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Virtuoso was a bit too tuned now with Spear its even more busted

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Access to More stealth than Thief - Midnight and Mass Invis(AOE 6 sec stealth on 55 sec cd)

More Invulnerability than any other class - Shatter, Blade Renewal and Spear 3

Daze Spam - Dissonance, Pistol 5 even 2 Sec stun on Spear 5 All on super short CDs

I feel like the DMG you are able to dish out in an aoe is kinda bonkers because all blades can pass through and bounce from enemies making it feel like you are having a NUKE dropped on top of you and there is virtually no cost to it because just Dagger Pistol and Spear without any Blades available hits like a truck. Now add the blade spam because they regenerate far too quickly making the So instead of you needing to prioritize Shatter Skills you can just use all of them
5 Blades even if you blow all of them you get 2 of the blades restored instantly, Blade Renewal will Restore 5 and spending those will restore 2 more so that is 14 blades excluding the natural blades regen
Add Aegis on each Shatter Skill.

Far too much of everything and needs a good shave.

Quite popular in my lobbies also.

Edited by Skary.8956
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Drop the bottle.

Play the spec.

Then make a new post but educated.

I'm gonna give you some help.

No it doesnt have more invis than thief, not even close. It doesn't daze spam. It has a telegraphed daze on f3. That's literally it. F1 doesn't bounce it just pierces. Dagger pistol has literally 0 defensive ability, maybe pressure back? :classic_huh:Pistol 5 and spear 5 cds are more than fine. Especially spear stun having a requirement through clarity. New blade trait means they don't have unblockable.

Virtuoso is problematic but you're at least 50% wrong on why it is. Perhaps if you knew what the spec does (by like learning) you'd struggle less and not be so wrong.


With love,



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2 hours ago, Fefe.5702 said:

Drop the bottle.

Play the spec.

Then make a new post but educated.

I'm gonna give you some help.

No it doesnt have more invis than thief, not even close. It doesn't daze spam. It has a telegraphed daze on f3. That's literally it. F1 doesn't bounce it just pierces. Dagger pistol has literally 0 defensive ability, maybe pressure back? :classic_huh:Pistol 5 and spear 5 cds are more than fine. Especially spear stun having a requirement through clarity. New blade trait means they don't have unblockable.

Virtuoso is problematic but you're at least 50% wrong on why it is. Perhaps if you knew what the spec does (by like learning) you'd struggle less and not be so wrong.


With love,


We need to be doing this way more often on these forums. 

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5 hours ago, Fefe.5702 said:

Drop the bottle.

Play the spec.

Then make a new post but educated.

I'm gonna give you some help.

No it doesnt have more invis than thief, not even close. It doesn't daze spam. It has a telegraphed daze on f3. That's literally it. F1 doesn't bounce it just pierces. Dagger pistol has literally 0 defensive ability, maybe pressure back? :classic_huh:Pistol 5 and spear 5 cds are more than fine. Especially spear stun having a requirement through clarity. New blade trait means they don't have unblockable.

Virtuoso is problematic but you're at least 50% wrong on why it is. Perhaps if you knew what the spec does (by like learning) you'd struggle less and not be so wrong.


With love,



Beat me to it.

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2 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

We need to be doing this way more often on these forums. 

Agreed. For those of us who have been around a while, I'd say this mentally really peaked in POF. When balance directly took and implemented "suggestions" from the forums and not the people who have a greater understanding of the class. This then rewards this type of behavior causing it to increase. This is why you see a lot of suggestions and posts like these. 

We fix this by more of us correcting the incorrect information. Just remember it is all fun and games until someone starts giving bad ideas about your profession.

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I mean I don't wanna say you're being moronic but you are. Might be a skill issue on my part. I'm relatively new and only got 2 gizmos so far. I never did a reddit post in my entire life but thanks I guess.

If you genuinely think mesmer stealth is high im sorry. Try ranger aswell ! Spammable stealth is much better and unhealthy than ""long duration"" long cd.

You keep saying aoe damage like this is willbender. It's piercing. Unless people stand in a perfect line you never hit more than 1 person. Spear gave you more cleave but hell you never aim for more than 1 target on it. Only 5 has real reliable aoe but you get exposed for it.

Yeah pressure back, you re literally talking about a high damage build. If you stare at them or are out of cds you should die. That s just it.

If you can land the phantasm combo it s a skill issue on whoever can't notice that the 3 phantasm you pop with 1 of them shooting the loudest pistol sound in the history of humankind and 2 big nerd jumping at you with spears.

I'm doing fine in life. Teaching kids is nicer than forum talks because they actually have the ability to listen and learn.

My dad was great until he left us for hopefully a better place but thanks for your concerns.



On another note virtuoso issues are pretty clear to me. The class design doesn't fit its traits in pvp. The new blade trait you mentioned made it better to fit the ranged damage design but spear comes to annihilate that. Yet virt gets away with it because of all its defensive traits. Quickness and fury from blocking is simply bad design (and the uptime is way too high). It makes it fine because of aegis on shatters which is also rather unhealthy. (Which you mentioned and you might notice i didn't pick you on it because you were right, hence the 50%)

Distortion should never been added to the class, the block was much more interesting. The disto spam trait in inspi also made it awful but since the latest inspiration rework it became not viable hence the spec got healthier.

Full damage virt, especially the one you mentioned has pretty mid mobility so easy to pick on. Like any high damage build with no defensive traitlines at all it dies decently fast.

It is very easy to play but that shouldn't be a problem. Low skill builds deserve to exist as much as high skill ones


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Fefe.5702 said:

If you genuinely think mesmer stealth is high im sorry. Try ranger aswell ! Spammable stealth is much better and unhealthy than ""long duration"" long cd.

Well there are levels to this ofc One of the lead dev is main ranger afterall. I recently tried to make Staff Daredevil to work but I guess no one found the need to add stealth to the weapon set instead its a jank weapon. Not that the Ambush Skill is useful

8 hours ago, Fefe.5702 said:

With love,


☝️ Still sorry for your Dad mate

1 hour ago, Fefe.5702 said:

My dad was great until he left us for hopefully a better place but thanks for your concerns.

Its just the way how you phrased you entire first reply was rather hostile.
If completely fine with the second reply tho. There are quite a few inconsistencies Quickness from block ends before Shield 5 Ends 😅
Im fine also with ez builds but after I play few months against the same cheesy spesc it kinda gets old 😅.
My biggest concern is that with how much Support Chrono and Virtuoso are played they are going to probably adjust traits, util skills and weapons that are also shared by Mirage
instead of specific Chrono and Virtuoso Nerfs thus resulting in Mirage being completely useless again 🤦‍♂️


Edited by Skary.8956
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54 minutes ago, Skary.8956 said:

Its just the way how you phrased you entire first reply was rather hostile.

You're the only one who took his criticism as hostile, then swiftly insulted the guy with irrelevant real-life bs that no one here even cares about. All because you disliked what he had to say.

Back on topic. I don't feel mesmer is an issue at all and I also disagree with everything you posted.

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Honestly I think that sword/shield is still the better second set. Replacing sword/shield with spear means you have no defense, and replacing the dagger/pistol offensive set with spear means you have to be in melee and overall feels kind of awkward since Bladesongs have cast times.

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Every now and then a virt main gets a little too drunk, the guilt gets the better of him, and he confesses how degen the spec was, is, and always will be.


Just in general, I like it when people defend degen by saying "it isn't meta". To me that reads "He's a domestic abuser but he would lose in a fight to Mike Tyson so its ok".

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