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2 hours ago, Magmi.6723 said:

and for the same reason, gw2 didn’t murder gw1 at its announcement

At its announcement? No. But the population started to go down some times later and when GW2 came around, it was already a pale shade of what it used to be.

There's also the consequences on ongoing game development - the resources get cut down not at the moment the sequel gets released, but at the moment it starts getting developed.

Just look at the state GW2 is at this very point - the quality of production has went down significantly since LS4, and then it dropped even more after EoD. If that's not due to them siphoning off resources for GW3, imagine how bad it would become if they had to split the still remaining, meager GW2 resources for one more major project.

Youd get a repeat of GW1: the last (mini)expansion, released only because some of the content was already in production, then maybe some "current events", then full automation mode long before we'd even see GW3.

1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

I am far more concerned with the quality and quantity of content, which is of way higher consequence in the near future.

Basically, this.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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12 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

t its announcement? No. But the population started to go down some times later and when GW2 came around, it was already a pale shade of what it used to be.

There's also the consequences on ongoing game development - the resources get cut down not at the moment the sequel gets released, but at the moment it starts getting developed.

Just look at the state GW2 is at this very point - the quality of production has went down significantly since LS4, and then it dropped even more after EoD. If that's not due to them siphoning off resources for GW3, imagine how bad it would become if they had to split the still remaining, meager GW2 resources for one more major project.

Youd get a repeat of GW1: the last (mini)expansion, released only because some of the content was already in production, then maybe some "current events", then full automation mode long before we'd even see GW3

Well yes that will happen when gw3 launches, but the conversation was concerning gw3 killing Gw2 at announcement. 

Not realistically entirely true, if they committed to this it’s likely budget allowance would be increased dramatically and vastly increasing the quantity of people working on it. 

Currently it’s a consideration really, it will depend. 

The problem is GW2 has so many issues, it will never repair, GW2 by its cash model design, can’t re-iterate. And can’t fix the amount of problems in the game without having anything to sell. 

Also the games sat on a GW1 modified engine, that has required several large adaptions so far to even allow mounts to function, in a decade I really can’t see the engine holding up.

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17 minutes ago, Magmi.6723 said:

Well yes that will happen when gw3 launches

...as i have clearly said in the post you quoted and responded to, the process starts long before the sequel launches. Resource cut (and its consequences) will happen at the moment the development start. And announcement will have an additional impact, accelerating decay process even further. GW1 was pretty much dead before GW2 launched.

17 minutes ago, Magmi.6723 said:

Not realistically entirely true, if they committed to this it’s likely budget allowance would be increased dramatically and vastly increasing the quantity of people working on it. 

Which is what happened during GW1 to GW2 switch

...wait, it didn't.

17 minutes ago, Magmi.6723 said:

Also the games sat on a GW1 modified engine, that has required several large adaptions so far to even allow mounts to function, in a decade I really can’t see the engine holding up.

Mounts were one of the issues they mentioned as being unable to do in GW1 engine that pushed them to do GW2. What delayed their introduction in GW2 was not engine limitations, but design issues (they wanted to make mounts that'd have a point, instead of - as the usual for other MMORPGs - just them being glorified speed bonuses, And as for engine not holding up... the question is not how many years will pass. The question is whether there's something this engine cannot do. Do you know of something like that?

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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13 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

If it really was not a thing, don't you think they would have made a much clearer statement about it? When NCSoft mentioned expansion when GW2 was at the LS1 stage, Anet was very fast to correct that info and say they're currently not thinking about one. This time however they went "can't confirm or deny, talk to NCSoft abot that" way instead.

What they actually said was that ArenaNet's primary focus is on the continued development of GW2. They "Can't confirm or deny" anything because they don't have information to give out. The intentional ambiguity is ensure that there is no misinformation. Maybe they're working on something. Maybe not. Maybe mind your own business.

Until there is an official announcement, a release date, multiple trailers, and a public beta,  then GW3 is not a thing.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

...as i have clearly said in the post you quoted and responded to, the process starts long before the sequel launches. Resource cut (and its consequences) will happen at the moment the development start. And announcement will have an additional impact, accelerating decay process even further. GW1 was pretty much dead before GW2 launched.

