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Will annoying features ever get changed?


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As the title says, the game has a ton of "features" that are just plain annoying and there is no way to turn them off. To name a few:

Communicator popping up in the middle of the screen with things that don't concern you at all. Airplane mode when?
It's really annoying to have that bubble always in the middle of the screen, especially when you're doing something that requires aiming, like the kryptis turrets.

Tutorials. I don't even have words to describe how annoying it is to see these popups over and over and over again as if it's the first time you play the game. Just why? Oh, you touched a ley-line for the thousandth time before getting the mastery? There's a tip for you! Oh, you shot a kryptis turret for the thousandth time before dashing through it? There's a tip for you! Etc, etc, etc.

Auto target priorities suck. Here's you doing your own business killing critters, but you can't target them with the Tab key because there's a champion some miles away that you can't even see but you should target instead. Even better if it's invulnerable... Or here's you doing some bounties: you want to target the big boss but oh no, these protection tendrils are way more important, better target those instead.

The "Don't show again for this item" checkbox resets every day. I was so happy to see this feature implemented, but if it resets every day there's no point in it... Most of the time you'll need it's precisely for daily rewards that can only be purchased, well, once a day.

Resurrecting someone can't be interrupted by jumping. And then you die too on Claw of Jormag.

Typing the name of thing to delete useless thing. Sometimes it doesn't even work when there are multiple items (Box o' Fun is no fun). Why not simply type "Yes"?

Can't stop autoattacking by not having a target. I know there's an option in the Settings for it, but it says "Stop Autoattacking on Target Change". See the word "Change" please. If there's no target, why keep autoattacking the last target? It's specially annoying for mechanics where you have to mount during combat (many Janthir bosses) but you can't mount because your character keeps attacking an invulnerable boss that's not even being targeted.

Mechanics making foes invulnerable. Some mobs (titans, kryptis) have skills where they suddenly move a long distance, then they have gone so far that they become invulnerable and reset themselves. This didn't happen until a couple of years ago... Can at least the maximum range be increased so it doesn't happen that often?

AFK farmers scaling up events in which they don't participate in any way. I understand this is probably impossible to fix unless AFK farmers are banned, which everybody knows will never happen, but at least try not to place rifts on areas where there are dozens of players on the same pixel doing literally nothing. Suggestion: pet/turret/minion damage alone should not give loot unless the player also does damage to their targets.

Removing and re-equipping a legendary item causes it to lose its stats, runes and infusions. This is fine when you take off your items because you want to, but it's a pain in the kitten when you're forced to do it, as for example during the Falling Star Quest where you must put on some gloves to retrieve the spear.

Some Masteries, which are supposed to by literal upgrades to the game:
    Oakheart's Reach - It always triggers as soon as you touch an Oakheart's Essence, even if you're on a mount, forcing you to take it off. It's especially annoying in Draconis Mons or Dragonfall. Why not interact by clicking it?
    Wall Launch - The skyscale always clings to any little branch it catches without you being able to do anything to help it. An option to disable this would be appreciated, just as Ley-Line Acclimation can be disabled.
    Wild Claws - The warclaw always gets you into combat when moving because of the ability to do damage when dodging and if you dismount to gather a flower or whatever you can't remount because you're in combat. Why not make that damage optional if it's backfiring 99% of the time? Related to this, the Warclaw Recharge effect should be removed when leaving combat. What's the point of forcing you to use another mount for 30 seconds just because you used your warclaw in combat if you're not in combat anymore?

And there are many more but this post is way too long already.
Are these things even considered as problems by the ANet staff? Will they ever be worked on?

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Man, would like to to add a Like, a Thanks and a Smiley to this. But can't 😞

I thought I was the only one who thought GW2's targeting system sucked. Why target something in my range when you can target something else far out of my range? And I don't always want the closest target (C).

Or in wvw, why target a hostile mob when you can target a wall instead (that you can't even damage).

2 hours ago, Eco.3475 said:

Removing and re-equipping a legendary item causes it to lose its stats, runes and infusions. This is fine when you take off your items because you want to

No, that's not okay. If I want to switch my ranged weapon slot between rifle and spear, I always lose the thing I didn't equip and can't re-equip it if I play something else where I want the rifle/spear back.

