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Not sure about playing melee vs ranged (fun factor)

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This applies specially for PVP, but also for all modes.

I come from Dark Souls duel and bosses environment, so I'm into hard PVE and PVP. There fights are mostly melee, with dodges, parries (aka interrupts), etc. Here, for a long time, I tried to replicate that. I have my Warrior with a dodge every 3 seconds or so. Good. But after some time, I start feeling some "Unga bunga". Yes, getting close and personal to attack someone, pay attention to its animations, kick to interrupt their skills, dodge stuff... I love it. But sometimes I think... isn't always the same? And I try ranged play. Strategy, positioning. Where do I shoot from, how I ambush my enemy. It's like old Counter and Battlefield times! But then I feel I treat the enemy as a dummy, as a golem that I just find and burst, not paying attention to it. Not having a duel, a "conversation".

And... yes. I ended in this, I don't know anymore if I want melee or ranged, I want both, but at the same time I don't want both (I don't like weapon swapping, I try to find one playstile). Anyone has been in this weird situation or can give me some advice? Thanks.

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24 minutes ago, DarkK.7368 said:

I don't like weapon swapping

That's a core game mechanic and by not using it you're giving yourself a handicap and compromising your team, it's like when Elementalists label themselves "I'm a fire attunement Ele" and refuse to do a proper rotation.

27 minutes ago, DarkK.7368 said:

Anyone has been in this weird situation or can give me some advice?

You already know the answer for yourself, now you just want validation. You don't need to ask for permission, play what you want to play.

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3 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

That's a core game mechanic and by not using it you're giving yourself a handicap and compromising your team, it's like when Elementalists label themselves "I'm a fire attunement Ele" and refuse to do a proper rotation.

You already know the answer for yourself, now you just want validation. You don't need to ask for permission, play what you want to play.

Don't you dare underestimate the power of the fire wizards :<

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2 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

That's a core game mechanic and by not using it you're giving yourself a handicap and compromising your team, it's like when Elementalists label themselves "I'm a fire attunement Ele" and refuse to do a proper rotation.

You already know the answer for yourself, now you just want validation. You don't need to ask for permission, play what you want to play.

I've been for years refusing weapon swap. And at major parts I don't feel it's so much of a deal. But it's true that, for example, I'm stuck in silver 2/3. Could that be because no weapon swap REALLY hurts me, or because others have 10 years of experience?

Sometimes... I thought, how about if I play elementalist? I like swapping attunements. Not using conjured weapons, of course, but if swapping... I could be at my 100% potential? I could go... with hammer, so I would be swapping melee vs ranged (600, but it's ranged), and... I tried some times, but it didn't totally click. I come from my warrior with perma dodges. True, ele could get perma vigor with the relic, but... losing the 50% extra generation from warrior and engi (even 25% from ranger and guardian), losing extra endurance generations... I fear I would lose my original dark souls feeling and just end spamming skills idle.

I don't think I really know the answer, buddy. I'm just swapping because I can't find it

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10 minutes ago, Dean Calaway.9718 said:

It's because of no weapon swap.

It's funny how a topic about the fun factor turned about "You must play weapon swap!". In reddit happened the same hahahaha.

Hammer ele plays both melee and ranged swapping elements and don't need to swap weapons to be 100% effective (can't) so maybe that's the universe telling me what to do XD

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10 minutes ago, DarkK.7368 said:

It's funny how a topic about the fun factor turned about "You must play weapon swap!". In reddit happened the same hahahaha.

It's like saying you don't need to dodge roll, or an elite skill. It's no wonder everyone is telling you the same thing.

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22 minutes ago, DarkK.7368 said:

It's funny how a topic about the fun factor turned about "You must play weapon swap!". In reddit happened the same hahahaha.

Hammer ele plays both melee and ranged swapping elements and don't need to swap weapons to be 100% effective (can't) so maybe that's the universe telling me what to do XD

For ele, attunement swapping is the equivalent to weapon swapping on all the other classes (except engi).

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Too lazy to check, but pretty sure OP is the same guy who regularly makes threads suggesting X gameplay element (like cooldowns) should reflect Y "immersion" preference ("my super awesome fighting character should be able to spam moves back-to-back).

