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Condi Core Ranger and SB question!


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So I want a condi build end game, and I want a leveling build to play with and transition into that. Two questions.

What's a good core condi build? Skirmishing, short bow and traps?

Second, is soulbeast considered good for condi playstyles? It seems like it, but I'm not very experienced, I'm pretty new.

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If you want to do the meta builds, check out https://metabattle.com/wiki/Ranger or https://qtfy.eu/guildwars/builds/

For leveling, just take whatever condi-ish gear you can get from hearts, assuming you want to "practice" condi weapons. But it might be more fun to just run whatever the heck you want as you level, condi PvE ranger is not complicated. If you see a cool weapon, give it a try. That will also give you a big head start if you do WvW and PvP.

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@Archivist.8109 said:So your F1 abilities are determined by the type of pet you have currently? What's the difference between that and stances?

stances are utilities that you can use.

The f1 f2 f3 are above your weapon skills with their own cooldowns.

--and they are determined SPECIFICALLY for the pet you have.Some pets share SOME of the same abilities, but if its a different pet, it will some different ability to distinguish it from another pet.

I know your dead set on playing condi but fast? condi?-- I don't believe that really goes together.You want fast, go power.

But really, try and do whatever you like. It's gonna be fun no matter what, if you like it.Power is fast, but it's not as stronk when there are multiple targets.But in pve, if you have traps and fire fields, everything in those circles will die.

I wouldn't recommend condi in Ranked Spvp. (unless something drastically changes about Ranger)

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Just to simplify it a bit for yourself, you don't REALLY need to know what skills are categorized as until you're pretty deep in. Just use the skill and don't worry if it's a stance, trap, signet, etc. Once you start making your own builds or understanding how things work you can worry about what is a stance and what isn't.

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@Archivist.8109 said:Okay maybe not fast, but I just mean something agile-feeling. Dual daggers are ideal for that, for me.

If by fast you’re talking agile, then yes Soulbeast will definitely fit that, as will ranger in general tbh.

And Stances are utilities that put a buff on you, you can tell what type of utility skill it is by the bold letter at the front of the description. Every signet will start it’s description with “Signet:” for example.

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I assume you are talking PvE.For raids and fractals condi Sbeast is very strong and brings good group buffs with stance sharing.Druid can be good in condi too but takes more the support than the dmg role.Skirmish/WS/Sbeast is probably the go to constellation with full viper gear.

Dagger/torchAxe/torchSBAll viable for good condi gameplay.

Sword for more evades.

Dagger OH same as sword.

I tried a dagger/axe-Axe/WH combi. For hybrid style with half griever half viper its hell of fun. Its more an open PvE thing though and not optimal dmg.

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@"Archivist.8109" said:Okay, all awesomely helpful info so far.

Unrelated (sort of) question though. What determines how many stacks of a condition you can have on something? Condition damage? Right now my bleeds from my SB don't go above 6.

Nothing, sort of. They don't go higher because the duration of the first bleed runs out before you hit 7. There is an attribute called "expertise" that you get on viper armor that will increase condition duration, and there are a bunch of other sources as well. Certain traits, foods, sigils, runes, etc.

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