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Easy Open World Build


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Power Untamed has it all.  Damage that smashes everything in open world/story content in no time paired with powerful sustain including great long cooldown defenses along with regular strong heals, defensive boons, barrier, and cleansing.  This is also a simple to play variant that doesn't rely on Let Loose, so all you have to remember is to occassionally toggle unleash pet/unleash ranger to proc your ambush attack and you don't lose much if you forget to do it before swapping weapons. 



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The Pew/Pew build is one of the easiest, and deadliest for common mobs. You just spam F1 + 3 3 33 3 3 3
You'll cap 100% precision, so you can take Valkyrie/cavalier/crusader piece of equipment for bulk; boon duration (diviner or runes with BD) is quite nice too for greater quickness uptime. 
https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Relic_of_the_Claw is great too (F1 and pistol #4) or relic for mobility (don't remember the name)

You may have more issues against champions or pack of mobs in some events, but just wait for help and pew/pew from range. Take Dagger/Pistol in back.

Edited by Zhaid Zhem.6508
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4 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Oops.  I don't know how I thought I was in general profession category.  Disregard!

I have a ranger, so this link is not wasted :D

Still, I like how thief plays, just looking for something more durable...

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Every power thief with Invigorating Precision.

Every condi thief with Shadow Arts (all middle traits).

5 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Power Untamed has it all.  Damage that smashes everything in open world/story content in no time paired with powerful sustain including great long cooldown defenses along with regular strong heals, defensive boons, barrier, and cleansing.  This is also a simple to play variant that doesn't rely on Let Loose, so all you have to remember is to occassionally toggle unleash pet/unleash ranger to proc your ambush attack and you don't lose much if you forget to do it before swapping weapons. 

I hope ANet is watching this and planning to nerf ranger to the ground, because it's simply unfair. Ranger doesn't deserve this amount of health, healing and barrier while having a personal tank and this level of damage solo.

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12 minutes ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

Every power thief with Invigorating Precision.

Every condi thief with Shadow Arts (all middle traits).

I hope ANet is watching this and planning to nerf ranger to the ground, because it's simply unfair. Ranger doesn't deserve this amount of health, healing and barrier while having a personal tank and this level of damage solo.

Why?  They buffed reaper to this level.  Berserker now, too.  Relic of Zakiros is also making high sustain builds out of pure DPS builds.  Welcome to the new normal.

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12 minutes ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Why?  They buffed reaper to this level.  Berserker now, too.  Relic of Zakiros is also making high sustain builds out of pure DPS builds.  Welcome to the new normal.

Because, as you said, "Power untamed has it all". This is why.

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1 hour ago, Antycypator.9874 said:

Because, as you said, "Power untamed has it all". This is why.

So does reaper.  So does berserker.  How about the condi deadeye that does 20-something thousand DPS but outheals legendary bosses?  If you want to say soloing champions is a problem they need to nerf literally every class into the ground.

Here. Nerf ele? I guess?

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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Mostly I use the raid builds with slight modifications.  It really depends on what you mean by "open world build."  Are you just running around haphazardly, or are you attempting to solo group events and difficult champions?  Those would each require different things.  ATM there's three builds that I run:

#1: Rifle Deadeye.  Basically this build, but I use either Sword/Pistol or Dagger/Pistol in the offhand.  The immense range and damage this thing outputs lets me kill most enemies before they get to me.  It is great for days where my hands hurt a lot.  Another advantage is that it is excellent at self-buffing.  For groups of small enemies, I use Sword/Pistol, since it hits 3 targets and black powder neutralizes most enemies.  Combining Mercy with Headshot leads to some of the best CC in the game for breaking defiance bars.  The rifle can trivialize projectile based bosses, but the melee champions can be difficult at times.  Since it is a power build, if you need to heal you can trait Invigorating Precision to become really hard to kill.