Except gw2 already has had resource cuts, people are already complaining the games delivering like a hour or 2 content per patch. And the core of new things have slimmed down. 

The game has so many experiments ongoing it’s struggling. 

this is because you can’t sell re-iteration of current content as a product and the game can’t afford to develop content it can’t sell. 

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8 hours ago, Zerin.9834 said:

Didn't they just have a share holders meeting and say they are waiting on the green light for guild wars 3?


Read again what you typed. It means that there is currently no GW3. It could be a thing in the future, maybe, but currently as of this writing it is not a thing. Green light doesn't mean anything right now. There needs to be at a bare minimum an official announcement saying it's a thing, plus a release date, and an actual gameplay trailer (not a pre-rendered cinematic).

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41 minutes ago, Magmi.6723 said:

Except gw2 already has had resource cuts, people are already complaining the games delivering like a hour or 2 content per patch. And the core of new things have slimmed down.

So, either GW3 is already in development, or it will get even worse in the future.

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56 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:

What they actually said was that ArenaNet's primary focus is on the continued development of GW2. They "Can't confirm or deny" anything because they don't have information to give out.

They don't have any information about whether they're doing GW3 or not? How they can not know it? Remember, previously in similar situation they had no issues in flat out denying the rumour. This time they did not do that.

56 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:

The intentional ambiguity is ensure that there is no misinformation. Maybe they're working on something. Maybe not. Maybe mind your own business.

Until there is an official announcement, a release date, multiple trailers, and a public beta,  then GW3 is not a thing.

Intentional ambiguity is never done to prevent misinformation. It's always done to cause it.

56 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:

The intentional ambiguity is ensure that there is no misinformation. Maybe they're working on something. Maybe not. Maybe mind your own business.

Precisely - it's exactly the "can't confirm can't deny" stance. Which as far as information goes is even worse than saying nothing. Because this always means they don't want to say something - but what that something is is uncertain, and uncertainty is the very thing that feeds misinformation.

56 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:

Until there is an official announcement, a release date, multiple trailers, and a public beta,  then GW3 is not a thing.

That's not how it works. You knowing or not about something does not affect whether that something exists or not. GW3 can be "not a thing" only if they aren't working on it. If they are, then it is a thing, even if they aren't announcing it.

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23 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

They don't have any information about whether they're doing GW3 or not? How they can not know it? Remember, previously in similar situation they had no issues in flat out denying the rumour. This time they did not do that.

Intentional ambiguity is never done to prevent misinformation. It's always done to cause it.

Precisely - it's exactly the "can't confirm can't deny" stance. Which as far as information goes is even worse than saying nothing. Because this always means they don't want to say something - but what that something is is uncertain, and uncertainty is the very thing that feeds misinformation.

That's not how it works. You knowing or not about something does not affect whether that something exists or not. GW3 can be "not a thing" only if they aren't working on it. If they are, then it is a thing, even if they aren't announcing it.

If they were working on it, they would have said so. They also would not be giving us more expansions. If they were doing it, they would have said that JW is the last expansion and that all future development will go to that game that does not exist.

They don't have information about doing GW3 because GW3 is not a thing. If they were working on it, they would have at least copyrighted the domain name, and it currently doesn't even exist. There is 0 evidence that GW3 is under active development. It was name dropped once under duress by a guy who's position as a financial officer for NCSoft was being brought into question. The guy was fearing for his job so he said something, ANYTHING to appease shareholders who were thinking of removing him from his position so that NCSoft could perhaps make more money.

Even if I'm wrong and GW3 is being actively developed, why the secrecy? Why wouldn't you want to drum up support for your new upcoming product? If it was a thing, they would have confirmed it when it got named dropped at that financial meeting. For all we know, ArenaNet was told to 'stand by' while NCSoft makes a decision. That's most likely why they can't confirm/deny anything. They can't make such statements without first being told to say so by NCSoft. They're in the dark just as much as you and I. The announcement of a game being in active development is not some huge national security matter that must be kept secret. It's a game, not some new proprietary technology that is subject to corporate espionage that could endanger lives.

