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Why Don't Warriors Have a Pull?


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@psizone.8437 said:Spellbreakers are technically getting one: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Magebane_Tether_(trait_skill)(You'll need to copy/paste as the forums don't like brackets in links)

This. Even though it's not a skill it's basically awarding you for landing a burst, in which most players will try to run away which makes it perfect for pulling them back.

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@Zin.6170 said:

@choovanski.5462 said:I wonder what happens with magebane if you hit a killshot at 1500 range?

Nothing, you have to be within 600, or at least that is how I read it. Be withing 600 when landing it, and they can't go further than that.

I believe after 600 range it will pull you back towards the warrior.

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@Malicious.3716 said:

@Zin.6170 said:

@choovanski.5462 said:I wonder what happens with magebane if you hit a killshot at 1500 range?

Nothing, you have to be within 600, or at least that is how I read it. Be withing 600 when landing it, and they can't go further than that.

I believe after 600 range it will pull you back towards the warrior.

Nothing as of last Beta. You need to be within 600 range for the Tether to FORM too.

Also really the only other place in the current warrior skillset a pull could be added is making Bolas work like Chieftain's on Forest of Niflheim, a piercing immob flying outwards and a pull on the return.

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@Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

@Cerby.1069 said:Better question is why do you and anet think every single class in the game needs a pull? You have bulls rush, thats like the inverse opposite of a pull. So instead of pushing the enemy your pushing yourself.

Because people kite and outrun us...I mean we can't even outrun a centaur.

People kite us cause our skills proc very slowly, and they got stealth/teleportPeople outrun us cause their movement skills are higher burst, faster and longer distance.

I think it makes more sense to deal with one of those things than giving us a pull. But whatever....logic is never part of the equation. Giving people free cake when they cry enough is though.


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@Lalainnia.3598 said:I wonder if the reveal from megabane tether will still activate on a killshot that would be pretty nice

Not to be a downer or anything but there is ZERO chance spellbreaker will use rifle in any decent build. The entire playstyle revolves around abusing the one new mechanic on the class, full counter, which basically means you're on point all day because it's a melee ability.

Not to mention T1 kill shot has the same cast time for like half the damage.

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@Jzaku.9765 said:

@Lalainnia.3598 said:I wonder if the reveal from megabane tether will still activate on a killshot that would be pretty nice

Not to be a downer or anything but there is ZERO chance spellbreaker will use rifle in any decent build. The entire playstyle revolves around abusing the one new mechanic on the class, full counter, which basically means you're on point all day because it's a melee ability.

Not to mention T1 kill shot has the same cast time for like half the damage.

True but rifle fits great in a core warrior GS and rifle Power build. It's not tier 1 but a great player can make it work.

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