#2: Condi daredevil.  Basically this build, but I run Escapists Fortitude instead of Marauder's Resilience, and when solo I use Impairing Daggers over Spider Venom.  It works fine enough for general overworld use, but know that it kills regular mobs a lot slower than the power build, because the ramp-up time for condi thief is pretty high.  That said, this build is much better at cleaving down multiple enemies, and it can survive against champions much more easily.  With so many dodges and Death Blossom, you'll be constantly evading attacks even by accident.  However, if you play it more deliberately, you can time your dodges right to just avoid every attack that bosses throw your way.  Treat the game like Dark Souls or Elden Ring, and you'll find that this build is capable of killing most things in the game, by itself.  It doesn't have as much self-healing, but it is still pretty hard to kill.

#3:  Condition specter.  It's this build, but because I'm not buying Janthir Wilds I don't have the spear, so I run Larcenous Torment over Amplified Siphoning, and Quick Pockets instead of Deadly Ambush.  There's two big advantages to this build:  First, it neither slows you down to use the rifle, nor does it force you to dodge all over the place.  The second is that this build has bulk.  The shroud gives extra health and an additional toolbox, so this build can take a lot of big hits that the others can't.  It's still a condi build, so ramp-up is an issue at times, but it is pretty simple to use without all the weirdness of the other two.  

Edited by Blood Red Arachnid.2493
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On 9/7/2024 at 9:46 PM, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

Mostly I use the raid builds with slight modifications.  It really depends on what you mean by "open world build."  Are you just running around haphazardly, or are you attempting to solo group events and difficult champions?  Those would each require different things.  ATM there's three builds that I run:

#1: Rifle Deadeye.  Basically this build, but I use either Sword/Pistol or Dagger/Pistol in the offhand.  The immense range and damage this thing outputs lets me kill most enemies before they get to me.  It is great for days where my hands hurt a lot.  Another advantage is that it is excellent at self-buffing.  For groups of small enemies, I use Sword/Pistol, since it hits 3 targets and black powder neutralizes most enemies.  Combining Mercy with Headshot leads to some of the best CC in the game for breaking defiance bars.  The rifle can trivialize projectile based bosses, but the melee champions can be difficult at times.  Since it is a power build, if you need to heal you can trait Invigorating Precision to become really hard to kill.

#2: Condi daredevil.  Basically this build, but I run Escapists Fortitude instead of Marauder's Resilience, and when solo I use Impairing Daggers over Spider Venom.  It works fine enough for general overworld use, but know that it kills regular mobs a lot slower than the power build, because the ramp-up time for condi thief is pretty high.  That said, this build is much better at cleaving down multiple enemies, and it can survive against champions much more easily.  With so many dodges and Death Blossom, you'll be constantly evading attacks even by accident.  However, if you play it more deliberately, you can time your dodges right to just avoid every attack that bosses throw your way.  Treat the game like Dark Souls or Elden Ring, and you'll find that this build is capable of killing most things in the game, by itself.  It doesn't have as much self-healing, but it is still pretty hard to kill.

#3:  Condition specter.  It's this build, but because I'm not buying Janthir Wilds I don't have the spear, so I run Larcenous Torment over Amplified Siphoning, and Quick Pockets instead of Deadly Ambush.  There's two big advantages to this build:  First, it neither slows you down to use the rifle, nor does it force you to dodge all over the place.  The second is that this build has bulk.  The shroud gives extra health and an additional toolbox, so this build can take a lot of big hits that the others can't.  It's still a condi build, so ramp-up is an issue at times, but it is pretty simple to use without all the weirdness of the other two.  

The raid builds are kind of tuned towards a universal baseline. I think if most people slowly put together their own build from the ground up, they would come pretty close to it anyway. I have a heal heavy specter template for WvW blobs but I usually end up on my template that's pretty close to the basic raid build most of the time in zerg fights. I think it's a decent enough stat spread and utility for mob to mob kill rate and survivability to stay with everyone.

That's what I take into open world also whenever I hit that up for mostly secure and fast map clearing. The mob to mob clear rate is what's going to motivate someone to tune their build and gamble with survivability a little after some travel.  

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