In the meantime, stick to ArenaNet's statement that their focus is on the continued development of GW2 until they say otherwise. Wait for an actual announcement.

Edited by Zera.9435
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1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

If they were working on it, they would have said so.

It's the opposite. If they weren't working on it, they could safely say so. Just as they safely said they weren't working on any expansion when NCSoft said they were (back during LS1).

1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

They also would not be giving us more expansions. If they were doing it, they would have said that JW is the last expansion and that all future development will go to that game that does not exist.

Well, first, they aren't giving us any expansions anymore. They are giving us microexpansions, that in reality aren't more than just repackaged LS-level content. Second, when they cancelled third expansion (which happened very early into the LS4, or possibly immediately right after PoF), they weren't exactly forthcoming with that info until very last moment when they made that ISB reveal. Why? Because they knew it would be bad PR for the game. Only good news are worth revealing earlier - bad news must be held back until very last moment, no point making more players deciding to skip on those gem purhases, right?

1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

They don't have information about doing GW3 because GW3 is not a thing. If they were working on it, they would have at least copyrighted the domain name, and it currently doesn't even exist.

GW3 not being a thing seems like an information to me. And a very important one, considering the whole debacle mere mention of it caused.

1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

There is 0 evidence that GW3 is under active development.

No conclusive evidence, you mean. Because as for indications it may be being worked on, there's quite a lot of it, actually.

1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

It was name dropped once under duress by a guy who's position as a financial officer for NCSoft was being brought into question. The guy was fearing for his job so he said something, ANYTHING to appease shareholders who were thinking of removing him from his position so that NCSoft could perhaps make more money.

That's a possibility, of course. It's also a possibility he knew very well what he was saying however. Like it has been mentioned many times in this thread, misinforming your shareholders is considered a crime. One would think that if a major exocutive with a lot of business experience who was forced to make up stuff to save his behind, he'd be smart (and experienced) enough to at most only bend the truth a bit instead of flat out lying (which could land him in jail when it'd eventually get revealed as a lie it was)

1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

Even if I'm wrong and GW3 is being actively developed, why the secrecy?

Because, while that info may seem like good news to shareholders, it's definitely the exact opposite to GW2 players. It's basically equal to saying "hey, we've decided to cancel the game you currently play, perhaps you might want to reconsider how much money you might want to invest in gemshop stuff". It would definitely make sense to keep that info hidden as long as possible.

1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

 Why wouldn't you want to drum up support for your new upcoming product?

Of course you would want to drum up support. But doing it too early runs the danger of decreasing your income from GW2 (which, remember, is the only source of income for Anet at the moment)

1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

If it was a thing, they would have confirmed it when it got named dropped at that financial meeting.

See above. For Anet, there's no downside for revealing GW3 is not being worked on (if it really is not). On the other hand, there's definitely a downside from mentioning it too early if it is.

1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

If it was a thing, they would have confirmed it when it got named dropped at that financial meeting. For all we know, ArenaNet was told to 'stand by' while NCSoft makes a decision. That's most likely why they can't confirm/deny anything. They can't make such statements without first being told to say so by NCSoft. They're in the dark just as much as you and I.

If GW3 is being developed, it would be developed at Anet, not anywhere else. Anet would not be in the dark about the state of such project (or its nonexistence). The only reason i can think of for them to wait for NCSoft decision would be id there is something going on, and they don;t know whether they can reveal it or not.

1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

The announcement of a game being in active development is not some huge national security matter that must be kept secret. It's a game, not some new proprietary technology that is subject to corporate espionage that could endanger lives.

Endangering lives for business corporation is a far lesser concern than endangering their only source of income.

1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

In the meantime, stick to ArenaNet's statement that their focus is on the continued development of GW2 until they say otherwise. Wait for an actual announcement.

