesn’t generate the income to deliver premium, and tbh at the pricing it’s at it doesn’t need to. 

The sheer amount of abandoned systems and cut mechanics should be a clear sign that direction and thorough planning is Gw2 biggest flaw. Just look at the last expac Soto its like a drunk adhd toddler is at the helm as we went fron a decent story with wizards and alternate reality island and the moral implications. To a hard turn dropping characters to do demon land stuff.

Gw2 makes enough money for them to go no more dungeons we doing fractals now then no more fractals we doing raids now. Up to no more raids its dragon response missions which got gutted for strikes. Then classes were heavily pruned do to esports and to make room for elites

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42 minutes ago, Doam.8305 said:

The sheer amount of abandoned systems and cut mechanics should be a clear sign that direction and thorough planning is Gw2 biggest flaw. Just look at the last expac Soto its like a drunk adhd toddler is at the helm as we went fron a decent story with wizards and alternate reality island and the moral implications. To a hard turn dropping characters to do demon land stuff.

Gw2 makes enough money for them to go no more dungeons we doing fractals now then no more fractals we doing raids now. Up to no more raids its dragon response missions which got gutted for strikes. Then classes were heavily pruned do to esports and to make room for elites

They actually don’t and here’s why:

GW2 only gets budget to release content that generates money. 

in WoW / ffxiv if they go back and update the game, improve systems and rework content, and bring back 200k players. They’ve netted a 2 million pound income.

if guild wars 2 does the same and brings back 200k they’ve generated nothing, but damage their budget they need to release new content. 

that’s the staple here. Guild wars 2 doesn’t generate enough money to develop content they can’t sell, because the games entire cash model is built on selling a box copy. 

They got the money to launch the content, but they simply don’t have the money to polish systems, because re-iterations off the table. So they have to continuously create a completely different set of content as it’s “improvement” and abandon the previous system entirely, because reworking can’t happen 

also, the problem with Soto wasn’t that it was bad per say, as far as I’m aware the launch story was considered actually good, it was the following story. 

and they’ve admitted this and state they know it went wrong, they tried to cover too much for a 1 year expansion, it should have been a 1 year expansion in the wizard tower, and then 1 year expansion in the demon world, Soto needed to spand over 2 expansions realistically. 

they didn’t give themselves enough development time or just time in general to flesh characters out, and this was a admitted critic by Anet and they’ve said next expansion they’re working to improve on this dramatically. 

either way this is really coming off of subject, as warrior issues is the focus here. 

Edited by Magmi.6723
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11 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

Where do you get "f2p" from non-subscription based? GW2 is not f2p.... Either sell the game, and include playtime, or sell the playtime, and include the game. Selling both is predatory and should be boycotted

It isn’t predatory lol. 

A form of entertainment costing u £160 a year, is normal. That’s just 2024 and tbh is still extremely cheap compared to any other form of entertainment 

here’s the fact for you:

no it shouldn’t be boycotted. Every market has both premium and budget versions. 

just because you can get a Vauxhall for £2,000, doesn’t mean Lamborghini should be boycotted for being dramatically more expensive. 

gw2 is a budget game, that simply aims to drive by value. I.e it’s low costs and low commitment. 

wow/ffxiv are premium games, they cost more to do more. It’s that simple,

you don’t seem to understand why a subscription exists.

The box price, is a cost for the developed content at launch, the subscription is the cost for the work they do beyond that point. . 

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11 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

GW2 does not have a revenue problem. Nothing would change at this point if it made more money

Gw2 doesn’t have revenue problems, they made 3/4s of the team working on the game redundant because they make enough 😂😂😂

the games almost dissolved Twice due to company collapse. The dev team is a skeleton crew because the company were forced to half the company to try and save themselves?! They literally have to abide by ANOTHER companies rulings (Ncsoft) who are known to enforce smaller companies to release bad content fast to milk cash quick and easy. lol. 

no guild wars 2 doesn’t make enough revenue. The game physically can’t survive being a stand alone game because of it 😂 you rly don’t keep updated with what’s going on with the company if you believe gw2 doesn’t have revenue issues. 

If you honestly look at games, and think a year of 30 Devs work is worth £21 and isn’t a revenue issue there, then I’m afraid you don’t understand business. This game is wildly cheap, and I mean really really cheap. 

please don’t say ridiculous things. Gw2 literally admitted it had revenue issues it was part of the  reason it started the 1 year expansion cycle… to double the price we pay. They now make £42 per 2 year cycle over £21. 

Stand alone box prices for non sub based games today is £80. That’s the truth here, if you look at games which launch on box price value that’s where they start. Gw2 isn’t priced competitively to anything, regardless of which side of the coin you look like. And sure I’d rather a £80 box price than a subscription model. but Anet won’t do it, which is fine, but we have to accept the compromises for low pricing. 

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19 hours ago, Greyrat.2378 said:

Would be nice if ANet made spear fun to play, regardless of whether the skills look shiny or not

Tbh, they’re gonna have the same issue, every new weapon does:

They either launch, and everyone’s using a spear because they’re amazing. And we just see death of diversity. 

or they’re rubbish and you never actually use the thing anyway. 

if it isn’t the strongest option, players won’t use them. Some of these weapons, no matter how flashy they are or well made they are will generally suck comparatively to other options while strong options will eventually get nerfed til they suck compared to other weapons. 

I’d of rather seen the development time invested into its current weapons and trait lines, then more to load on the top of things that have little impact to your overall gameplay. 

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4 hours ago, Magmi.6723 said:

They actually don’t and here’s why:

GW2 only gets budget to release content that generates money. 

in WoW / ffxiv if they go back and update the game, improve systems and rework content, and bring back 200k players. They’ve netted a 2 million pound income.

if guild wars 2 does the same and brings back 200k they’ve generated nothing, but damage their budget they need to release new content. 

that’s the staple here. Guild wars 2 doesn’t generate enough money to develop content they can’t sell, because the games entire cash model is built on selling a box copy. 

They got the money to launch the content, but they simply don’t have the money to polish systems, because re-iterations off the table. So they have to continuously create a completely different set of content as it’s “improvement” and abandon the previous system entirely, because reworking can’t happen 

also, the problem with Soto wasn’t that it was bad per say, as far as I’m aware the launch story was considered actually good, it was the following story. 

and they’ve admitted this and state they know it went wrong, they tried to cover too much for a 1 year expansion, it should have been a 1 year expansion in the wizard tower, and then 1 year expansion in the demon world, Soto needed to spand over 2 expansions realistically. 

they didn’t give themselves enough development time or just time in general to flesh characters out, and this was a admitted critic by Anet and they’ve said next expansion they’re working to improve on this dramatically. 

either way this is really coming off of subject, as warrior issues is the focus here. 

I pretty much said Soto dropped off at the demon section.

Going back and updating old systems is completely different than conpletely abandoning a system for another one. Development is expensive and they've spent years building bridges to no where whicj has absolutly nothing to do with funds at hand but rather burning it in the short term.

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