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Scrapper / Engineer bugs post 2-6

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@Blackfish.7349 said:

@Quench.7091 said:This bug has been around since Heart of Thorns. I would love to see it gone.

This BUG is not since HoT. I have player scrapper since HoT and I can assure you that the real BUG has appeared since the last patch, when they have introduced modifications to the srapper spec (barriers). Before the patch, from time to time, the STOMP/REZ action got bugged, but it happened rarely. Since the last 13Feb patch, this BUG has extended to happen almost always (80% of the times in my case). Some players have studied the BUG and it is for sure, as you point, something related with the function gyro and its internal cooldown, this cooldown seems to affect the scrapper itself, leaving him unable to stomp or rez unless reinstance or death. Scrapper right now can't be played in sPvP or WvW at competitive level, because stomping or rezzing is just a lottery right now.

It has been a bug since HoT, but it was most prominent in WvW for whatever reasons there could be. I've made multiple bug reports about it in the past from within the game over the time I had played during HoT. It has always been lingering about in my experiences with the function gyro. It seems to have gotten worse somehow.

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