Considering them hiring devs for UE MMORPG project for a recognized IP, and how much that already negatively impacted GW2 development, there's some good reason to think that GW2 is not their primary focus anymore. And hasn't been for years.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's the opposite. If they weren't working on it, they could safely say so. Just as they safely said they weren't working on any expansion when NCSoft said they were (back during LS1).

Well, first, they aren't giving us any expansions anymore. They are giving us microexpansions, that in reality aren't more than just repackaged LS-level content. Second, when they cancelled third expansion (which happened very early into the LS4, or possibly immediately right after PoF), they weren't exactly forthcoming with that info until very last moment when they made that ISB reveal. Why? Because they knew it would be bad PR for the game. Only good news are worth revealing earlier - bad news must be held back until very last moment, no point making more players deciding to skip on those gem purhases, right?

GW3 not being a thing seems like an information to me. And a very important one, considering the whole debacle mere mention of it caused.

No conclusive evidence, you mean. Because as for indications it may be being worked on, there's quite a lot of it, actually.

That's a possibility, of course. It's also a possibility he knew very well what he was saying however. Like it has been mentioned many times in this thread, misinforming your shareholders is considered a crime. One would think that if a major exocutive with a lot of business experience who was forced to make up stuff to save his behind, he'd be smart (and experienced) enough to at most only bend the truth a bit instead of flat out lying (which could land him in jail when it'd eventually get revealed as a lie it was)

Because, while that info may seem like good news to shareholders, it's definitely the exact opposite to GW2 players. It's basically equal to saying "hey, we've decided to cancel the game you currently play, perhaps you might want to reconsider how much money you might want to invest in gemshop stuff". It would definitely make sense to keep that info hidden as long as possible.

Of course you would want to drum up support. But doing it too early runs the danger of decreasing your income from GW2 (which, remember, is the only source of income for Anet at the moment)

See above. For Anet, there's no downside for revealing GW3 is not being worked on (if it really is not). On the other hand, there's definitely a downside from mentioning it too early if it is.

If GW3 is being developed, it would be developed at Anet, not anywhere else. Anet would not be in the dark about the state of such project (or its nonexistence). The only reason i can think of for them to wait for NCSoft decision would be id there is something going on, and they don;t know whether they can reveal it or not.

Endangering lives for business corporation is a far lesser concern than endangering their only source of income.

Considering them hiring devs for UE MMORPG project for a recognized IP, and how much that already negatively impacted GW2 development, there's some good reason to think that GW2 is not their primary focus anymore. And hasn't been for years.

You bring up valid points, but that does not mean that all this speculative talk of a game, that likely isn't even a thing, is good for GW2. Way too many people freaked the kitten out over that financial meeting. It's why I keep telling folks here to cool it with their speculations and wait until ArenaNet gives an official announcement for whatever it is that they are working on.

It's no secret they are working on something, but that does not mean it is GW3. Has no one here stopped to consider that perhaps ArenaNet has demonstrated to NCSoft that it has good capable people and are being trusted with one of NCSoft's other IPs? We'll never know until ArenaNet makes an announcement. It could be a sequel to Blade and Soul or Aion for all we know. Personally I'd like a new Blade and Soul. That game had a great combat system that I really enjoyed playing, but I digress. The point I'm trying to make here is this: until this so-called GW3 is confirmed and officially announced, it's not a thing that any of us should be concerned with at all right now.

It's true that only ArenaNet can make a GW3 if they choose, but ArenaNet is capable of more than just that. We should expect more from ArenaNet, not less.

We should continue to enjoy playing GW2 and ignore speculative kitten in the meantime. I expect that ArenaNet will let us know that they are working on yet another expansion (or mini expansion in your words) when we're about half way through JW. It's new content regardless, and that's telling enough.

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6 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

You bring up valid points, but that does not mean that all this speculative talk of a game, that likely isn't even a thing, is good for GW2. Way too many people freaked the kitten out over that financial meeting. It's why I keep telling folks here to cool it with their speculations and wait until ArenaNet gives an official announcement for whatever it is that they are working on.

