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New Player - Last Questions


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So I played this game now for maybe two Weeks and I have some unanswered Questions left. (not many thanks to some very helpful Players out there)I started to play most of the classes and now there are three, Necromancer, Engineer and Revenant left to decided between. Are these classes also fun to play in the late game? and I know this is hard to answer because it is very subjectiv what fun is...And I have two instant Level 80 thingies left... So i could Level one and use the to level 2 others chars (not necessarily one of the named three, Msmer seemed very interesting...)

Last time I played with my Norn Character suddenly a lot of people appeared and start hitting Awakened somethings, of course I did the same and now I have Level 80 stuff. What was that? Sadly most people were to busy hitting enemys and so my question remained unanswered even if this seems rather important. (even I can't use any of that sweete, sweet loot und thus, I think i was quite underleveld for this encounter...)

Last question, feel free to correct me if I forgot anything really important,: How to I get the glider or the Mount? and if I decide to buy some Crystalls, what would be the wisest choice to buy with them?


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I recommend against using the instant level 80 thing before you have a character played to 80 the regular way. During the path you have a long learning curve.However, you also ask about the mount and the glider.For the glider you need Heart of Thorns expansion. For the mounts you need the Path of Fire expansion. As you have the instant level 80 items, I asume you also have these two expansions. You get the glider after playing about 60 minutes of heart of thorns (you need to have finished the first instance and filled an experience bar at level 80.The first mount is unlocked halfway the first story instance of path of fire. This is also exclusive for level 80.So if you really have decided on what your first level 80 is going to be, you can use the insta lvl 80 items on another character and use that one to unlock the mount and glider and then switch back to the regular character (the unlocks are accountwide).

As for choosing your main. Use the insta level 80 items for this. Once you use it, it ports you to the lvl 80 map the silverwastes and makes you level 80 with a range of weapons and all skills and traits unlocked. You can then experiment with them and play within that zone as long as you want. If you leave you get the question if you want to loose everything gained and return to your original level or consume the level 80 item and stay level 80. So in other words, you can use it to test them all at max level.

Edit: I forgot to explain about the awakened. The game has something called a living world. That means that current (end game) events influence the entire world. The awakened have to do with the current living world episode and the upcomming. The level 80 stuff is mostly crap, although you can have some somewhat decent gear in it to use when you hit level 80 when you make your way to the good gear.

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For gems, the items you’ll probably get most use from are a copper-fed salvagomatic and/or a set of permenant gathering tools. Also, if you’re playing more than one character, shared slots can be handy (although you’ll already have at least one of those if you’ve bought an expansion).

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@"Myco.1824" said:So I played this game now for maybe two Weeks and I have some unanswered Questions left. (not many thanks to some very helpful Players out there)I started to play most of the classes and now there are three, Necromancer, Engineer and Revenant left to decided between. Are these classes also fun to play in the late game? and I know this is hard to answer because it is very subjectiv what fun is...And I have two instant Level 80 thingies left... So i could Level one and use the to level 2 others chars (not necessarily one of the named three, Msmer seemed very interesting...)

Last time I played with my Norn Character suddenly a lot of people appeared and start hitting Awakened somethings, of course I did the same and now I have Level 80 stuff. What was that? Sadly most people were to busy hitting enemys and so my question remained unanswered even if this seems rather important. (even I can't use any of that sweete, sweet loot und thus, I think i was quite underleveld for this encounter...)

Last question, feel free to correct me if I forgot anything really important,: How to I get the glider or the Mount? and if I decide to buy some Crystalls, what would be the wisest choice to buy with them?


Hi and welcome to GW2!

  1. Level 80 Awakened in starter zones are part of the current storyline: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Current_Events#Awakening_Threat

  2. Gliders/Mounts are part of the mastery system in the HoT and PoF expansions: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mastery

  3. As for what to spend gems on? Possibly the most useful item you can buy in the gemshop is this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Copper-Fed_Salvage-o-Matic

As you can see, the wiki is quite a useful resource! You can even pull up your browser to it while playing the game by typing /wiki in the chat window! And it's not just for new players! For instance, experienced players use it routinely to determine which events are coming up: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Event_timers

Cool, huh? And although you didn't ask, a few other potentially useful resources:

Dulfy.net for easy-to-follow guides to new and existing content.

GW2efficiency.com for pricing out crafting projects and more!

GW2crafts.net for crafting guides.

SnowCrows.com for build guides on high end content (or "meta" builds as we call them)

GW2spidy.com for current and historical Trading Post pricing

And last and almost certainly least: My cruddy youtube channel, mostly featuring solo videos of my character vs. group event bosses! I won't burden the thread with an imbedded video this time, but if you're into that sort of thing, here's a taste! tinyurl.com/legendex2

Feel free to hit me up in game if you have anymore questions, or if you just want to do some events some time! Always glad to meet new players!

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Thanks for all this fast and very helpful advice!

After a bit more researching (Thanks @AliamRationem.5172 for al the great resources)

I decided to play the Revenant to 80 to learn the basics and use the 80 Thingies on an Elementarist and Guardian or Warrior, they seem to be good classes. (not sure wich one of the last two)

Furthermore I now have the copper-fed salvagomatic and a set of permenant gathering tools! and some spare crystals left.

So thanks for this warme welcome and hopefully we will see us ingame!


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@bearshaman.3421 said:Honestly I would keep one instant lvl 80 unused, because you can use it to test out classes at lvl 80 without consuming it, so you can get an idea of how classes play at max level (though without an elite spec).

Good advice. :)

Another option is to go to the Heart of the Mists to try out new professions, but that's not quite the same (especially if you don't normally play PvP). On the plus side you'll have access to the elite specs too, but you can only fight in PvP matches which can be quite different to PvE.

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