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The strongest roaming specs are the ones that didn't suffer the 2020 big balance patch

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5 hours ago, Sheff.4851 said:

Retal was a great boon. Kept a lot of power spike professions in check. No way that you could run Berserker if all it took to down you was your Arc Divider hitting 1-2 people with Retal.

No, it was a terrible boon that also contributed to lag. It made 0 sense to drop an AoE on a zerg and die to retaliation damage because now you HAVE to have supports to not die doing your job when you aren't even being attacked. 

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On 7/14/2024 at 10:37 AM, KrHome.1920 said:

I am suprised how few axe thieves there are in WvW. This build is the new kitten. Guess it takes a few more weeks until everyone noticed.

its slow and not fun.
if ur talking about condi build, well condi.. thiefs used to be hard hitters back in the day i dont think any thief wants to play a condi build cus its boring.
power build in axe well ye meh. in a 1v1 situation where u managed to deal with his first burst its very easy to deal with.

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20 minutes ago, CutesySylveon.8290 said:

Resistance granted immunity to damaging condi at that time. 

Fairly rare though as so many of the things giving resistance was added more recently in Anets boonspree expansions.

Just let me live in a fantasy world where condi is great again, it seems like everyone else want it anyway since they keep saying they want revert the patch that reduced condi dps by 50-70% across the board even though they claim they want to make power great instead 😞

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14 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Cleared condis still do zero dps 👍

Resistance bros where we at? 

Real talk, pre 2020 was a game of Power because many things Anti Condi. But Condi builds were still viable in small scale havoc because ignoring Condi burst from 1 person is fine but Condi burst from 3 people and a havoc in a group v group was a death sentence, so it still had its place... just not for solo roaming. 

These days Condi seems to be the ONLY dominant thing around because of sustain being nerfed across the board and Cleanses and Rips being nerfed. So as a result, it's like the darn Boonbeast meta all over again, except every class has their "boon beast build"  

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20 hours ago, Sheff.4851 said:

Retal was a great boon. Kept a lot of power spike professions in check. No way that you could run Berserker if all it took to down you was your Arc Divider hitting 1-2 people with Retal.

That would not have been enough for Retal to hurt a Berserker. Thieves hated that kitten though.

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On 7/24/2024 at 5:47 PM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Fairly rare though as so many of the things giving resistance was added more recently in Anets boonspree expansions.

This is true, but it mainly didn't come from regular applications. It came from converting Chill, at least until that became Alacrity. 

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On 7/25/2024 at 7:50 AM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

That would not have been enough for Retal to hurt a Berserker. Thieves hated that kitten though.

Rangers hated it too. Retal hurt multi hit attackers and AoE. For thieves, it didn't help that Retal primarily came from guardian, which usually slaps thief around. 

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On 7/13/2024 at 8:54 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Harbinger isn’t that common it’s fairly spread out with reapers and even core necros. Thieves beat them in numbers by far.

Willbenders however… they’re the cockroaches of WvW.

You must main Thief, to say that Willbender comment.

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