It's no secret they are working on something, but that does not mean it is GW3. Has no one here stopped to consider that perhaps ArenaNet has demonstrated to NCSoft that it has good capable people and are being trusted with one of NCSoft's other IPs? We'll never know until ArenaNet makes an announcement. It could be a sequel to Blade and Soul or Aion for all we know. Personally I'd like a new Blade and Soul. That game had a great combat system that I really enjoyed playing, but I digress. The point I'm trying to make here is this: until this so-called GW3 is confirmed and officially announced, it's not a thing that any of us should be concerned with at all right now.

It's true that only ArenaNet can make a GW3 if they choose, but ArenaNet is capable of more than just that. We should expect more from ArenaNet, not less.

We should continue to enjoy playing GW2 and ignore speculative kitten in the meantime. I expect that ArenaNet will let us know that they are working on yet another expansion (or mini expansion in your words) when we're about half way through JW. It's new content regardless, and that's telling enough.

Then let's just say i completely disagree with that stance. To me, it's nothing more than hiding your head in the sand pretending everything is fine even long after you have multiple warnings about potential issues oncoming. Hiding issues from me does not make me feel safer, or happier. It makes me worry more, because if someone is hiding something, i know it's not good news. And not knowing what it is makes it worse.

And as expecting more from Anet... let's just say that in the last years Anet has become better and better in obfuscating things and delivering below already low expectations.

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5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Then let's just say i completely disagree with that stance. To me, it's nothing more than hiding your head in the sand pretending everything is fine even long after you have multiple warnings about potential issues oncoming. Hiding issues from me does not make me feel safer, or happier. It makes me worry more, because if someone is hiding something, i know it's not good news. And not knowing what it is makes it worse.

And as expecting more from Anet... let's just say that in the last years Anet has become better and better in obfuscating things and delivering below already low expectations.

Fair enough, but I need you to understand that all this speculative talk about GW3 is NOT helping GW2. You are actively hurting GW2. People are jumping ship because they think GW3 is in the works because people here and elsewhere keep talking as if GW3 is confirmed and is under active development, when we have no idea. These people act as if GW2 is going to be abandoned and shut down any minute now. We all need to shut the hell up about GW3 and wait for ArenaNet to announce and confirm whatever it is that they are working on.

Even if all your fears are warranted and GW2 really is headed for the crapper, there is nothing you can do about it. You have no control over the decisions that ArenaNet or NCSoft make. This entire speculative post is not something they are basing these decisions on. It's just a big cesspool of people's opinions of what they think GW3 should be, IF (emphasis on not when) it were to become a real game.

You have to remember that projects can be cancelled even after development has started, which would explain why they do not 'confirm or deny' anything. Hell, games sometimes get cancelled even after they are officially announced. Maybe they are working on GW3 and they aren't sure they like where the project is going and it could possibly get cancelled. We'll never know. So shattap about GW3 and wait for an official announcement.

Edited by Zera.9435
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40 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:

Fair enough, but I need you to understand that all this speculative talk about GW3 is NOT helping GW2. You are actively hurting GW2. People are jumping ship because they think GW3 is in the works because people here and elsewhere keep talking as if GW3 is confirmed and is under active development, when we have no idea. These people act as if GW2 is going to be abandoned and shut down any minute now. We all need to shut the hell up about GW3 and wait for ArenaNet to announce and confirm whatever it is that they are working on.

Even if all your fears are warranted and GW2 really is headed for the crapper, there is nothing you can do about it. You have no control over the decisions that ArenaNet or NCSoft make. This entire speculative post is not something they are basing these decisions on. It's just a big cesspool of people's opinions of what they think GW3 should be, IF (emphasis on not when) it were to become a real game.

You have to remember that projects can be cancelled even after development has started, which would explain why they do not 'confirm or deny' anything. Hell, games sometimes get cancelled even after they are officially announced. Maybe they are working on GW3 and they aren't sure they like where the project is going and it could possibly get cancelled. We'll never know. So shattap about GW3 and wait for an official announcement.

I disagree. The rumours started at NCSoft/Anet, and it's on them to put the worries to rest by clearly announcing they are baseless. And if they aren't baseless, then it's not the rumours that are/will hurt GW2, but the GW3 project that will do so (or is already doing it).

