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Push: Why an Alpha?


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The more I think about it, the more I don't understand it.  A brand new PvP mode, but literal Alpha with missing textures, no sound cues, and entirely reused assets.  

How is a new player supposed to react to this other than 'what the hell?'.  I'm not sure I've ever seen this done in another game--and I know GW2 philosophy is no test servers, and the players do all the live testing, but this is a step beyond.  

Now, you take all of that and then add it as a RANKED option.  The thing that casuals detest slightly less than GoB farming in WvW.  The mode is made for casuals, to 'introduce them' to...conquest...(???) but you have no casual metric.  Just thrusting them into ranked under the guise of 'team deathmatch' because we gotta be so alpha the name is even incorrect.  But as an introduction to conquest? These are WvW mechanics of 'stack' and 'spread', not conquest.  

Really though, why this rough of a state? I know CMC seemed afraid at wasting too many dev resources again after stronghold, but seriously, who couldn't tell stronghold was a dud? Even in internal testing that mode couldn't have been fun.  Even if it was fun to like one person it is so insanely scope creeped with what you would need to do to it to make it like LoL that it should have just been canned early.  

Push however, seems like something you kinda want to test internally to the point of at least having some art assets and sound cues.  Well, sound cues other than cloud god screaming bonus powaaaa!!! with absolutely no explanation of when you get it, or what it actually does. 

In this state, simply from a PR standpoint it is utterly confusing.  It feels like some mode made on someone's private server that's 'going to be good one day'.  It should not feel like a private server.  

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Anet: It's an alpha. 

Players with a brain:  OK. Thanks for involving us is the process. 👍



Do we really assume that new players are so dumb to not understand what a freaking alpha test is? And even if they don't know. They can just ask why it is the way it is. You know? NORMAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR? 

Anet gets pvp players involved in the development of a new pvp mode. Something that they don't need to do and here we are. People still whining. 


Edited by DanAlcedo.3281
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I think it's kind of OK that we have all the assets thrown together haphazardly. Anet has overpromised and underdelivered in the past, and this is their full unbridled honest proposal to work with what they have and deliver only what they can - we can clearly see it's not much, but at least it's honest work!

However, I do agree with the point that it's very odd tacking it onto the ranked system, especially with a title reward, let's see if there isn't a couple of 44/1 accounts in the top positions and a bunch of alts filling the rest next week. If Anet wanted players to go for the mode they should just have amped up the typical rewards instead of making it part of the ranked queue. I don't know why they want to push ranked as a mode so hard to begin with, so many people would move back to unranked if it had pips. But still, that's not an issue of Push itself, they were upfront about how barebones it was and while that sucks it means they're finally working with realistic expectations of what they can themselves pull off, so at least we may not get a 2nd Stronghold with bloated mechanics that no one asked for.

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8 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

The more I think about it, the more I don't understand it.  A brand new PvP mode, but literal Alpha with missing textures, no sound cues, and entirely reused assets.  

How is a new player supposed to react to this other than 'what the hell?'.  I'm not sure I've ever seen this done in another game--and I know GW2 philosophy is no test servers, and the players do all the live testing, but this is a step beyond.  

Now, you take all of that and then add it as a RANKED option.  The thing that casuals detest slightly less than GoB farming in WvW.  The mode is made for casuals, to 'introduce them' to...conquest...(???) but you have no casual metric.  Just thrusting them into ranked under the guise of 'team deathmatch' because we gotta be so alpha the name is even incorrect.  But as an introduction to conquest? These are WvW mechanics of 'stack' and 'spread', not conquest.  

Really though, why this rough of a state? I know CMC seemed afraid at wasting too many dev resources again after stronghold, but seriously, who couldn't tell stronghold was a dud? Even in internal testing that mode couldn't have been fun.  Even if it was fun to like one person it is so insanely scope creeped with what you would need to do to it to make it like LoL that it should have just been canned early.  

Push however, seems like something you kinda want to test internally to the point of at least having some art assets and sound cues.  Well, sound cues other than cloud god screaming bonus powaaaa!!! with absolutely no explanation of when you get it, or what it actually does. 

In this state, simply from a PR standpoint it is utterly confusing.  It feels like some mode made on someone's private server that's 'going to be good one day'.  It should not feel like a private server.  

You're such a mechanically bad player it blows my mind seeing you have an ounce of passion in your posts because you play this game like such a slob 

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1 hour ago, ccccc.4963 said:

You're such a mechanically bad player it blows my mind seeing you have an ounce of passion in your posts because you play this game like such a slob 

Which one of your alts did I body again? Keep coping 🤣

6 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Do we really assume that new players are so dumb to not understand what a freaking alpha test is? And even if they don't know. They can just ask why it is the way it is. You know? NORMAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR? 

Anet gets pvp players involved in the development of a new pvp mode. Something that they don't need to do and here we are. People still whining. 

Stockholm is strong, keep grinding out those games.  I'm sure you at 5.6k posts on the forums is the exact target audience of 'new player' they're looking for.  

4 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

I was a bit disappointed it was ranked only. I've played a bit of PvP here and there but am only level 17 or so and you can't play ranked until level 20. So much as I would have liked to try Push out I couldn't...

This is what I mean, actual new players can't even test the mode that was supposedly designed to get them in sPvP.  There should be no ranked for this, no leaderboards--it should just be a separate Q to even see if people will engage with it.

Instead, it's just the GW2 boomers able to test this mode, and of course most of them are going to either love it or accept it as they've played thousands of games of the same map / mode, so any honest feedback is going to be confused bombed.  

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