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The etching build up is so smooth and fast casting!!

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All of the skills on Ele spear are very fluid and perfect for glass cannon build. The etchings are fast, easy to complete. All the skills are so detailed and gorgeous. LOVE how fast and far the ripple leap skill goes. Far range, high damage, versatility, large aoe, depth of option, this is what I always wanted on Ele!🤗💕✨

Edited by Novah.2510
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Etching needs to last longer. I'm pretty sure their testing machines have next to zero latency, but anyone playing at 100+ ping will have a very difficult time fitting in the 3 skills require to empower the etching. Quickness is pretty much mandatory to do it in any way consistently. Add 1-2 seconds on the etching and halve the skill cast times and it should be very solid.

Side note, if you have a legendary Kamohoali'i spear, all the effects on the empowered etching skills (except volcano) get turned into a little puny bubble/spark. It sucks.

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41 minutes ago, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

the etchings don't last long enough. You basically have to play with action cam.

Also the volcano damage is utterly atrocious. Auto does more damage. WTH?

Volcano as per protocol has -10% dmg per hit.
It has nice animations, but the overall damage is pepega against other players.
AA cast time could be 1/2 or ever 1/4 for that dmg.
I run full marauder~
I'm gonna mess around with others stats, but so far it's just different staff with a gimmicks. It ain't doing dmg to boonballs in wvw.

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Arcane Blast makes for some easy etching-filling. 3 charges, instant cast. Utility skills count too for charging an etching, so with an instant utility skill you only need 2 weapon skills to fully charge. Helps a bit.

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Etching should last longer,

the weapon 3 skills get insta consumed by autocasts at least in fire and air,

concerned I will miss boss mechanics or other things with the etchings down,

you have to wait till the etching flips to the charged skill before casting it as such cant que it / spam buttons


thats what I noticed so far, looks nice otherwise I think, gg

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2 minutes ago, Chyro.1462 said:

Arcane Blast makes for some easy etching-filling. 3 charges, instant cast. Utility skills count too for charging an etching, so with an instant utility skill you only need 2 weapon skills to fully charge. Helps a bit.

yes BUT, it kinda locks out a utility slot. Not great. In general I think having to stay within the circle while casting is already limiting enough (especially in WvW scenarios) without having to "give up" a utility slot to ensure casting, not to mention being forced to insta-cast the 5 or lose the investment.

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I just feel like the Air 3 enhancement (aside from superspeed) is kinda pointless? Any decent power build aims for 100% crit in the first place, so getting a guaranteed crit does nothing. Even without 100% crit chance, you usually have high enough crit that it's more likely to crit than not. So a guaranteed crit has very little value.

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My feedback:

  • Some auto-attacks should have a blast radius. Fire's one, at the very least, but perhaps air's too. Feels weird to have a weapon focused on huge AoE abilities and have no AoE AAs.
  • Etchings should linger for 1 additional second. They probably feel fine under quickness, but the timer is too tight otherwise.
  • Air 3 is pointless in PvE, where any player will optimally want to have 100% critical rate passively. It needs a different or added effect.
  • Air/earth 3 from weaver is way too cool looking for how little it does. The visual effects gives you the idea that this skill SHOULD deal damage, but it doesn't.
Edited by Skyroar.2974
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from point of WvW player:

  • spear "gameplay" is boring AF - basicaly 5 - 2 - 4 - 3 - 5, element swap, repeat ... this is as close to playing piano as we can get
  • damage is insultingly low - all the hoops i have to jump through for this?
    • but this is related to anet "logic" to balance of outcome - double the effort, same result as anyone else
  • again bunch of casts, so that ele cant move with the boonball and also skill 5 force to stay on place
  • skill 5 in air, water and earth attunament does not work when you fighting on walls, casting from walls, sometimes bridges or un-even terrain
  • etching does not last long enough - literally exact same issue, when we got the hammer and its skill 3? can you guys learn a lesson for once? cmon
  • visuals - especially etching and skill 5 in fire are borderline epilepsy trigger

I barely play this game these days but holly kitten, what are people responsible for balance doing? i mean, ele is the squishiest profession of all, probably one of the hardest to play, yet one of the worst of the outcome.  Elementalist is supposed to be "mage" type, yet we are forced into melee builds over and over for some reason. People crying here on this forum about staff rework since 2016 and when we finally get another ranged weapon, you give us weapon with another "game mechanic" to learn, only to get worse outcome than with staff, which is still not good enough to compete in zerg vs. zerg with other classes.

When scepter Dragon's tooth got reworked and did 10K dmg to thief, if i CASTED this spell and he DID NOT DODGE it, even though he had 2 seconds warning, that it will drop on his head, it was literally hotfix nerfed, because "ele op" - yet, getting daze, boonstrip, 3 conditions and 8K dmg from STEALTH is ok. And don't let me start about willbender or harbinger. How many years, before these get fixed?


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yeah, Spear is nerfed in WvW. using the same gear/build/food in LA and in WvW, Fire 1 does 1236dmg in PvE. in WvW, it does 510. I get the whole trying to balance things, but Anet sucks at balancing. (granted all ele weapons so a lot less dmg in wvw than PvE, but the spear feels underwhelming)

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It's just a beta test, I wouldn't pay much attention to the numbers. They'll definitely still be changed until release. More important to pay attention to what it feels like to play, how the skills play out and interact, and how well it works with the elite spec mechanics.

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