And while you are pessimistic enough to say that we don't have any influence on dev decisions, you are right only on individual level. That does not mean they aren't impacted by the overall stance of the community though - as past events have shown, they are influenced by it. Cancelling IBS and going for EoD was one such example where negative community reaction to their plans forced change in those.

By bringing up issues we see we don't make things worse. We try to prevent them from becoming worse. If anything is hurting this game, it's exactly staying silent about issues you see. Now, of course the ultimate decision is always up to devs, but in the end i'd rather be able to say that idid all i could, instead of standing by wayside allowing the things to become worse.

Again - sticking your head in the sand never helps. It just ensures nothing ever gets fixed.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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49 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:

Fair enough, but I need you to understand that all this speculative talk about GW3 is NOT helping GW2. You are actively hurting GW2. People are jumping ship because they think GW3 is in the works because people here and elsewhere keep talking as if GW3 is confirmed and is under active development, when we have no idea. These people act as if GW2 is going to be abandoned and shut down any minute now. We all need to shut the hell up about GW3 and wait for ArenaNet to announce and confirm whatever it is that they are working on.

Even if all your fears are warranted and GW2 really is headed for the crapper, there is nothing you can do about it. You have no control over the decisions that ArenaNet or NCSoft make. This entire speculative post is not something they are basing these decisions on. It's just a big cesspool of people's opinions of what they think GW3 should be, IF (emphasis on not when) it were to become a real game.

You have to remember that projects can be cancelled even after development has started, which would explain why they do not 'confirm or deny' anything. Hell, games sometimes get cancelled even after they are officially announced. Maybe they are working on GW3 and they aren't sure they like where the project is going and it could possibly get cancelled. We'll never know. So shattap about GW3 and wait for an official announcement.

lets jut say gw3 IS in development, well like you said it can easily be cancelled, and its not the first time arenanet has canned a project and you have to look at how awful the gaming industry is rn, would they really take the risk of a new game with it all going down hill? and it's a fact MMOs are a dying breed.


edit: spelling corrections

Edited by XCLASSGAMING.9830
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2 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I disagree. The rumours started at NCSoft/Anet, and it's on them to put the worries to rest by clearly announcing they are baseless. And if they aren't baseless, then it's not the rumours that are/will hurt GW2, but the GW3 project that will do so (or is already doing it).

And while you are pessimistic enough to say that we don't have any influence on dev decisions, you are right only on individual level. That does not mean they aren't impacted by the overall stance of the community though - as past events have shown, they are influenced by it. Cancelling IBS and going for EoD was one such example where negative community reaction to their plans forced change in those.

By bringing up issues we see we don't make things worse. We try to prevent them from becoming worse. If anything is hurting this game, it's exactly staying silent about issues you see. Now, of course the ultimate decision is always up to devs, but in the end i'd rather be able to say that idid all i could, instead of standing by wayside allowing the things to become worse.

Again - sticking your head in the sand never helps. It just ensures nothing ever gets fixed.

Then talk about issues in GW2 currently in the regular forums, not this post with the intention of spelling doom and gloom for GW2. I'm not saying don't provide criticism or feedback on GW2. I'm saying don't behave as if GW3 is already confirmed and that GW2 is doomed. Again you are still saying that GW3 is a confirmed project, when NOTHING HAS BEEN CONFIRMED. That is the issue you are not seeing here. You're acting as if ArenaNet is maliciously withholding information, when in reality they don't have information that is warranted for public release. Whatever they are working on, it's not ready. We will get info when it's ready. Again, there is no guarantee that whatever they are working on is a sequel to GW2, so stop saying it is.

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2 minutes ago, XCLASSGAMING.9830 said:

lets jut say gw3 IS in development, well like you said it can easily be cancelled, and its not the first time arenanet has canned a project and you have to look at how awful the gaming industry is rn, would they really take the risk of a new game with it all going down hill? and it's a fact MMOs are a dying breed.


edit: spelling corrections

Right, we have no idea what the are working on. The way people speculate here is hurting GW2 because people are being misinformed by others here (and youtubers and kitten commentators) into thinking that GW2 is going to be shut down soon. People are reacting to nothing of concrete value.

