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Lose Your Pet - BUG Again


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If you dismount in combat You lose your pet as a ranger, you lose all abilities to use your pet.  Now the bug is worse you lose the ability completely. 
I have tried to hit hot key I have tried to change pets I have tried to mount up I have tried more than I should have to when there is a single.  SINGLE button to use your pet. 

How about making that work again?

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3 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Is it the auto-stow bug? Where you lose access to the pet until you unstow it again.

Before you could use the unstow button to get your pet or mount up and back and it would bring them out.   Now they are just gone, stuck in stowed away.

It did not fix for me until I went to the character select screen.

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Have also had this once, not sure the exact cause but pet could not be retrieved with the unstow button. In previous iterations of this bug that would have been the quick fix, I've often had my pet get stuck stowed away when exiting underwater mode, but this is worse since even entering combat didn't bring the pet out.

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Just happened again, was holding on to the Honey Jar and mounted up after dropping the honey jar.  Landed in Combat over by the Wolf Caves and only to not have a pet again.

Imagine if this was any other class in the game where they lost 50% of their abilities...  

I have put in support tickets in game every single time it has happened, only seems to happen in new maps.   I feel once was with Salmon Race, another time was dismounting while using a Warclaw while being attacked, another time was with a Skyscale.   In combat while on a mount, the salmon thing I am not sure if that happened during Salmon event or after because it happened while dismounting to attack a Champion.


Only fix so far is go to character select screen and back into character. 

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