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Why did PoF turn the Commander into such a dingus?


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I didn't noticed a very big change in the commander, but looking back now, it may be true. And I think I'm happy about it.

To be truly honest, one of the things that bothered me more BEFORE was how extremely "goody do good" the attitude of the commander WAS.How can he/she be so clam and patient and not spat some snark back at the whole lot of incompetents around?How can he/she be so tolerating with stupid people like Braham, or with murderously stupid people like Caithe?

I prefer my commander with a pinch more snark.

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I was surprised at the personality switch as well. I really liked my kindhearted Sylvary. I know that the commander has been through a lot - but it ruins the personality I had in my mind for my character, if that makes sense. It would be nice to have some kind of "kindness-slider" when you make your character :) (and different voices...)

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I kind of noticed but for my female norn she doesn't sound snippy or dingus like, she just sounds well.. tired. Something I understand and even experience myself playing this game, to quote Mr Incredible " No matter how many times you save the world, it always manages to get back in jeopardy again. Sometimes I just want it to stay saved! You know, for a little bit? I feel like the maid; I just cleaned up this mess! Can we keep it clean for... for ten minutes!"Honestly the explanation is there if you think about it, the voice acting is probably a major part of the situation for you. Which is pretty much what everyone else has said.

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@"Palador.2170" said:And you're right, we don't need that. But we could have Rox or someone ask "Commander, you seem a bit short tempered. I know things are bad right now and all, but... care to vent for a minute?"

Problem is Rox already has her paws full of that with the next character formites seem to want to kill off. Braham. Only thing is, he hasn't stopped venting.

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@OneYenShort.3189 said:

@"Palador.2170" said:And you're right, we don't need that. But we could have Rox or someone ask "Commander, you seem a bit short tempered. I know things are bad right now and all, but... care to vent for a minute?"

Problem is Rox already has her paws full of that with the next character formites seem to want to kill off. Braham. Only thing is, he hasn't stopped venting.

All the more reason for Rox to be the one to do it, then! While she's distracted with the Commander, Rytlock can take Braham off to the side and "discuss" with him how he feels about Braham stealing the Destiny's Edge name. Caithe could show up and help drive the point home, too.

Or Caithe could ask us. Or maybe some old friend not in the group. Someone like Laranthir of the Wild, or Almorra Soulkeeper could show up to find out first hand what's been going on, and talk to us. Personally, I'd kind of like it if Izu Steelshrike showed up, and wound up joining the group to provide a calm voice.

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@"Ardid.7203" said:I didn't noticed a very big change in the commander, but looking back now, it may be true. And I think I'm happy about it.

To be truly honest, one of the things that bothered me more BEFORE was how extremely "goody do good" the attitude of the commander WAS.How can he/she be so clam and patient and not spat some snark back at the whole lot of incompetents around?How can he/she be so tolerating with stupid people like Braham, or with murderously stupid people like Caithe?

I prefer my commander with a pinch more snark.

THIS !!!!!!!!!

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Interesting, because if I was showing no compassion I wouldn't have given a shit about the villagers inside the first pyramid being killed by the Herald of Balthazar...and my Commander certainly gave a shit...as for Soldiers not joining in battle, well, my Commander has always had a little bit of a General Patton attitude so it makes sense.

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I didn't really get the impression that my character's attitude changed all that much (female charr). Maybe that's just from not having done all of the story back to back to back. I really, really want to beat some sense into Braham, though. His attitude is really getting old.

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