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2 minutes ago, Zera.9435 said:

Right, we have no idea what the are working on. The way people speculate here is hurting GW2 because people are being misinformed by others here (and youtubers and kitten commentators) into thinking that GW2 is going to be shut down soon. People are reacting to nothing of concrete value.

Yeah i agree with you and again, like i said with a.nets track record for all we know if GW3 IS in development, it could of been scrapped yesterday or next week, in a month. I'm not gonna believe GW3 is a thing until it's launch day and im sitting at my desk playing it. Also something to think about, with them saying they are supporting gw2 years to come, if they are lying about that then that will bite them in the butt for GW3, people won't trust them. It'll be a boy who cried wolf situation.

Edited by XCLASSGAMING.9830
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Just now, XCLASSGAMING.9830 said:

Yeah i agree with you and again, like i said with a.nets track record for all we know if GW2 IS in development, it could of been scrapped yesterday or next week, in a month. I'm not gonna believe GW3 is a thing until it's launch day and im sitting at my desk playing it. Also something to think about, with them saying they are supporting gw2 years to come, if they are lying about that then that will bite them in the butt for GW3, people won't trust them. It'll be a boy who cried wolf situation.

Exactly, none of us should be acting like GW3 is a confirmed thing. We have nothing to go off of. They could be working on anything, including simply porting GW2 over to Unreal Engine, which is honestly what I expect, instead of a GW3.

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6 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And as expecting more from Anet... let's just say that in the last years Anet has become better and better in obfuscating things and delivering below already low expectations.

What exactly are they deliberately obfuscating? They just made a blog post about what they learned from SotO (i.e., they tried to pack too much into the expac and it ended up falling below expectations), which is pretty consistent with the general playerbase's reaction to it.

I highly doubt they're deliberately hiding GW3 while actively making engine updates and planning for at least two more expacs up through 2026 (2+years of active dev work) to GW2. There would be no point in doing any of that if they expected a large chunk, if not the majority, of their current playerbase to switch to GW3 in the next two or three years.

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2 minutes ago, Poormany.4507 said:

What exactly are they deliberately obfuscating? They just made a blog post about what they learned from SotO (i.e., they tried to pack too much into the expac and it ended up falling below expectations), which is pretty consistent with the general playerbase's reaction to it.

I highly doubt they're deliberately hiding GW3 while actively making engine updates and planning for at least two more expacs up through 2026 (2+years of active dev work) to GW2.

I forgot about the engine upgrades, ngl.


But also yes, that blog post is very good and telling they are listening to critisim. Of course the mini expacs will have growing pains but i think after janthir and 2025's one they'll probably have a good handle on what he community likes and doesn't like.

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2 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

all this speculative talk about GW3 is NOT helping GW2

I think that if GW2 was still being developed to the degree that was the case with HoT or PoF, and even some of the LW content of the past, any speculation about a successor game killing this one would be largely ignored or laughed at.

The issue isn't some such speculation but rather the state of the game's development that makes such speculation seem plausible.

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44 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

I think that if GW2 was still being developed to the degree that was the case with HoT or PoF, and even some of the LW content of the past, any speculation about a successor game killing this one would be largely ignored or laughed at.

The issue isn't some such speculation but rather the state of the game's development that makes such speculation seem plausible.

HOT and POF took along time to come out, the reason they are "higher quality" and "feature rich" is because they had longer in the oven, while mini expansions are a yearly cycle, it makes perfect sense.

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18 minutes ago, XCLASSGAMING.9830 said:

HOT and POF took along time to come out, the reason they are "higher quality" and "feature rich" is because they had longer in the oven, while mini expansions are a yearly cycle, it makes perfect sense.

It's not like we're getting more content in exchange for lower quality. We're only getting a drop in quality in exchange for nothing positive. Rationalizing it doesn't change the fact, that the quality of the game did go down.

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