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Barrier Mechanic and unblockable


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I do agree.Unblockable should bypass everything which is not the health itself.

And remember that there will be a spam/abuse of barriers, while unblockable hits will require the right timing to activate ( and also are not avaible for all classes. Barriers too but oh wait, it's a boon up to X targets, so it's different ).

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I think with the amount of barrier necros could pump out in beta, beeing able to drain health through unblockable skills would be a good thing.Necros, who have access to a lot of unblockable skills would basically start countering themselfes to an extend. So the use of many necros in for example a wvw zerg, would make barrier weaker and more counterable than it seems to be now, if you have many necros on both sides of the zerg.

Also, even if barrier drains after some times, i think it makes gameplay a bit boring. Having to watch out for unblockable skills (im thinking of Raids here, for example) to watch out for would require the players to think what to (try to) tank and what not.

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Its different.Barrier and Block act as a protection from any dmg to your Health Bar you would recieve. In that way, the work similar. Also, blocks as well as barrier are not unlimited in time. They will end after a short amount of time.From that perspective it makes sense.

Im just worried that there will be nekros with insane barrier uptime running around (i think weavers pretty decent as well, paired with vigor...) that will be hard to deal with. Introducing a way that not complete screws over the barrier mechanic seems good to me.It would be terrible if

  1. Necros with insane barriers running aroundor.
  2. We have a useless mechanic, because its too weak to make a difference.
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I do agree.I don't understand how you can considerate everything but health part of health and not a "shield" that the players have to take down before dealing dmg to enemy's health.

@DerJoker.9081 : Scourge will probably be nerfed to the ground ( higher cds, less barrier coefficient, less target hit, etc... ). We just have to wait the first months for balance, as all mmos ( though it's strange that a class like that is going to be release as it is ).

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@DerJoker.9081 said:I'd really like the idea of unblockable skills to ignore Barrier.What do you guys think?

That is the most counter intuitive thing I've read. Its like Anet put a feature into the game with a very specific mechanic and purpose and your idea is "i want something that can just ignore that thing."

I'd love a way to instantly negate a thief's ability to stealth while in combat, or to eliminate all mesmer clones. Or a way to nullify Warrior passive heal. Or to deliver damage through Aegis even if its up and active.

If any of that sounds absurd to you then your suggestion should sound equally wrong.

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