This big flaw in the legendary system has greatly reduced switching and testing my weapons, as it's a tedious task to re-equip a weapon from scratch, especially when I can't even remember what sigils it had.

3 hours ago, Eco.3475 said:

The skyscale always clings to any little branch it catches without you being able to do anything to help it. An option to disable this would be appreciated

This would be my top priority fix because this annoys me every single day I play pve. Several times.

I hardly ever need the wall-climbing function. I'm more the type to land somewhere to reload. Especially since the Skyscale somehow jumps backwards off the wall since SotO. Nice for SotO maps, annoying on all others.

I'd rather press shift when I want the scale to stick onto something.

3 hours ago, Eco.3475 said:

The warclaw always gets you into combat when moving because of the ability to do damage when dodging


And I wonder why that got implemented in the first place. I remember only one event where this was used (the bog queen - stomping the maggots phase).

I feel sorry for the harmless critters, they haven't done anything to me, but like a hooligan I claw my way through them when I pass by 😞 This game can be so aggressive and violent. Does anyone even think about that?


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3 hours ago, Eco.3475 said:

Auto target priorities suck. Here's you doing your own business killing critters, but you can't target them with the Tab key because there's a champion some miles away that you can't even see but you should target instead. Even better if it's invulnerable... Or here's you doing some bounties: you want to target the big boss but oh no, these protection tendrils are way more important, better target those instead.

Try "Nearest Enemy"


Edited by Chaba.5410
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I agree with all of those, though I suspect this thread will get moved into the QoL thread as these are not literal bugs, but design decisions.

One thing I would add is being about to use a WP while in combat in PvE (not WvW where it would screw things up).  What is the problem of letting folks use a WP during combat in PvE cause?  It isn't to prevent armor damage anymore (that has been removed), and still costs some minor amount of coinage.  The reason I want this is often a pet goes off attacking something random, or sometimes, some creature you ran past is attacking you and it is hard to clear that 'in combat' condition.


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On 10/3/2024 at 6:46 PM, Eco.3475 said:

Can't stop autoattacking by not having a target. I know there's an option in the Settings for it, but it says "Stop Autoattacking on Target Change". See the word "Change" please. If there's no target, why keep autoattacking the last target? It's specially annoying for mechanics where you have to mount during combat (many Janthir bosses) but you can't mount because your character keeps attacking an invulnerable boss that's not even being targeted.

You stop auto-attacking a (former) target by simply stowing your weapons.
Due to playing other games, I’m used to draw and stow my weapons—even if there’re no disadvantages in GW2.

Edited by AllNightPlayer.1286
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On 10/4/2024 at 7:10 PM, Solvar.7953 said:

I agree with all of those, though I suspect this thread will get moved into the QoL thread as these are not literal bugs, but design decisions.

One thing I would add is being about to use a WP while in combat in PvE (not WvW where it would screw things up).  What is the problem of letting folks use a WP during combat in PvE cause?  It isn't to prevent armor damage anymore (that has been removed), and still costs some minor amount of coinage.  The reason I want this is often a pet goes off attacking something random, or sometimes, some creature you ran past is attacking you and it is hard to clear that 'in combat' condition.


It's particularly annoying when you opened the map to waypoint, but then a random monster respawned on top of you, or aggro'd from 1,500 units away (hi, liminal conduits). Or you're out of cleanses, but that pesky blind or one stack of vulnerability is preventing you from travelling for the next 30 seconds.

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On 10/4/2024 at 11:56 AM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Just click on its health bar on the right-side of the screen to target the 'boss'. 

Imagine being a clicker lol.
Jokes aside, that only solves it for one situation. Most of the times the problem is the opposite: it's hard to target anything that's not a boss. I guess if the Tab key would ignore out-of-range and invulnerable foes, that would have a significant impact already.

On 10/4/2024 at 7:17 PM, AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

You stop auto-attacking a (former) target by simply stowing your weapons.
Due to playing other games, I’m used to draw and stow my weapons—even if there’re no disadvantages in GW2.

That's how I do it, but it still baffles me that my character keeps attacking something like a maniac when it has no target selected.

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