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Changed my mind. Wild throw's basically unusuable now

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Change it back to what it was thanks. That one change basically undid all the feedback benefit for specifically power zerker. 

Again lmao

Have to work so It took me a while to get my hands on it since I get forced to pve to unlock it 💀

Edit: and it USES YOUR ADREN if you try to cast it on a target you're not facing this is WILD

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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4 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Change it back to what it was thanks. That one change basically undid all the feedback benefit for specifically power zerker. 

Again lmao

Have to work so It took me a while to get my hands on it since I get forced to pve to unlock it 💀

Edit: and it USES YOUR ADREN if you try to cast it on a target you're not facing this is WILD

It also cuts the cast short if your target leaves the 90 degree window infront of you, even if you only got one spear off.

I find it to be a minor issue but its annoying.

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Between that and it now only doing like, 10% more than Harrier's Toss in exchange for losing the evade (and potentially being extremely difficult to land in certain lobbies because of permanent proj hate), why would I even want to play PZerk with it over Spb or even Core?

It's better at chewing through blinds/blocks but that's not worth it anymore. It might have been when you could kite a bit with it and were potentially very scary for anyone trying to port and jump you, if they didn't dodge well, but not so much now.

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53 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Shagie.7612It actually often deals less dmg than harrier's toss because it's multihit not a single attack.

Yeah, fair enough. I was just talking about power coefficients and stuff. Harrier's Toss is a pretty fast skill so dodges aren't as easy to pull off compared to avoiding at least some of Wild Throw.

It's very frustrating. Spearmarshal's Support is probably taking a nerf when they do balance on spears, so even trying to crutch on that isn't likely to stick around.

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9 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

It's very frustrating. 

I'm trying to understand why the devs can understand animation locking is good feedback to listen to for the two skills that animation lock you, but then have to undercut that by adding animation lock onto ANOTHER skill that functioned correctly out of the gate


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@Shagie.7612I believe spear 4 should return to it's original, healthier tracking so spear 2 into spear 4 would actually be a thing and if it was way too easy to counter then just decrease it's cooldown a little bit.

@Azure The Heartless.3261Ppl were saying to make spearmarshal just hit enemies because most of them don't know that it is literally same thing as dragontooth...

Edited by Aaron.1294
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6 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Shagie.7612I believe spear 4 should return to it's original, healthier tracking so spear 2 into spear 4 would actually be a thing and if it was way too easy to counter then just decrease it's cooldown a little bit.

@Azure The Heartless.3261Ppl were saying to make spearmarshal just hit enemies because most of them don't know that it is literally same thing as dragontooth...

You want to return spearmarshal to its beta state?

The state where you could walk forward without swiftness and dodge the entire thing?

I know people want counterplay against warrior but don’t you think just pressing W should be the standard counter play level.

The only way anyone would accept that is if the cooldown got set to 3 seconds so spamming it had half a % chance to hit.

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7 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Shagie.7612I believe spear 4 should return to it's original, healthier tracking so spear 2 into spear 4 would actually be a thing and if it was way too easy to counter then just decrease it's cooldown a little bit.

@Azure The Heartless.3261Ppl were saying to make spearmarshal just hit enemies because most of them don't know that it is literally same thing as dragontooth...

You could walk out of range of the attacks... Beta spear marshal was horrid.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910@WingSwipe.3084It also had an actual counter rather than boring dragontooth-like mechanic (it is even more horrid, bs powerhouse that may be the cause of next spear nerfs into meaningless meme). they did great job with other stuff but spearmarshal support is just way too stupid.

And I'm not talking about going back to beta state entirely but make it more improved than hitscan so getting cripple on somebody/cc somebody while casting it matters. It deals insane damage, it should deal insane damage, it should be a meaningfull shift in a fight - right now it's just a better version of guardian focus 4 and I mean MUCH better

Edited by Aaron.1294
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3 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910@WingSwipe.3084It also had an actual counter rather than boring dragontooth-like mechanic (it is even more horrid, bs powerhouse that may be the cause of next spear nerfs into meaningless meme). they did great job with other stuff but spearmarshal support is just way too stupid.

And I'm not talking about going back to beta state entirely but make it more improved than hitscan so getting cripple on somebody/cc somebody while casting it matters. It deals insane damage, it should deal insane damage, it should be a meaningfull shift in a fight - right now it's just a better version of guardian focus 4 and I mean MUCH better

I was unaware that dodging or blocking were no longer counters to fast striking multihit skills.

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@Lan Deathrider.5910You can't dodge the whole thing, it'll still deal some damage/most blocks have longer cd than multihit skill that doesn't have to be casted for the entire duration. It literally works like pre-nerf bs dragontooth - if you feel this is fine, then dragontooth should be back to it's original state aswell 🙂

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Whatever they do to spear 4, it's not gonna help PZerk out though.
Because they killed the ability to actually threaten people who w key you recklessly, by about facing and kiting with a very scary Wild Throw.

There was no reason to do that.

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10 hours ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910You can't dodge the whole thing, it'll still deal some damage/most blocks have longer cd than multihit skill that doesn't have to be casted for the entire duration. It literally works like pre-nerf bs dragontooth - if you feel this is fine, then dragontooth should be back to it's original state aswell 🙂

But you can dodge and block it. Each other individual strike isn't a problem.

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They did this bugfix that favored core/spb:

Harrier's Toss: Fixed an issue that allowed this skill to trigger burst traits without striking a target.

Now it's time for them to fix a bug that is bad for berserker, right? right?

Here we go again, another decade waiting for them to fix 1 single warrior bug that makes things worse.

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25 minutes ago, Zekent.3652 said:

They did this bugfix that favored core/spb:

Harrier's Toss: Fixed an issue that allowed this skill to trigger burst traits without striking a target.

Now it's time for them to fix a bug that is bad for berserker, right? right?

Here we go again, another decade waiting for them to fix 1 single warrior bug that makes things worse.

@Lan Deathrider.5910 Lmao they found it

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spearmarshal's support does big damage still, and is almost guaranteed to get nerfed
when that happens it'll go from a significantly improved rifle to... slightly better than rifle

that's pitiful
let glassy pzerk builds be scary, it already feels awful playing on def/disc pzerk because you give up the evade lol

it's not like zerk can build for both high damage threat and also have good defensive capabilities like idk, spear on mes or willy

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