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Full meta map closes early due to low population?

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Was doing eparch in inner naios, we had 10 min left on the clock, easy kill, and the map closed due to "low population" and booted everyone.... even though we had 2 squads, one with 50 and one with 10. 

When i asked about it I figured it was due to the latest balance patch notes since they tinkered with the fight, which state "Reduced the health and defiance bars of Eparch, the Consumed King in the Into the Spider's Lair meta-event."

people in chat said nope its been like that since release.

never encountered this before but I don't do the event super often.

Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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2 minutes ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

well, it doesn't, and you saw it for yourself.

great observation! no kidding....... its supposed to stop when it fills thats how it works on 99% of all maps.

right from the wiki

In some cases, the map will become populated enough that it does not need to close. In which case, players will lose the opportunity to volunteer to move.


Edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108
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Dragon's End has this problem too; I've been on maps before where we had full squads after fully upgrading all the regions, only for it to give us the timer anyway and refuse to stop. And on super long meta prep maps like Dragon's End and Inner Nayos, that can mean wasting an hour or even more having to move everyone to the new map, redo all the events, and get ready all over again. It's especially egregious on those two since the maps reset after the boss anyway; why do they even NEED a low population timer when they all close on a set schedule regardless? Imo the closing timers should get disabled automatically as soon as the final metas start on both those maps, no exceptions.

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As I understand it, there are actually two situations where you get the "low population" message and prompt to move:

  1. The map genuinely has a low population, because it's an overflow map
  2. The map has been scheduled to close due to age/other factors we don't know 

In the first situation, filling up the map will remove the prompt and save the map from closure, but the message is the same so you never know whether you can do anything about it or not. Age can't be the only factor in maps being unavoidably closed, because meta maps like Dragon's End can't physically be older than 2 hours anyway. The whole system needs to be clearer, and factor in meta progress so as not to screw over players.

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1 hour ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

the map was almost empty when the counter started. Just because it filled up later doesn’t mean the timer will be removed. Once a map is set to close, it will close no matter what.

This is incorrect, I have often seen the "map closing" come and then go away for a given instance.

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5 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

because it filled up later doesn’t mean the timer will be removed

As someone who often ignores the message to change map because of how frequent they are, I've seen it many times go away by itself if a map starts filling up, so it's definitely not a Sword of Damocles when the timer shows up, it can go away.

The whole system definitely needs a look at because I suspect it's not working properly, or at least not ideally.

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10 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

the map was almost empty when the counter started. Just because it filled up later doesn’t mean the timer will be removed. Once a map is set to close, it will close no matter what.

Evil, just so evil.

I've had this message often enough disappear when more people fill the map.

But when it keeps ticking invisible in the background, it's evil... or more a bug.

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There was a period of time where you could stop map from shutting down by repopulating, but at some point AN introduced hard time limit how long specific instance can be kept alive, which cancels ability to remove the timer with population. Since there is no info on how long current map instance has been kept up, and the messaging is exact same as with lo pop usual shutdown the result is that you can never be sue if you can keep that particular map from closing or not.

I agree that it would be nice if the system there was clarified and telegraphed better.

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17 hours ago, starlinvf.1358 said:

So is this another Dragon Stand/Chak situation where everyone shows up only for main event, never bothers with pres, and wonders why they can’t half afk through it?

That isn't what is being said at all.

I suspect @Trejgon.9367 may have hit the nail on the head here. Assuming that is correct, it would mean there are two states where the map is closing. The usual low population trigger which can be cancelled if the map fills up again, and then a version that cannot be cancelled if the map has been kept open enough times or for long enough. My guess being that they do this to prevent instances from becoming buggy or unstable due to being open for a long time.

Either that or it is a bug.

I do agree that maps with resets coded into the meta probably don't need either of these mechanics, or at least only need the softer low-pop trigger to encourage players into fewer, more populated instances. There is no need to force a reset on a map that already resets regularly.

If there are indeed two different map-closing triggers, it would be beneficial to have a different message for each, so you know if it's worth repopulating the map or just biting the bullet and volunteering to move.

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6 hours ago, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

I suspect @Trejgon.9367 may have hit the nail on the head here. Assuming that is correct, it would mean there are two states where the map is closing. The usual low population trigger which can be cancelled if the map fills up again, and then a version that cannot be cancelled if the map has been kept open enough times or for long enough. My guess being that they do this to prevent instances from becoming buggy or unstable due to being open for a long time.

Either that or it is a bug.

There is another option, imo, which is why I was hesitant to say before that it definitely is about map age (otherwise this wouldn't happen with maps that close after every meta, which have a guaranteed maximum age). If it isn't just a bug, I wonder if it's also to do with the population of other maps and the age of them? In other words, maybe it's not filling the closing map up that would save it in some instances, but instead filling up the other maps so it recognises the instance as being needed?

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