@DarkK.7368, if you actually care about getting out of silver/performing combat more effectively, stop trying to impose your personal desires on the game. Why not look at how the game actually is (not soulslike, benefits heavily from weapon swap, etc.), to figure out what actually works?

But of course, as soon as someone suggests things that reflect the reality of the game, you have your typical fallback: "but but but I was talking about fun/immersion, not effectiveness!"  Well don't be surprised if few people have suggestions you want to hear, turns out a lot of us have a different idea of "fun."

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2 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

Too lazy to check, but pretty sure OP is the same guy who regularly makes threads suggesting X gameplay element (like cooldowns) should reflect Y "immersion" preference ("my super awesome fighting character should be able to spam moves back-to-back).

Yes 🤣

2 minutes ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:

@DarkK.7368, if you actually care about getting out of silver/performing combat more effectively, stop trying to impose your personal desires on the game. Why not look at how the game actually is (not soulslike, benefits heavily from weapon swap, etc.), to figure out what actually works?

But of course, as soon as someone suggests things that reflect the reality of the game, you have your typical fallback: "but but but I was talking about fun/immersion, not effectiveness!"  Well don't be surprised if few people have suggestions you want to hear, turns out a lot of us have a different idea of "fun."

It takes time, but I'm heavily considering going for elementalist hammer. Element swapping is nice in my mind, is the equivalent of weapon swapping, and it mixes melee and ranged, so... I have to make some sacrifices to enjoy the good things

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So tl;dr: weapon swap is bad, attunement swap is good, so plz remove weapon swap from the game and add attunements to all classes? Guess climate change already starts melting brains...

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2 minutes ago, Nash.2681 said:

So tl;dr: weapon swap is bad, attunement swap is good, so plz remove weapon swap from the game and add attunements to all classes? Guess climate change already starts melting brains...

Don't invent words I did not say hahaha Weapon swap is bad for me, attunement swap is good for me, so I'll play elementalist

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26 minutes ago, DarkK.7368 said:

Don't invent words I did not say hahaha Weapon swap is bad for me, attunement swap is good for me, so I'll play elementalist

So "problem" (that no one else seems to have...) is solved? Great, enjoy! Guess this thread can be closed then.

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1 hour ago, DarkK.7368 said:

It's funny how a topic about the fun factor turned about "You must play weapon swap!". In reddit happened the same hahahaha.

Hammer ele plays both melee and ranged swapping elements and don't need to swap weapons to be 100% effective (can't) so maybe that's the universe telling me what to do XD

Maybe it is! My ele was the first toon I ever mained and I wont lie, I'll take weapon swap over piano playing any day, but whatever blows your back.

As to your original question if you want to camp one set of weapons I would think melee with a lot of mobility would be your best bet - for pve Hizen's d/d DE would be good, a DH or WB or a sb Renegade (but you still have to swap stance to really excel so there's that) and possibly a sword hb - though I play reaper and don't use sword so you would have to look into that.
I don't know how well they would bode in pvp; I play wvw and these are strong roaming classes but I don't know how well that carries over to pvp specifically.
Though I must admit, I'm a firm believer in 'you can make any class work if you love to play it enough' - corny I know, but I'm a sentimental gal 😆

Anyway, GL and hopefully you find something that works.

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I just found that Tempest can generate 15 endurance each time you generate vigor. No cooldown. Vigor every 3 seconds from relic dodge, every time I use a Cantrip because of water passive, every 10 seconds per arcane critical (sacrificing fire trait), plus endurance from sigil attunement swap... This is madness...

Have a good day

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8 hours ago, DarkK.7368 said:

Hammer ele plays both melee and ranged swapping elements and don't need to swap weapons to be 100% effective (can't) so maybe that's the universe telling me what to do XD

If you think swapping between 4 elements is easier than having 1 weaponswap then sure. But it's not, so I'm not sure what this take (=I don't like weapon swapping, so ill start juggling elements instead) is supposed to make sense? 😉 

Edited by Sobx.1758
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10 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If you think swapping between 4 elements is easier than having 1 weaponswap then sure. But it's not, so I'm not sure what this take (=I don't like weapon swapping, so ill start juggling elements instead) is supposed to make sense? 😉 

Is not easier, just tolerable. Seeing my weapon disappear and another one appearing from thin air breaks my fun. Also removes my "having one weapon that gives identity to my character" instead of two. Seeing my weapon change its attunement is fun.

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