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Spear elementalist problems

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The skill volcano, the most damaging skill of spear, is bugged on a lot of raid encounters: vg, sabetha, mat, xera, mo, sh, dhuum, twins, adina, sabir, maybe more didnt bother to play with it anymore, it does 0 damage on those bosses, besides that weaver spear is a joke even if volcano is not bugged, the worse spear elite spec by far, not being able to apply weakness is horrible, not having a damaging dual skill is horrible and the spear is too dependent of the skills 5 which has little synergy with weave self, its does boon dps damage while being extremely hard to play it, much more than the currently catalyst spear and obv a lot more than tempest.

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from my experience, volcano seems to bug out on platforms that can disappear. so far, ive seen it completely whiff on sab, xera and arkk. however, it still seems to work perfectly fine on paper thin platforms. so id assume its related to how terrain works in some way

on top of this, volcano is a really difficult skill to use imo due to the combination of delay and rng. its a your typical “works really well on big stationary bosses” ele meteor shower skill that isnt worth casting in many situations and is biggest cause of grief since the weapon is balanced around it

id question whether seethe (fire #3) is really all that worthwhile since it comes with a cast time (time spent doing nothing). without the boons, the main skill that sees any real benefit from the 20% boost is really only the unreliable volcano

weaver is screwed until they realise that it relies heavily on its dual skills the way tempest relies on its overloads. afaik, weaver power hammer doesnt really work either, and power scepter was a flop because they were too conservative when buffing the dual skills

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Yeah I'm honestly baffled that they even made the weaver skills these do nothing instant cast skills and then made no changes to them after the feedback. They do next to nothing and so long as they are attached to this terrible design, the weapon will always be worse on weaver than on tempest and cata by a large margin (yes even if the dual skills did a small damage tick to proc weakness, that wasn't enough to make hammer work comparably on weaver so why would on spear). 

It's possible they are just working on changing them behind the scenes but as it stands, weaver is the spec that spear at long range would have worked the most sensibly with if only they had bothered to make real dual skills. It's a pity since most of the staff dual skills are actually decent examples of how to make good long ranged dual skills for the spec but oh well.

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Yeah! It is insane how, with this design, traits like Superior Elements on Weaver do NOT work.
Feels like they didn't want to put in any effort. I mean, the "refresh cooldown on the main element" is cool, but the dual skills basically just do that and nothing else. None of them deals damage.... on a damage weapon!

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I guess they did put effort in the spear. Visually it's impressive,  the idea is cool; you put down your tripod and load you cannon ... Okai why not.
But as many of them don't play elementalist, or when they do and show us it's hilarious (a bit desperate for real) they just forgot how e-specs work and pvp/wvw.

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On 8/30/2024 at 10:24 PM, Eventine.8024 said:

Yeah! It is insane how, with this design, traits like Superior Elements on Weaver do NOT work.
Feels like they didn't want to put in any effort. I mean, the "refresh cooldown on the main element" is cool, but the dual skills basically just do that and nothing else. None of them deals damage.... on a damage weapon!

The designer/developer who worked on Spear for Weaver should be embarrassed, the no 3 skills they added CLEARLY show they do not understand the basics of Weaver, especially superior elements and duel skills (??!!!)   

If you are making design changes to something you don't understand that's referred to as hacking.

Edited by Bladestrom.6425
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On 9/1/2024 at 11:58 AM, Bladestrom.6425 said:

The designer/developer who worked on Spear for Weaver should be embarrassed, the no 3 skills they added CLEARLY show they do not understand the basics of Weaver, especially superior elements and duel skills (??!!!)   

If you are making design changes to something you don't understand that's referred to as hacking.

Yeah dual skills are to weaver as overloads are to tempest. There is no inherent benefit to having 2 elements combined besides the dual skills as beyond that it just changes the attunement swap rhythm. Until they realize this they won't be able to make sensible design choices for weaver it seems.

15 hours ago, rabbitofharmony.6943 said:

I feel at this point if they were, they would have at least said something. something to tell us that we've at least been seen, you know? there's mostly sad faces about this :<

Yeah idk what to think about it at this point. Even just saying they were gonna rework them but it'll take a few months is better than the radio silence. The skills don't do anything anyway in most contexts so they can't just number buff them and most of the animations don't look like they'd hit to do damage anyway (plus the instant cast damage ticks are a terrible design anyway if they do that).

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One of the main problems with the spear for me is the lack of available skill queueing. I've already interrupted so many fire& water etchings and fire 3's its starting to kitten me off. Not being able to skill queue doesnt fit the ele class & the high apm playstyle which makes it really awkward to play. 

One of the other issues i have is the way it interacts with catalyst. (I guess the problems with weaver are already quite obvious). The energy management on catalyst is extremely tight since the energy regen in air is relatively low on spear. Every single rotation im literally watching my 1cm catalyst energy bar to figure out whether i already have my 20 energy so i can swap from air to fire and cast my spheres. Every single time you accidentally swap 0.25 sec to early and you dont have sufficient energy for your fire sphere you lose our on alot of damage. Either give more energy regen in air or make a better visible energy bar so we dont have to constantly guess how much energy we have. Having etchings proc on your spheres & augments is also incredibly frustrating. Every single cata player has a strong muscle memory to attunement swap->sphere-> augment-> weapon skills and anet thought is was a nice idea to punish exactly that behaviour.

Lastly the constant aoe ground target attack (especially In combination with extra dps in the center of the aoe) is incredibly annoying. This becomes even more frustrating when combined with the excessive amount of visual clutter the spear animations provide. I kinda feel forced to play with snap aoe to ground target on right now, which completely fcks up your ripple (water 3 dash attack). The weapon &especs are already difficult enough for the player base. Theres literally no reason to make it more complicated with this constant annoying enemy tracking during combat. 


Edited by the krytan assassin.9235
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